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Misc Does X amount of narcotic drug/medicine lead less dependency over 1 or Y amount of consecutive days? Dose being always the same but being equal summed


Moderator: EADD
Staff member
Aug 9, 2022
There, you have it? Better to take 0.2 doses of narcotic five days amounting to 1.0 less dependence-forming and more withdrawals
or taking 1.0 by one dose? For avoiding flip side coin consequencies.
I think using a drug on Y consecutive days is more prone to dependency, tolerance and withdrawal but I'm by no means sure.
I was told so once, essentially
It makes sense repeat wakes caution of nervous system
I’ve taken opioids for 18+ years for a chronic illness, occasionally an inexperienced New doctor will taper me by simply guessing the speed & dose

Although this is different they all work on the brain similar, my doctor tapered me irresponsibly & started taking coke & ended up with a slight problem actually a massive problem!! , having already a broken nose it was a matter of time before the damage was done! That’s where I’m at


Any dose taken for roughly two weeks consecutively will experience slight fatigue & low mood. This is the crucial time when you decide to take more in order to be able to function that day or push through the irritability & slightly more perspiration oh and the low mode. This is where your addiction is born, then after addiction comes dependency whereby you’re unable to function at all without your daily dose. This is where I’m at
Sadly & I can tell you it’s the most loneliest, mentally draining place I’ve ever experienced in my life!

Think wisely before you start playing with these kinda medication, it ain’t pretty!!!
I have done that and WD'd. For getting sensitized and having rebounds easier I try to figure how to deal with minor amount in future, because I am going to do rest anyway (I am not flusher, or alcohol is only thing I have flushed in disgust, it is vile stuff)
Like , hypothetically ingesting on day zero 1 whole unit or day zero and day 1 half unit both days
Imagine taking gram of heroin in one day and suffering withdrawals (if it works for you like that)?
Or taking 0.15 each day for week.
Which one causes worse withdrawals?
Or whatever pattern with whatever drugs
Imagine taking gram of heroin in one day and suffering withdrawals (if it works for you like that)?
Or taking 0.15 each day for week.
Which one causes worse withdrawals?
Or whatever pattern with whatever drugs
Is this a multiple choice question if so I go with B or is it A 🤦🏼‍♀️
Imagine taking gram of heroin in one day and suffering withdrawals (if it works for you like that)?
Or taking 0.15 each day for week.
Which one causes worse withdrawals?
Or whatever pattern with whatever drugs

Ah, now that I may be able to answer.

With heroin, it's not so much the amount you use, it's more the length of time you've been using it.

The addiction is a creeper. The longer you've been using, the harder it is to get off.

Dose does play a part, but if you've been using small doses for a long period of time, it will shaft you up the arse quite thoroughly...
glad to hear
I don't know, I was fucking pissed off when I couldn't run errands so I got some functionally did shit that required attention.
Dunno about future
It's nice when garments are fresher and whole house
Just need to get rid of couch
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