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Drinking Pee


Jun 25, 2003
So I read somewhere that approx 30% of MDMA is passed into the urine. Anyone tried it then??!
Thank god I live in the UK where pills are £2 ($3) each so if I want to get higher I just buy another one rather than contemplate drinking my own piss.

Sure, a certain amount of any chemical you ingest will be passed out in your urine, but are you that desperate to get higher? Really? Even alcoholics don't drink their own piss, even though a very large amount of it might be alcohol.

I know E is expensive in the US/Australia compared to the "its cheaper than beer" status it has here in the UK, but I think if you are in need of the high so much you are willing to consume your own urine you need to ask yourself where your priorities are!

If you must do it, do it only once. Your piss is chock full of toxins and your body is trying to get rid of them for a reason. Drinking your piss a second time is stupid, even if something like 10% of your pill is in there since the toxins will be highly concentrated and start causing problems.
Some people like doing it anyway....... 8o

85% is passed straight out in your piss.

Sunray said:
Some people like doing it anyway....... 8o

85% is passed straight out in your piss.


I'd like to see some sort of source to back that up cos I really don't believe you
thats quite nasty, id rather be sober than high via drinking my own urine.

then again, it is sterile and able to sustain life if you needed it to in a dire situation.

id also like to see a source for that sunray
About 2/3rds of a moderate dose of MDMA will end up in your urine, unchanged. A small amount in the form of MDA will also end up in the urine. Since the half-life is about 8-9 hours, if you collect all your urine for that 8-9 hour period, you could recover perhaps a third of the dose taken. Even at US prices, I'm not about to try it.
That urine contains toxins is false. Urine is in fact sterile and a very good cleanser for the body if drunk. It is not a waste product as some would have you believe but rather just a by product of the kidney's function in regulating our blood concentration.

However, it's still piss.
i have heard of eskimos drinking the piss of elk after feeding them psychedelic mushrooms.

I hope to never be jonesing for a buzz so bad that piss drinking becomes a solution.
a mate has done, erm he said he was about to puke then came up quite poorly.. i wudnt do anyhting like that, id really reather shove it up me arse, which i still wudnt do!
amnesiaseizure said:
That urine contains toxins is false. Urine is in fact sterile and a very good cleanser for the body if drunk. It is not a waste product as some would have you believe but rather just a by product of the kidney's function in regulating our blood concentration.

However, it's still piss.

Toxins have nothing to do with "cleanliness". True, urine is sterile when it comes out (was once used as an anti-sceptic in WW1). Urine is full of the by products of chemical reactions in your body, the metabolites of chemicals your liver has destoyed (like when it removed MDMA) and anything else not wanted in your blood.

Any chemical that is in your blood that shouldn't be is broken down (by various organs) and put into your urine by the kidneys. The kidneys don't "produce" these products, they syphen them out of the blood.

You can only survive by drinking your own urine for a day or two. After that the concentration of various chemicals is so high it will kill you.

Your body is trying to get rid of these things for a reason, not because they happen to pass through the kidneys (everything must pass through the kidneys).

I don't know where you got the idea urine was not full of bad chemicals, its something taught at pre-GCSE level science (thats about age 13 if you are not british).

Drinking piss is certainly not clean your blood out, it'll make your kidneys work a hell of a lot harder since everything they just removed is put back into, ontop of anything else you would need to have removed anyway!
it's funny how often this topic comes up...

there was a thread in Drug Culture a little while back about drinking urine.
you can check it out here if you'd like:

>>getting more out of your drugs<<

the consensus there was about the same as it is here - yes it might work, but it's not worth the high or the health risks involved. for the record, that's my opinion on the matter as well.

would you agree to drink a cup of piss for $20? that's essentially what you're doing if you choose to ingest urine rather than buy another pill. (it's even less $$ if you're outside of the USA). that doesn't strike me as much of a bargain.

I don't know what you guys are talking about. Where I come from, everyone drinks their piss so they can roll harder.

Its just the in thing to do.
AlphaNumeric said:
Thank god I live in the UK where pills are £2 ($3) each so if I want to get higher I just buy another one rather than contemplate drinking my own piss.

Lucky you it beats paying $15-30 for pills where i live. It must be a nice thing droppin $30 for 10 pills.:p

I say an enterprising person could tap into a major source of e here....just go to raves ahead of time and re-run the urinal plumbing to a truck outside, then haul all that likwid gold back to the lab. You could pour yoseff a frosty mug o' x-crement while you distilled out all your "product". Now...seriously you guys (<Eric Cartman)....if it is 2/3 that goes to urine, then drinking ALL THAT PISS (member all the water you drink) would get you 2/3 of a tab ($13) of which you could use 1/3 of. In other words....YOU DRANK A BUCKET OF COLD PISS FOR $4.00 FUCKING BUCKS! I can see it now - "Man...I gotta piss" 'Oh...hey man, could you piss up my ass, cause I have a hard time keeping it down and I can't afford to buy a quarter of a tab' "sure man...I know you'd do it for me" 'right on dude' "there ya go buddy" 'oh man...it's so warm' SICK SHIT8(
or to go a step further, collect all your pee and that of your mates and do a little extraction. Anyone know the general composition of piss??
Pharcyde said:
Lucky you it beats paying $15-30 for pills where i live. It must be a nice thing droppin $30 for 10 pills.:p

Never bought more than 5 at once and never taken more than 3 in one night. Just because its cheap doesn't mean it should be abused :)

nowonmai said:
or to go a step further, collect all your pee and that of your mates and do a little extraction. Anyone know the general composition of piss??

It has high concentrations of urea, which when mixed with certain compounds can be turned into a fertilising agent or even a form of explosive if I remember correctly.