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Does Provigil (modafinil) have euphoric, recreational or noticeable "dopamine" reward related effects?


May 11, 2016
I understand it's not quite comparable to meth or amphetamine, but it works on increasing dopamine if I have that correct?

Is there any noticeable "feel good" effect in dosing it?

Students are apparently using it to replace conventional stimulants as a study aid?

Anyone use this as a "club drug" or recreationally?
Does it have any of the feel-good-rush-reward feeling associated with it? (even remotely comparable to meth? ........... probably not).
Had no recreational potential in my experience. The effect was rather subtle.

No rush no euphoria? No uplifting feeling you'd get with maybe 60+ mg of decent'ish amphet-sulphate?

How would you characterize its effect?

Would you say it could be effective as a study-aid type drug?
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There was no rush or euphoria, no.

I took a particularly large dose of adrafinil which is a prodrug of modafinil.

I felt awake and alert but it's nothing like amphetamine or even caffeine. I found it to be better than caffeine but certainly not recreational.
Modafinil is not really a drug of recreational potential. While it does effect dopamine receptors similar to stimulants, it does so in a different way. Amphetamine is a dopamine releaser and inhibitor and so is Modafinil, but Modafinil simply does not create those effects. However, Modafinil is still stimulating, can still increase focus, and still increases cognitive performance.
Modafinil is not really a drug of recreational potential. While it does effect dopamine receptors similar to stimulants, it does so in a different way. Amphetamine is a dopamine releaser and inhibitor and so is Modafinil, but Modafinil simply does not create those effects. However, Modafinil is still stimulating, can still increase focus, and still increases cognitive performance.

In contrast to amphetamine, could you rate it as a cognitive-enhancer?

As/more/less effective?


If you had 6 hours hard study ahead of you and needed sharp focus and a keen-mind to really soak up the info, would how modafinil/amphetamine stack up back-2-back?
In contrast to amphetamine, could you rate it as a cognitive-enhancer?

As/more/less effective?


If you had 6 hours hard study ahead of you and needed sharp focus and a keen-mind to really soak up the info, would how modafinil/amphetamine stack up back-2-back?
Both amphetamine and Modafinil have been shown to be beneficial in their cognitive enhancing effects. However, Modafinil produces less adverse side effects than amphetamine. I would say Modafinil would be better in this use case, as the side effects of the amphetamine may do more harm than good. (Increased anxiety, jitters, and arrousal) I would also recommend non-drug use for your needs. Get enough sleep, take study breaks when you are no longer productive, eat healthy, etc.
A couple years ago, a coworker would trade his Modafinil caps to me for my homegrown weed. I used it for work (cooking in a very busy restaurant) and I liked it OK. Nothing like meth or Adderall, but combined with coffee it definitely gave me a lift. I probably wouldn't pay for it, but it was a nice motivator to use now&then. Not sure about its cognitive enhancement, but it improved my mood a bit and gave me more energy for a little while.

Edit: For work purposes, I much prefer Adderall (dextroamphetamine & amphetamine) to methamphetamine. I find meth to be too distracting. And too hot for kitchen work.
Round feedback seems to be, Modafinil = nowhere close to being as powerful as amphetamine.

Basically like a slightly modified cup of coffee?

- No euphoria or mood lift (though, https://www.drugs.com/comments/modafinil/for-depression.html many cases claiming otherwise).

- I guess I'll just have to try it to know for sure but typically for cognitive enhancement, get a back-log of work done, I use amphetamine or methamphetamine.

They're both excellent cognitive boosters and even better, when you feel bummed out you have so much work to get done, you feel snowed under etc., they also give this wonderful euphoric mood lift.
I get a very mild speedy buzz from a whole tablet, but mostly when I haven't used it in months. Tolerance builds very fast. It's certainly not worth using for this effect alone, as it comes with jitters and muddled thinking for me. It is great however for its on-label use for preventing sleep (almost too good - don't take it after say 5pm if you expect to be able to sleep by midnight), and also excellent for motivational power doing unpleasant cleaning-type tasks.. A half-tab can help with focus during tasks requiring brainwork, but I find more than that is counterproductive for me.

Agree with @Azed that getting good sleep, taking breaks etc will serve you better if you're studying and want to retain what you read.
I was prescribed modafinil at one point. It promotes alertness and is somewhat stimulating, but it is not at all recreational. If you take a second dose, it still isn't recreational, but becomes uncomfortable and overstimulating.
The dopaminergic effects of modafinil are very weak and insignificant, they just don't have a better explanation for now. Think I read that it works as a histaminergic, which makes sense given that antihistamines make you tired (if you get this; for me they fail, every single one) and heroin keeps one awake initially because of histamine release.

But no, it's not recreational and that's the reason it's not scheduled or like here even available without prescription. Felt kinda like a caffeine variant to me.
I was prescribed modafinil at one point. It promotes alertness and is somewhat stimulating, but it is not at all recreational. If you take a second dose, it still isn't recreational, but becomes uncomfortable and overstimulating.

When you say "alert" as an example, if I use amphetamine or meth, my mind goes into "learning" mode.

I just want to soak up all the information known to man.

Study the specifics of quantum entanglement and the quantum wave function.

College students use it before exams for similar reasons.

Does modafinil have anything similar to that type of effect?
My doctor tried putting me on this but insurance refused to pay for it without a sleep study or narcolepsy diagnosis.

Stupid that a drug with no euphoric;/recreational effect is scheduled/controlled & hard to get unless you have a sleep disorder.
When you say "alert" as an example, if I use amphetamine or meth, my mind goes into "learning" mode.

I just want to soak up all the information known to man.

Study the specifics of quantum entanglement and the quantum wave function.

College students use it before exams for similar reasons.

Does modafinil have anything similar to that type of effect?

No, not really. It literally makes you feel awake and gives you some amount of energy, that's about it. There is also a small motivation boost, and perhaps a bit of focus, but it isn't anything remotely approaching that of amphetamine.
When you say "alert" as an example, if I use amphetamine or meth, my mind goes into "learning" mode.

I just want to soak up all the information known to man.

Study the specifics of quantum entanglement and the quantum wave function.

College students use it before exams for similar reasons.

Does modafinil have anything similar to that type of effect?
It would be allot healthier and softer on the body than amphetamine or meth. The effect doesnt seem to last that long tho. As for recreational potential, im going to say no. There is a very mild Euphoria the first couple of times you take it but it evaporates afterwards. Its akin to a cup of coffee when you havnt had coffee in a long time. Dont mix it with caffeine as you might get mild anxiety. Check my latest post
It's coffee that took a step toward actual speed. How big a step would depend on the person, suppose.
Go a month without Coffee and then have a cup, its not that far removed from a speed type effect. People massively understate how powerful cafeene is when thinking about these things. Like you get some very real withdrawal systems when you stop drinking coffee.
Go a month without Coffee and then have a cup, its not that far removed from a speed type effect. People massively understate how powerful cafeene is when thinking about these things. Like you get some very real withdrawal systems when you stop drinking coffee.
Exactly. Coffee has definite recreational effects for me. Been addicted since I was 12.
Compared to speed, it's much more adrenergic and jittery, though. Modafinil is similar to me, better'n coffee, but not speed.
Coffee has other compounds as well.

80-90% chocolate will have you flying much more than coffee or caffeine(synthetic)