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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Dph+Dxm(300mg, 455mg) Beginner- Eyes have been opened


Oct 23, 2013
I've tried to trip off of DPH several times before but nothing exciting happened and was extremely disappointing as I wanted to experience the full blown hallucinations.. but as soon as I mixed it with DXM my opinions have changed.

On a normal morning my parents woke me up to tell me they were taking my brother out to the park. (I'm only 18, yes I live with my parents.) I knew it would be a good day to trip and that's what I did. I gathered my stash and started up. I had 150mg of DPH in syrup and 150mg in gelcaps. At first I was only going to try the DPH and see if my luck would change.. I took my dose at around 10:30 a.m and laid down to watch T.V. The usual heavy load came over me and it was hard to walk. I was very sleepy and I quite enjoy this feeling. I laid on the couch watching T.V. enjoying my day. I tried so hard to stay awake but around 1 pm I decided it was nap time. I slept for only and hour and I was surprised because I thought I wouldn't wake up for awhile. I woke up bored.

I decided to try DXM for the first time as I remembered I saw Desylm in the cabinet and I had a bottle of Tussin. At about 2 p.m I had ingested 375mg of DXM from the Desylm and 80mg from the tussin because I was too scared to try too much tussin because it had Guafinesin in it as well.. So all in all I had 455mg DXM. The Desylm was very easy to drink, I actually liked it. The Tussin on the other hand was very hard, but I didn't drink it effectively. I decided to take shots from the cup that come with the medicine. It was hard to stomach but I got over it. The only sick feeling I got from it was because of the nasty taste.

After finishing my dose I laid back down on the couch to watch more TV. Not sure what I was watching but I wasn't paying much attention at all because I was really excited about what was about to happen. I started getting warm and fuzzy with a sense of euphoria. It was amazing, I knew something awesome was going to happen. As I was watching TV I was paying attention to the black border underneath the screen, there was an equalizer, like you would see on your computer when you play music. The bars were bright blue and moved to the sound of the words from the TV. I watched this for what seemed like forever, I thought what I was seeing was normal, I didn't know I was hallucinating yet. Soon I looked away for some reason and looked back, it was gone. That's when I knew it started.

I walked into my room to play some video games, I decided to play some League of Legends for some reason. I was was not me. My thoughts were someplace else and my body went through the motions I would normally go through.. I moved without thinking, I talked without thinking.. Soon I logged onto League and started talking to my friends, kind of.. I didn't talk much. We started a game, and I played alright, but still very poorly. Half way through the game I noticed a face under my monitor. It was the face of a woman and it was faint like a ghost, but it was a tint of blue just like the equalizers from earlier. I didn't know who she was as she was not familiar but she kept disappearing and reappearing. She eventually disappeared for good and that's when I noticed something new. The rope on the cord to my Razor Deathadder was a giant black worm or a giant leach that you would see from the rain forest.. I was in shock in my chair, scared to move. I just sat there and watched it move up and down on the chair. I didn't freak out because I know it wasn't real, but it seemed so real. I zoned back into my game and somehow my internet disconnected and I didn't know how to fix it. I got pissed off and left my room to go watch some more TV.

As I was watching TV I noticed something on the ceiling, but it was something so odd and interesting. It was a spider. This was not a normal spider, it had giant legs compared to the rest of it, something like a daddy long leg.. The legs were transparent, but they had tints of red and blue so I was able to distinguish them moving on the ceiling. The leg movements were like fluids, like what was on Donnie Darko, the transparent orb stuff. As I was watching it I saw it drop to the floor, holy shit, the amount of fear the went through me was unreal. I was for certain this creature was going to bite me. I looked around on the floor and didn't see anything so I looked back at the ceiling and there it was.. Same spot. I got up to look closer at it and in reality it was just a stinkbug.

Sometime later my family came back home.. My memory was a blur and all of the small things that happened were very hard to remember. We finally made a fire outside and I chilled and enjoyed the fire. The firewood itself was morphing and changing into different things. The wood morphed into the mask of Paul Gray from Slipknot, why this happened I have no idea.. The coolest morphing that happened was the wood turned into my little brother, and he turned his head to look at me. It was a memory I had from a trip we took to the beach, it was honestly the coolest thing I've ever seen happen. It was so real. Soon after I went to bed around 8:30. I had very cool CEV's and vivid dreams. I can't remember what they were about but I remember thinking they were so cool. I woke up around 9 am with more CEV's. My pupils were massive and my balance was off a little.

Through out the day I felt pretty normal, just with a bit of balance problems but I can't say if that was from the DXM because I normally have balance problems haha.. I didn't have anymore visuals the whole day, until that night. It was a normal night and I was chilling around the fire again, feeling very relaxed. I looked up and noticed the trees swaying terribly.. I thought I was in a wind storm, the trees looked like they were about to blow over. I didn't feel the wind however, I realized I had another hallucination. It kind of freaked me out because I thought the effects were completely gone, but that was the last of it.

This was one hell of an experience and I enjoyed every moment of it. I've tried small doses of DXM several times after (Only about 200mgs) but nothing too cool has happened. I've never tried it again with DPH but it will surely happen.
Great report, thank you.

It takes a somewhat unique taste to enjoy this substance and I think you have it, as did (or do?) I.
It's really an amazing experience but it can turn bizarre pretty quickly, especially when you really forget that you took someone.
One time I took this combination with a friend. Probably around 600 mg DXM and 500 mg DPH, maybe even 600 mg? Now that's definitely nothing that should be repeated lightheartedly, we're both heavyweights. He took a bit more than me and it went all the way...He was always asking me why we wouldn't let in all the people outside the window and didn't talk to me for 30 minutes because he didn't want to interrupt the conversation I was supposedly having with the person sitting on my cupboard. When we went outside, he was all excited to show me exactly where the "invisible amoebas" he was seeing where lurking around the street.

And after the added weed to the mix, he continued to have conversations with his "mother" while I just wanted to sleep. Was a bit worried, but was all alright the next day.

Crazy stuff.
I definitely have the taste for these trips, they're so interesting. It's crazy how our brain works and how reality can be bent and strung into something so unreal. I'm definitely going to try this a lot more, or until I feel like I shouldn't. It's hard to use caution as you never know what will happen, fear is one hell of an emotion where anything is possible..

I've read about dramamine trips as well, but I'm not sure if they're any different than regular old DPH because that's what dramamine breaks down into when ingested. Either way I just reacted the same way as I do with Benedryl and I didn't trip with only dramamine.

I've also read about Datura and it's something that I'm interested in and would like to experiment with as well.