Writing-up Does Regular Cannabis Use Effect Memory or Executive functioning?


Jan 7, 2022
I am currently doing my Dissertation at University of Liverpool. I am interested in finding wether autobiographical memory (life events and own experience memories) OR executive functioning (the abiity to complete tasks) is effected by repetative cannabis use.

I need individuals who:
- Use cannabis AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH
- Used cannabis 5 OR LESS TIMES in their life

This study has never been done before so findings will be novel and create an important base for future research! It takes 10 minutes for regular cannabis users but less or those who fall into the non-user category.

CLICK HERE --> 10 Min Cannabis Effects Survey
OR COPY THIS LINK --> https://livpsych.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Li23fyaqhVgRIG

I hugely appreciate everyones efforts incompleting the study, each of you will be helping me immensly. I look forward to sharing the results with you all in June!
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@PsychologyEve Welcome to BL. Please take a minute to look through

And a second to edit in additional information to your recruitment post.

Thanks in advance and good luck with your research!!
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One of the primary concerns regarding regular cannabis use is its effect on memory and executive functioning. Studies have found that there may be a link between these two functions, as users often experience difficulties with recall and cognitive control during tasks. However, it remains unclear exactly how cannabis use affects these processes, and more research is needed to better understand this relationship.