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downers on the same day as uppers?


Aug 14, 2010
i consumed about 80mg of methylphenidate (2 Daytrana transdermal patches) around 1:00pm today, and im wondering if it is ok to take a few 5mg percs tonight after 5 or 6 hours?
yes, you can do what you like. I dont see any harm in doing what you just described.

it will probably make you feel better.
Just be carefull if you have a low tolerance to either substances.... SPEEDBALL !!!!!!!
you'll be straight. it's not gonna be a speedball if he takes it 5 or 6 hours later. DUH!
i know.... i was saying he should do it all at once and have a SPEEDBALLLL!!!!
i know.... i was saying he should do it all at once and have a SPEEDBALLLL!!!!

as fun as that may sound, it's not in the realm of harm reduction, when you are on that many drugs at once you never know how high you are until you OD. i was just thinking that this guy should be careful... spreading out the drug administration is the best of ideas.
your right punch my bad. Just speaking from personal experience and i should have kept HR in mind.... Be safe Rasta