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Opioids Does Methadone go off?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Just say hypothetically of course you had enough of the gear & got access to a fair bit of methadone "off road" but it had been saved up by another addict from his script. It had been sitting there being added to weekly & you had oh I don't know say half a litre off him but some of it could be upto 3 months old. Would it be any good? Does Methadone break down into something else over time?

All the times before I MAY have had methadone off other addicts it's always been small bits & on the same day they get their script on the week they pick up, any danger of it making me ill or at the worst doing nothing at all?
I do not think it metabolizes into anything else and the reason its used in clinics is because the half life is around 30-36 hours, depending on your metabolism. Methadone hydrochloride products should remain stable for up to a thirty-day period of time from date of dispensing.

It will have an effect at a low dose of 5mg it depends what your tolerance to opioids is and how much you are using.Comparable to 5mg of oxycodone.
It should be fine especially if it was in a covered container in the fridge. As others commented, even if it wasn't stored sealed, it should be ok.

I would only advise you to be carefull with the dosage initially because it could be diluted in order to profit from the increased volume or it could've evaporated if stored uncovered. The second possibility could make the liquid more potent by volume so it's more risky.
Thanks everyone.

I've simply had enough of this life & the people I have to be around.
It was my birthday a few days ago & I've been using heroin now since 2001, I'm getting to be an old man & I really don't want to be on gear the rest of my life. As I've been using for so long though I've got one hell of a battle ahead of me & I'm NOT a fan of legal scripts with all the clinic stuff that comes with it, I'd prefer to detox my own way if people understand that?