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Does seeking medical help really help for a Long Term Comedown?

Something maybe worth mentioning but my personal exp is that as I grew older, 45 now, comedowns of various substances seem to have gotten way more handleable. Ok my dosing sceme's got better simultaniously but that what you gain getting older, smarter. I did my ridiculous ammounts of MDMA, to my standards but I know basterds bringing it way further. I took many different cathinones even chewed Khat. Now thats a harmless substance with no recorded LTC problems.Never took the the supposed N-ethyl-Pentylone. But Pentedrone in excess was pretty benign.

So whatever your experiencing seems to have an other origin. If these type of mainstream rc's would cause these kinda conditions it would have ring a alarm over here. They banned 4-fa after the first few incidents. Whatever was in your product, keep in mind there could be another cause blinded by staring blind one direction.

I take back what I wrote district9 as I searched the dosage guidelines for N-ethyl-pentylone and they are below If what you took was indeed 200mg it was a massive overdose. Treating like a stimulant overdose seems reasonable, but dr's are meh and medication protocols depend on the country you reside in. Keep up.

Threshol 10 mg
Light10 - 25 mg
Common25 - 40 mg
Strong40 - 60 mg
Heavy60 mg +
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If you seek medical help you will basically be treated for depression/anxiety. Your options will be:

Advice: work out, eat healthy
Chemical: SSRI's, SNRI's, propranolol i.e anxiety and depression medication
Mental: therapy i.e counselling and CBT

Whether or not these work depends on the person and the problem. I heard an interesting Joe Rogan podcast where somebody explained that SSRI's are based on a points based system. So if you had, say - I can't quite remember exact numbers but - a scale from 0-50, with zero being very depressed, and 50 being not at all depressed, and fifty things you could do that might mean on average you could reach a score of fifty (i.e cure your depression), then on average SSRI's would give you like 1-3 points. That's what you're dealing with there, and personally I'm yet to meet a single person (in person), who has benefited from SSRI's. Not to say they don't exist, but worth some consideration.

So treating it like a stimulant overdose, what would be the best way to deal with it? Just wait it out?
I have CITALOPRAM HBR 10 mg. I'm thinking of using it. I have a month's supply plus two refills. Wonder if it might help out a bit. But I'm concerned if it might interfere with the natural recovery itself? Any thoughts...?

So treating it like a stimulant overdose, what would be the best way to deal with it? Just wait it out?

Well the incidents that are happening around the so called N-ethyl-Pentylone addultared pills are hard to miss so it seems unforgiving in nature. The ammount those people took were probably in the same realms as yours.

"When the drug hit Australia in 2017, Dr David Caldicott, an expert in emergency medicine, told The New Daily: "It has been clearly responsible for the deaths of people overseas, and a rather unfortunate phenomenon known as ‘mass casualty overdoses’, where 10-20 people drop simultaneously. So, it’s of great concern to the music festival environment."

I misjudged the potency of a gram of dl-amphetamine I shared with a friend. It was like do you feel anything yet? ... Ok snort another line or drop another bomb (powder in a piece of paper taken orally) I didn't sleep until 24 hours later and felt complete shit after roughly 6/ 8 hours of fun. After a night of sleep and a day feeling lethargic it is over. Faster then MDMA which lingers till the delayed tuesday blues.

A comedown should not last too long period. Not too long ago I advocated Ashwagandha but my last trial didn't prove me right. It seemed without any benefits so I refrain from advice or disadvice do what is possible don't wait it out. But what you have is serious enough to actively seek out anything that would benefit. Btw Ashwagandha is an adaptogen on the caming site of the spectrum.

What seems to help me, at this time is getting your hands in the ground. So to say working with anything that's green and growing works for me. And low stress if that is an option internal external.

Have you shared this with people close to you?
I have CITALOPRAM HBR 10 mg. I'm thinking of using it. I have a month's supply plus two refills. Wonder if it might help out a bit. But I'm concerned if it might interfere with the natural recovery itself? Any thoughts...?

Last time when I was in serious shit my, shitty home/ general, ex- dr. sent me home with Sertraline. Without any introduction or explenation as to why this med was suited for what I was experiencing, mainly anxiety/ agitation/ mania/ hyperkinetic (old name for being hyperactive) and some borderline psychosis.

In the leaflet of the med is stated, but I read it on internet also, that the first 2 weeks taking Sertraline it intensifies. Rather then helping they amplify the problems.
The risk of suicide is documented but I remember there being other incidents where was questioned if being in the first 2 weeks of SSRI treatment was maybe a contributing factor. I was thinking about a guy who tried to drive his car through our queen. He was supposedly on Methylphenidate and just started an SSRI, without being depressed.

Could be wrong though you know the news. But SSRI are tricky at l least. Citalopram is also an SSRI.

Today I researched some Russian medical invention's that suprised me. They got some real good anti-anxiety approches. Etifoxine, Hopantenic acid, Tofisopam and it goes on. Without any first hand experience they look as good alternative's for SSRI's or habitforming GABAergics. Together with some calming adaptogens would my first resort.

Before I forget the Sertraline went back to the drugstore it came from.
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Yes, my friends know what I'm going through. I think some medications might prove helpful. Time will always be the actual "cure" but I do think that perhaps some medications may help a person with just dealing with the awful symptoms. But so far I have tried to simply wait it out and have not relied on any meds. Not yet.
Does anyone have any thoughts they would like to share abut using CBD? Might it help dealing with a Long Term Comedown? Benefits vs disadvantages? Thanks.
Does anyone have any thoughts they would like to share abut using CBD? Might it help dealing with a Long Term Comedown? Benefits vs disadvantages? Thanks.

A fascinating aspect of the cannabinoids is they stimulate homeostasis. The endocannbinoid system is like an autoregulator that tries to keep the internal enviroment in a stable state. What good that does on your condition ? But as CBD has no psychoactive effects so def try that one, and if report back your findings.

'The endocannabinoid system is made up of a vast number of cannabinoid receptors found through the immune system and the central and peripheral nervous systems. Cannabinoids like CBD interact with these receptors, stimulating a chemical response that work to keep all physiological functions in homeostasis"

From https://echoconnection.org/endocannabinoid-system-encourages-homeostasis-mean/

I am known to ingest copious ammounts of MJ before, during and after all my drugsessions. I have yet to exp a LTC.
Didn't protect me from a few fuck ups of human origin though.
Cannabis in experiments in mice reduced MDMA toxic effects.
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emkee reinvented

I tried just about four or five drops of cdb today. Did not really give me any relief. Maybe for a brief moment but not really. I am suppose to do a larger amount but don't think I'm going to risk it. From yesterday to today my anxiety has come back full force. I'm just doing my best to deal with it. Hence I thought I could give the cdb a try. But don't think it'll help much. Not against what I am dealing with. Wonder if this will ever end. ugh!
You think there is a risk with taking recommended doses of CBD. Why?

If the product is CBD the only risk is it doing nothing noticeable, as that's mostly the purpose here. Could still being doing lots of unnoticeable good things. You are making something way bigger of it.
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emkee reinvented

I am trying to be extra careful. My panicky feelings are sometimes really awful. I really do hope this will go away in time. Not sure if seeing a doctor might be the best thing. Maybe just wait it out.
I'm resorting to calling the doctor and seeking advice from them. I'm on my eleventh week of this nightmare and really could use a break. I know people say it will go away in time but there must be something that can ease the symptoms off a bit.
I didn't see the doctor but I had at my disposal CITALOPRAM HBR 10 mg which a doctor had given me two months ago and I had been hesitant to try it. I gave it a try for three days. Took one pill every day around noon. It affected my sleep too much. For instance, last night after a decent workout I only managed to get about 4 hours of sleep after which I simply could not go back to sleep. So I'm going to stop taking that for now. I drive an hour to work and it's not safe for me to be feeling sleepy at the wheel.

At this point I'm still undecided as what to do. The main advice I get from most online forums such as this is to simply ride the nightmare out. And this advice comes from people who seem sincere in their effort to help. So I'll have to think about that.

Will keep you posted. Thanks.