Don't you feel sexy?


Oct 24, 1999
Is it just me, or do you feel like the most gorgeous person in the world when you're rollin'? Not only do I notice that everyone around me is beautiful, I feel like I am just about the hottest thing going! I am normally a fairly insecure woman when it comes to my looks, and I tend to have trouble accepting compliments. But when on E I feel like I could strut down a runway in a thong and just rock the house!
I'm sure it has a lot to do with the way the other people on E are looking at me, since they are seeing me in the same beautiful world I am seeing them in, but it is just wonderful! Does anyone else feel this way? Please don't make fun of me if you don't!
You are beautiful!!!
Did E just make you realize that?
A Big Squeeze from the Queen of Cheese!
Da Queen
Thank you so much! That's so sweet!
This board and all the Bluelighters absolutely rock! I have learned so much and feel like I can relate to so many of you! Thanks!
I also feel like that when Im rolling. Everybody around you (including yourself) are so beautiful and sweet! Its a wonderful feeling to have!!
Hell ya, you just flow, it's magical, it's like the movies, it's like the prom you never had. People look beautiful in pictures when they're on e (except for the occaisional grinding, sweating, and bulging eyes from speedy stuff
). They are angels, their spirits swimming together in ethereal seas of ecstasy.
Faces become relaxed. Muscles have no negative emotions attached to make them clench. Grudges are dropped, breathing becomes hypnotic and sensual. Speaking becomes a sensual communication from heart to heart, and the voice resonates with the same beauty that is emanating from inside. And of course, there is that ubiquitous smile.
Hell ya, people on e look beautiful, that's why they're called "beautiful people". I get turned on by a girl with open eyes and dilated pupils now, whether or not she's on anything!
You go home happy, in love, without regrets, and fall asleep content. Little hopefully, of drama and confusion. You call your friends the next day and remind tham that you love them. No regrets. It's still there. They remember too, they still feel it.
How awesome is that?
Plus the moist, writhing bodies undulating in heavily percussive trance, the tight clothing, the toned bodies, the sexual energies, the spiritual connection.
When you hit the Zone, you go for it. You don't say NEVER, you say NOW. You look in the bathroom mirror and see yourself and say, "You know _____, you are quite a handsome/beautful person, i don't know if i've told you this recently, but you are one sexy muthafuckah and you are quite the shit. Go out there and bust it."
[This message has been edited by liquidocean (edited 14 January 2000).]
GOD!!!! it's so true!!!
i come out so great in pictures!!! and when i go out on e i look and feel great!!! it's the best... and that feeling you get of auto acception and how great everything is... and how much you just LOVE everybody...
i swear i love my cousin to death whenever i'm rolling... to the extent that i'll call her on my cell and tell her how much she means to me and force her to come see me... god i love e and it's theraputic qualities....
PLUR.... ahhhh.....
honestly... i don't even think about myself at all when i'm rolling
i'm usually too focused on everybody else and how incredible they are... and i always make it a point to point out to everyone what i like about them all night
maybe it's people like me that are making you feel beautiful?? and if so...well then my job is done
but like Raverqueen are beautiful!
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
hey this is off subject , but krisjane22 , are you going to kompression at the iceplex tonight ? email me if you are... peace !
Yeah, funny that. The more smashed I am, the better I look in photos.
(hence the pic of me on the pic
EXcellent! I might get wasted more that possible?