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Does heroin have any nootropic effects?


Jan 8, 2014
Would pure heroin be considered a nootropic compound when used at non recreational doses? My question was formed while considering the possibly therapeutic effects heroin might have while someone is trying to learn or memorize. It wouldn't have a direct effect but might be used passively to increase concentration by relaxing the user.
My assumption would be the opposite, it would make my memory worse due to reducing my motivation to do anything other than sit and be on heroin 8)
When you take a look at how heroin works you'll find that heroin and all other opiates work in the same way, its simply a matter of potency and how many opiod receptors in the brain it affects. Opiates work by changing the way your brain interprets pain both physical and emotional, this is because the part of the brain that interprets pain in both areas is practically the same. Now, going back over this definition i've laid out for you the answer is quite obvious… No

In my own experience i find opiates in both high and low doses completely ruin me for wanting to do anything but sit on the couch and nod… Hope this helps
Once in a lifetime I've tried and I felt terrible. Of course at the moment it was a kick, but then only get worse. Nothing I did not want, I talked with my friends, but completely not remember what, if he were somewhere else spirit. Definitely do not recommend.