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does tramadol get you high?


Jul 3, 2010
i think i'm getting tramadol and demerol mixed up...i dont know. i found some tramadol and i text my friend and they looked it up and said "pain killer" but is it like the really weak one?? i mean i didn't take it cuz it was at my grandmas. she had laxative and dieurtics that i wanted too but i cant jack that shit from my grandma cuz she needs it more than me but yah i was just wondering about tramadol
You can get high from tramadol. It is a stimulated quasi-opioid type high. Those who are accustomed to Mu opioid agonists (such as morphine or oxycodone) tend to not like it. Be certain not to exceed 400mg within 24hrs because that is the seizure threshold. Also avoid stimulants while taking tramadol.
depens on the person, i don't rate it at all, for some its the opposte... just remember no more than 400mg / day (seizureres)
Yes, it will get you high. It's a moderately strong quasi-opioid, more potent than codeine. It also has some antidepressant properties. In larger doses, it gives a strange, quite unique hybrid fast/slow feeling, which many people dislike - it can make you nod off, but be jittery at the same time.

I personally like it quite a bit - long duration, decent euphoria, good mood lift in general. Benzos decrease the jitters and make it feel more sedative and traditionally opioid-like.
Yep. Mild euphoria, long acting, mood lift. Great if tolerance is not an issue. An absolute ymmv though.
When I first started using opiates, I really loved tramadol. I thought the effects were great.. Stimulating and euphoric. But yes, take note of what the poster said about the 400mg/day limit.. I have witnessed people have seizures before because of taking too much tramadol.

After I moved on to stronger opiates though, like hydro/oxycodone, heroin, etc, tramadol didn't do anything for me. That's tolerance for ya though.
Tramadol doesn't get me high until I start taking 1000mg and 1500mg doses at a time. I don't even feel 500mg.
That's sooo dangerous. When you say things like that, you should really preface it with something like "I do this, but that doesn't mean you should because it's very dangerous." At least! Someone could read that post and think it's perfectly fine to take doses that high..

That is so, so very dangerous.

And if you need doses that high of tramadol, you should really be using different opiates.
I'm high on 30omgss right now. This is thefirst time I have even tried the stuff and I like it. No euphoria but a big mood lift and I feel very sociable. Very. I have an opiate tolerance but 300 was a good dose
Tramadol just brightened my mood, however I was using hard opiates so that may be why it didn't do much. My assumption.
i really like tramadol. 100-200mg for a slight subtle mood lift, motivation and energy.

300mg+ to get high. I really like the valium+tramadol combo.

400mg+ to nod hard. risking seizures but I've taken 700mg before and never had one. Doesn't mean you won't get one. It's a good idea to add a benzo with high doses of tramadol to avoid seizures.

I have a slight opiate tolerance 70mg-100mg hydrocodone is ideal for me and tramadol still gets me high.