DP from Drugs? (Depersonalization) - and anxiety


Jul 28, 2010
I heard from a friend that you can get DP from drugs and it causes dissasociation and you can get it from dissassociates???
He said something simmilar to that at least. What is DP?
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Depersonalisation is a psychiatric/psychological term used to mean a feeling that you are disconnected from the world and your own body/self. Wikipedia actually explain it pretty well - check here.

It's a fairly common effect for a range of drugs, most commonly seen with dissociatives but also hallucinogens, stimulants Iespecially when you are heading into paranoia/psychosis territory) and opioids (when you are nodding for example). It tends to be temporary and wear off as the drug effects subside.

It is also a fairly common symptom in psychiatry, especially in anxiety disorders or post traumatic stress syndrome.
Well i have extreme anxiety and am on 4mg klonopin daily 30mg dextroamphetamine daily nuerontin and buspar and ambien. I have ptsd. So that scares me. What are the long term effects?
Are dissociation and depersonalization distinct? I didn't know opiates could do that.
It's a symptom not a condition - so it doesn't have any long term effects itself, it *is* an effect of your anxiety (or of someone's drug taking etc..)

Are you seeing anyone for your anxiety? Have you brought this up with them? I'm really sorry to hear you are having a bad time - there is a really excellent thread on anxiety in The Dark Side forum which you might find useful - link here :)

I'm actually going to move this over to The Dark Side forum as they are better equipped to discuss things like derealisation/depersonalisation and anxiety disorders - it covers mental health/illness, addiction, emotional problems and is full of supportive and knowledgeable people :) I hope that is okay, I think you will get a better response there <3


edit: dissociation is more of an unlinking between your mind and body where as depersonalisation is a feeling of unreality about yourself - it's hard to describe complex symptoms like these. Not common with opioids, just sometimes under certain circumstances.
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thank you. And my friend told me it was permanent and I told him I thought it was just while your under the influence of A dissasociate. He said I seem really dissasosiaced from life but it might be all the diagonsis i have. ive been told by one of the best phyciatrists that i had the worst adhd he's ever seen. He said thats what my EEG shows and he said that that causes the anxiety and racing thoughts and bi-polar, im also technically OCD. I was even on clonopin when i was 14. I remember having OCD rituals at the age of 3. Oh and im also diagnosed PTSD
P.S. I also have Temperol Partial Lobe Seizures aka Dysrithmia (Sp?)