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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DOx (DOB?) - Inexperienced - Harry Potter


Feb 4, 2009
this one right here we started calling it the harry potter story. or later on vietnam cause this was the turnning point as far as trips go.

it takes place about 18 months ago im chilling at me friends apartment like always after work, ppl comming and going chillen drinking smoking, he had sum random guy over who had been talking about tripping bla bla bla - by this time me and my buddy had tripped 10 or 11 times all had been crazy but not badd trip all within the last 5 months -now you think i would have learned to not just take stuff without thinking about it - by the end of this story though i damn sure did

this guy was telling us it had been dipped twice earlyer that day and as far as i can tell he was nt trying to sell it as much as trying to get ppl to test it. he said, "here yall take it now for free, but you gotta take it now you cant save it for later or tryen sell it". wich made me allmost not wanna do it because i had work the next day -( i was a cook at a local restrant) but both my friends popped it without a secant thought...so i did too- tasted like it was gonna burn right though my tong. in fact he rapeted that line to everyone who came in that appartment even if they just stopped buy for a sack or blunt wich it was as i rememmber quite a buisy night , and most if not all took at least one hit

now this was ur regular dope house random ppl (mostly high school kidds like me) all over chillen wutever. eventully this guy had handed out 50+ hits to everyone he came incontact with - and hey who is gonna turndown free drugs? but so far we felt nothing and i was getting sleepy and disapointed , "well im bought to call it a night " the guy had a strange look , omaniss , he left as did all of the others eccept sum random girl, who had gottan strandded overthere wen her ride left, she was well known as an ice junky. sad she was only 16 and already ppl new she was gone, a real "space cadet" we told her to get out bitch we aint got no dope/ but we let her stay cause she started wineing

so its like 3 hours after we had dropped still nothing it was me and b chillen smoking passing the bong, not to that bitch though she looked nasty.
finnaly 4 hours later im stareing at the wall as it starts turning blueish and has a melt like effect. i get all excited all right trip time- its strange way stronger cumming on than i had thought it became harder and harder to process information. i could feel my mind getting slower , dummer but theres not question we r trippin - i turned to the dope bitch and asked if she had ever tripped before , she was like- duhhhhh huhhh??? - dumass look on her face - ok wutever - i guess shes fucked up

the lights are bright walls melting , stange we cant think sright at all - all of a sudden thers a quiet nock on the door , i jump up " hey !!" wtf ahahahahahah start giggling all of us thehehehe lololol - whos there? we open the door its one of the ppl from earlyer. he had the most dreadful look the same look that other guy had. he said ,"jesus i went to sleep 4 hours ago thinking it was bunk , woke up tripping buzzzll," "wut the hell did i dooooo?" i could tell he was having troble forming words aswell

so now theres 4 of us in the appartment its no idea wut time it is and that bitch starts complaning how she is startting here peirod shes like; "doooo yalllllll havvvv anyyy tammpponns iiiiiiiii cannnn ussse???" .... " ur asking use guys if we got any tampons, no bitch get yo bloody ass out" ok we didnt throw her out cause she was like us; on acid and we at least didnt want to get ourselves in trouble. some time later she keeps begging for a tampon; its relly freking us out /so we make the disition to walk to the wal-mart up the road..... its suiside to go alone so me and b start walking .... we had underestamated how fukked up we were EVERYTHING was terrifing felt like the ground was gunna open up and at the same time without sayimg anything the both of us turned around and rann back to the appartment , we tried 3 more times to get up the currage to go but the farthest we got was just out of the complex parking lot , then we rann back terrifyed. " well we tried"

as we walk back in more ppl from earlyer had shown up -sum gansta fool from around the way and two other girls , they were all tripped out too . by this time we were runnig out of cigs and bud and of course that bitch was still pleading for tampons. now the walmart was no more than half a mile but no one could even think about leaving - its a group effort we call everyone we no who could go to the store for us or and wouldnt you know it EVERYONE we call 10 or 15 ppl are all tripping and r as terrifyed as we r - infact a few of em r alone and had been all night so we were like come on over cause this shit was heavy

nock nock , we open the door and theres a who group of fools 5 or 6 ppl all from earlyer all tripping , as they came in it was like a family reuion , hugging and saying o u made it how are u all of a sudden thers 14 ppl tripping ballz having 14 differant conversations
like im talking to w ,hes talking, bought somthing to b, hes chatting with j, who is talking to gangsta fool -ect... its like were all in some strange expiriment . we were all standing up most were lafghing uncontrolably at nothing infact it was contagious too

so here we are 14 ppl tripping ballz to the wallz as the trip progresses we get more crazy way way stupid too we were craving the presentce of a sober person but there was no one not tripping i didnt even no most of these fools before but that didnt matter cause we were all tripping together ...that bitch that was on her period was *GONE* she started walking around and her eyes would roll in the back of her haed as she passed out - DEAD omg wtf everybody jumped up but we were so tripped out that we all started giggling "omg this is bad hahahahahahah o shit teheheheheheh", suddenly her eyes pop open and she stands back up and walks tward us falling agin , with the same effect everyone cant help but laffff again and again this bitch gets up says "harrrrry potter" or if sum1 tried to talk to her she was like "rrr-i-g-h-t" and would pass out again it was so fucking trippy espesialy when she tried to walk over to us.. no one new her so it wasfrekkin scary , it was as if she was possest by some kind of evil.

if you can picture a roomfull of ppl from all walks of life hardcore gangsters, drug dealers, workers, older , yonger all of use beeing chased around the room by a patiet 16 year old zommbi whit no pants on we were all horribly terrifyed of her and over and over again she would say "right?" and pass out , then get back up and say "harry potter" then pass out - occasionaly hit her haed on a table thus making everyone howl with lafter. it was insanity i came to the conclusion that we would all slowly end up just like her i couldnt think no one there could wut to do

finaly one of the gangster fools is like "if that b goes though that window ,its all over for us" ok so srap her down but no one wanted to touch her - he said '' look she needs some1 to look after her and i need some head" made sence to us take her in the next room go for it - we were too tripped out to care

its daylight and everyone is still standing around tripping giggling it was time for work but fuck that shit noway hosay my phone rings so i take it apart and hide it im convenced this is the rest of our lives were gonna be tripped out forever no hope . but finaly we get ahold of s1 who is not tripping- ph, hes not sober infact he was cumming off a 3 day dope benge and had a job interview in 4 hours but he said he would come over to help us.... thank god

wen he got there we were so happy and gave him a group hug -gangsters included- he brought weed and baddly needed ciggerets and tampons- and was like "yall oe me 20 bucks or sum dope " sure sure wutever "by the way theres this crazy demon bitch terrizing us too" ",where she go , o yea i think shes giving that black guy head or sumthing , we dont know we haven cheacked on them for a wile". he said -ill see wuts up- so he opens the door to the other room , "well they are deffantly not fuckking-everyone races over- lololololo omg she is still doing the "right" "harry potter" rotine,standing on the bead then passing out meanwile the black dude is like on the floor in the corner

it went on and on i dont no if it was a bad trip but shit after we came down like 30 hours after takking it. my friend b never did it again after that ,as for me i could never relax on my trips after that and still to this day i worry bought ending up like "harry potter"

also found out later on the substance we had ingested most likly was something known as -DOB

this is crazyhairman peace

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damn. That sounds like the worst environment to trip in, glad you enjoyed it. I hate chaotic environments with people coming and going while im tripping, especially people I don't know well. Also, i would have been pretty disturbed by the "harry potter girl." Both her obvious distress and subsequently other peoples callous reaction to her, would sadden me deeply while on a psychedelic. i hope the guy who intended to rape her gets what's coming to him, in a big way.

any updates on how your companions handled the trip?
Fuck your cold hearted
lol hey, he tried 4 times to go to the store just to get the chick some tampons. which most guys wouldnt do sober, let alone tripping their nuts off!
this is the most entaining TR i've seen posted in quite a while. i had a good laugh and though it read pretty well actually heh =D
damn. That sounds like the worst environment to trip in, glad you enjoyed it. I hate chaotic environments with people coming and going while im tripping, especially people I don't know well. Also, i would have been pretty disturbed by the "harry potter girl." Both her obvious distress and subsequently other peoples callous reaction to her, would sadden me deeply while on a psychedelic. i hope the guy who intended to rape her gets what's coming to him, in a big way.

any updates on how your companions handled the trip?

r u kidding we all had a horrible time that was the whole thing .
that Chick(can i say chick)COLOR]ended up bleading all over everything , everyone els was xacally the same ,laghfing uncontrollably at stuff that was horribly sad
yall wernt there like i said i wanted to help her but i couldnt- everyone ended up having a badd trip cause of her -baddddd terifing!!!!! everyone ended up ok ----- phisically

and hello if i said i never was able to relax on cid because of this one time -do u think that i enjoyed myself .....duhhh.......ok mabey a littl
i learned alot
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finaly one of the gangster fools is like "if that b goes though that window ,its all over for us" ok so srap her down but no one wanted to touch her - he said '' look she needs some1 to look after her and i need some head" made sence to us take her in the next room go for it - we were too tripped out to care

that is SUPER fucked up. i have never "been too tripped out to care." if anything, im too tripped out to NOT care. that is some weird fucked up stuff man. I realize you said nothing ended up happening, but its the intent...
id like to see how u would would have done!!! - i was among well experianced ppl and they were all useless as me ...iv never experiaced anything so fucked up sence in fact we could have thrown her out or left but we were worried wtf its a tr i did leave out detales like how i tried to talk to her but all she would say is "right" "hairy potter" everyone was concerned im sure IM NOT a MONSTER ,just overwellmed ---- just piss off what a dick

she went back too her ice pipe the next day i dont even know if she remebered anything at all -but 10 out of the 14 ppl never tripped again cause of this ONE time
im sry dude its just NO DUHH its fucked up thats the whole point to my story!!!! everyone was bonkers, ur preaching to the quire ! im not bragging bought it shit - it was like mind controll anyone could have walked in and told us to do wut ever im sure . ooooooo im sure ur way better at wut ever it is u do than me; im sure
im sry dude its just NO DUHH its fucked up thats the whole point to my story!!!! everyone was bonkers, ur preaching to the quire ! im not bragging bought it shit - it was like mind controll anyone could have walked in and told us to do wut ever im sure . ooooooo im sure ur way better at wut ever it is u do than me; im sure
Sorry if you felt i was flaming you, i didn't mean to criticize you personally. i think you got all the negative comments because while you described the events that happened well, you don't really give us much perspective on how these things made you feel. this leads the reader to assume that everything was just fine in your eyes. i think you made yourself clear in your replies though.

just trying to give a helpful critique so your next report will be better. glad you learned from the experience, but i guess how could you not?
actully i was talking too tman up there im sry yall i got so worked up just wen i relive it i trip out and get all stressed out i try and laff it off so i dont go insane but that was a horrible trip but everything happends for a reason . again sry ur comments are wellcome
i didnt say i would handle it any better, i think that part is just real fucked. a room full of 14 people, and no one was even remotely bothered by it seems.
Horrible the events traumatized everyone there. I'm clean now, like a normal guy you meet at work. Kinda a miracle the things we did back then.
Sounds like a night to remember. I also had an experience where I thought I was taking acid and instead took a whack-load of what was most likely DOx. It's sneaky because the come-up is so much slower, so you take more thinking that it's weak acid, until you get floored. The two friends I was with ended up getting PTSD/flashbacks from it. One ended up in the hospital strapped to a gurney, and the other one I had to lead around as he snarled like an animal.
Jesus crist ... this makes me visibly sick even thinking about that insanity. Even all these years later. It occurred to me I could have just left out certain parts, or even lied and said I tried to help. But I wrote down what I remembered un edited or altered. I am not proud of my behavior that night. There was definitely long lasting side effects. Honestly I wouldn't remember details or even wanted to so I am glad I wrote this down at the time. If for nothing else but to discouraged others from falling into the same place.

Thank you for leaving this up. I have no contact with anyone from that night anymore. Many of them either ended up in prison, or moved away or moved on. Those days, those people, that time is but a distant memory and is in stark contrast to what my life has become. You could never imagine that used to be me.

Time heals almost everything. Sobriety was a long fought battle but well worth it in retrospect.
