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Does E = truth serum?


Aug 4, 2003
I'm in the habit of doing or saying things during a roll that I always regret later. Does e bring out the truth or exaggerate it? I'm worried about the way I've behaved with a friend who I normally would not find attractive... or do I tell myself that I'm not attracted to him? Meanwhile, my boyfriend seems to annoy the crap out of me when I'm rolling. He starts smothering me and all I want to do is lose him, but when we're together under normal circumstances, I love him to death. Do I trust my emotions when I'm rolling or when I'm sober?

Well, you're telling the truth as you see it "at the time". Of course your head is swimming with happy dust.
I think that if you love him when you are sober, that is the real truth. It's totally normal to have different emotions when high, and finding your boyfriend "annoying" doesn't mean anything more than that you want to do other things with your few hours on the pills. Finding the other person attractive is also not strange - I have often found girls attractive when mashed that I would never even give a second look when sober. I think pills both distort your oulook and create a wierd sense of curiosity in your new perspective. Don't fret, if you are sure what you feel is real when sober, then trust that judgement. :)
Not deliberately tryin 2 put a downer on things, but i feel that ecstasy multiplys emotions, as in somthing that will make u sad while sober will make u even sadder, summet that is nice is even nicer, somone u hate you hate even more (trus me!)...

Maybe it's what u feel about your boyfriend deep down?

dunno if that makes sense but fried my brain on saturday still aint recovered :| lol
I really don't think it simply "multiplys" your emotions. I think that's a phrase that gets caught up with drugs and alcohol, which sometimes is true, but more often emotions get tangled and messed. Recently I ended up getting really emotional about something I know I couldn't give a shit about whilst under the influence. Sometimes there is no explaination other than that you are fucked ;)
I dun think that xtc is the truth serum. in fact, the military tried to develop it when first created ( I read that on one of shulgin's sites, if u need me to find it I will try) At any rate, being fucked up and all lovey dovey is nothing to worry about with the other guy, normally I wouldn't touch people sober and it just happens with rolling
You feel more intune with the people around you, like they all understand you and know what you mean, so you feel you can tell them things honestly or things that might be somewhat private without fear of being embarassed or made fun off.
If you are with someone you love then I wouldn't worry too much. It might just be the setting or something thats putting you off. So long as you love him sober (which you are 99.9% of the time) you've okay.

Its more worrying when some random stranger you happen to sit down next to in the chill out room decided to tell you they were beaten as a child. Even when I'm high as a kite, thats not something I want to listen to. I'm all for talking about what you do, where you are from, aren't the lasers brilliant but deep emotional stuff I don't want to hear. Even high thats deeply personal and telling strangers that stuff isn't too wise a move IMO.
ket is truth serum for me...

the less said about why I'm not an actor the better....
eh hijinx? ;)
I would never! I'm! AH!

frankly I'm shocked you would ever think such a thing.

I was a member of an amature dramatics society but I had to leave, there were...ummm...reasons?
Was only messing ;) In a wierd mood. But do tell about the reason's why you left!!!
I think that ecstacy brings out the side of you that is hidden, it allows you to be the crazy person, just waiting to do something fun and amazing, that is hiding in all people. So its more like your unleashing the beast. Any feelings that you have as "the beast" are probably real, just hiding under the surface, but you can't trust your feelings in this state of mind, they will decieve you.

If your not sure when your sober, there's a problem!

If drugs got you second guessing your emotions, i suggest a break, your probably in your 2nd-3rd year of using anything, and the drugs probably work really well on you, but remember, your feelings while on E are real, you just don't know when they will hurt you or guide you!!
Hahhaa i must say this is a topic i have pondered on for SOOoooSOooooooo long but iv neva actually asked anybody?!
when im peaking and shit i say shit i would neva usually say.. and not stuff like saying that u want to break sumthing or anything like that .. i say deep shit i wuldnt usually say cos i would be too scared and insecure to say it.. like i love my mates and i tell emm all that when im on e's but i usually dont run around shouting I LOVE U MAN!!!!!!!! UR SO MAD!! I LUV U 2! I LUV U SO MUCH! i mean it multiplies my feeling of love for my mates (thats wat e's do rite?) but its not a completely new feeling.. its a feeling that is deep down inside me.. but thats for 1 account.. i believe that the situation with ur boyfriend is just that u want to try sumthing new when ur high and not do the same thing.. eg talk with ur bf.. i read on one of the BEST ROLL TRICKS thread and a few ppl mentioned that they love to get lost.. and i think this is the best feeling coz u immediately have a bonding with the ppl around u and u like to do sumthing different.. plz dont ruin ur relationship with ur bf coz of wat u feel for a few hours =D just enjoy..
Davske I think you're spot on. There's a bit of a Jeckyll/Hyde thing happening when I'm rolling, I become euphoric, and if I'm in a club all I want to do is meet some fresh faces, talk shit with strangers and flirt about. The last thing I want to do is leach off my bf and play suck face with him when I can do it any time. What bothers me is that the e accentuates his insecurities. We're well aware of the consequences of e use and accept those consequences, but I feel he doesn't trust me on e and I know I am under his constant supevision when we're out together. This makes me resent him, and ruins the e experience for both of us. I just wish he'd let go and relax. I'm just concerned about these feelings spilling over into our conventional existence.

Thanks for all the replies.

I went down to NOPI last year with a bunch of friends, quite a few of them were girls, all my friends of course. Well, we went clubing that night at Atrium, and we were all rolling. In real life I would never find this one girl really attractive, but at the club, we were all over each other. I kina deeply regret that, cuz I asked her to go out with me that night, and we broke up a week later, cuz I had nothing for her at all. I felt like I was absolutely in love with the girl, damn I mean I felt like I could live my life with her that night. We kissed and everything in the damn club. But about 2 days later, I realized that I had nothing at all for her in reality, and I eventually dumped her. So all in all, your emotions on E are trully messed up, even though you may feel like you realllllly like someone, don't always trust that. The only way to really know is when your straight. Hell, I see guys giving each other massages in the club all the time and shit like that, does that mean they love each other? haha But when you feel sober, it is usually always, what you truly feel, so follow it. After all, we may all like to feel like were rolling all the time, but thats a fantasy world in reality, even tho it does bring truths out, you can't live your life high all the time, one day we all gotta quit. Trust your "Sober" instinct! Have fun and go with the flow any other time ;)
Xude said:
What bothers me is that the e accentuates his insecurities. We're well aware of the consequences of e use and accept those consequences, but I feel he doesn't trust me on e and I know I am under his constant supevision when we're out together. This makes me resent him, and ruins the e experience for both of us. I just wish he'd let go and relax. I'm just concerned about these feelings spilling over into our conventional existence.

it sounds to me as if rolling is bringing to the surface some issues on both sides. have you talked to each other, sober, about how you feel about each other's company when you are rolling?

yeah it most certainly does the first few times.

I said things i cant believe!

But now im a hardened pill head I can keep my tongue under control