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Live Long and Prosper đź–– Don´t believe anything I say here but don´t disbelieve it either


Apr 19, 2019
The previous days I have listened for hours a song that is called 'Nirvana Shatakam', it talks about our Real Self not being anything that we usually identify with, from nation to sex, from body to mind. None of that is our Self.

But rather, that our Real Self is the 'form of consciousness and bliss', our real self is 'Shiva'.

Anyways, after listening to this mantra for Hours a perception is opening up.

When the lyrics go 'I am form of consciousness and bliss' I generate an intensity in the six chakra naturally.

And then when it says 'shivoham shivoham' (Shiva-God, etc...), I start to experience a Bliss that is indescribable in its intensity, I swear it FEELS EXACTLY LIKE how GOD WOULD FEEL. Is not a bliss that you can experience taking drugs, it is like utter pure cosmic ecstatic perfection, is God!! And I experience it for a few seconds.

I am beginning to perceive that God is literal Bliss. And I don´t mean conceptually.

I mean literally when you stop reincarnating you dissolve your individual physical creation (your body) and you experience Bliss 24/7 constantly.

While you are in this Bliss (is actually what is literally you, is your nature, is the 'building block' of you), other 'beings' that have not yet dissolved, are still in the dream, with their own respective imaginary bodies.
The God Head, the 'Bliss throne' is the same 'place' as where your physical body is right now, because all of reality is just Empty Bliss. But the Bliss can knot itself so much that it seems there is an apparent physical reality with other beings.

My goal is to make it in this lifetime. I want to make this life my last life on this creation. And I suspect I can do it through exiting through the 7 chakra.

My suspicion is that I can generate intensity in six chakra and raise those energies towards 7 chakra, where at one point the Bliss will be so intense it will dissolve the whole body like a big vacuum, out of pure intensity of the will of the God Head. Like it's beggining to happen with this song. I just have to make it x1000 more intense and I will be able to 'go back to my throne'.

If you dissolve your body through the 7 chakra you will not reincarnate again and you will stay in a ecstatic Shiva-God Mind of Literal Bliss constantly until next creation begins.

For that, every rest of the being in the dream must merge with the God Head so creation gets completely unified again.
I generate an intensity in the six chakra naturally.
And you are aware The Western talk about this system is total bullshit btw ;)
The previous days I have listened for hours a song that is called 'Nirvana Shatakam', it talks about our Real Self not being anything that we usually identify with, from nation to sex, from body to mind. None of that is our Self.
I suggest you read Nisargadatta Maharaj.

The State of "Samadhi" is made clear in The Yogasutra, you have done nothing apart from feed your own Ego.
I thought Shiva was a Hindu god; but not the one with all the arms and an elephant head?