Does E boost your metabolism??


Dec 31, 1999
Im curious as to whether rolling speeds up your metabolism because your body and mind are working so hard, because my buddy warned me that I would lose 5lbs while rolling...and sure enough I did. I know it wasnt water weight because I hydrated heavily but my theory is that your body is kicked into high gear, plus you arent eating while rolling, and your body just burns a lot of calories...What do you all think???
to the best of my knowledge, it does. It's an anphedamine, that's part of what they do.
but FIVE POUNDS from ONE roll? if this is the case, you are having some SERIOUS issues.
Well i can tell ya from expierience, that since ive started rolling, ive lost anywhere from 7 to 10 pounds, but i dont really attribute it to increased metabolism, i attribute it to the extreme loss of appetite E causes, Before i started rolling, i was eating at least 15 meals a day no problem, (im one of those skinny guys that eats like a horse but never gains a pound) and i was eating alot of food in those meals, but since ive started rolling, i eat alot less, and find im not hungry nearly as often, and over the summer when i took 2 month break my appetite returned to normal after about 3 weeks, and i was eating like crazy again, so if you roll like on a regular basis, you will probably notice a decline in your appetite which will combined with ravin lead to some slight weight loss.
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Though my knowledge of drugs and how they react with physiology is limited, I seriously doubt that E raises your metabolism. The drug is a stimulant, which revs up your *nervous system*, not your actual metabolism--though it must seem like it does.
Any weight loss on E is probably due to reduced appetite and increased physical activity.
To truly increase your metabolism, though, you'd have to increase your muscle mass, which E definitely doesn't do, at least on its own. The strong appetite suppression E causes makes the body look for alternate energy sources--like muscle. Contrary to popular opinion, the body will use muscle before it uses fat.
Well, that's enough phys ed for today.
I figured that it was probably due to the increase in physical activity, combined with not eating for 24 hours, then not having an appetite for 3 days after...that would probably do it. I have to remind myself to eat because I am just not hungry at all, and if I dont eat anything I start getting shaky and weak from low blood sugar. I think Smad is right in that its just high activity level, decreased eating and appetite, and Im sure that water loss is also involved.
Brings of course new meaning to the comment my friend made, "you will never see fat people rolling..." as to whether or not that is accurate...who knows.
E does in fact, raise your metabolic rate. It facilitates the release of catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine), which raises your body temperature, and therefore your basal metabolic rate. You are not just feeling hotter, you ARE actually hotter. If you were to take your temperature before and during your roll, your temperature would be elevated during the roll. A rise in body temperature equals a rise in the metabolic rate. By the way, do you know how supplements like Diet Fuel (caffeine +ephedrine) work? The same way as I just wrote about. Their thermogenic properties are very similar. I hope this anwers your question!
by the way- you probably did lose 5 lbs- all water. Even though you drank alot, you excreted more than you drank. Ever hear an athlete talk after a game? It's common for them to lose 5 lbs, up to 10 if it is really hot and humid. They drink plenty of water, but not enough to compensate for the loss.
I regularly lose 10lbs EVERYTIME I roll. I drink Tons of water all night too. It's partly because A: I don't eat for like 23-28 hours, and B: I work out a lot and since I have a high metabolism, my body breaks down my muscle to eat because I'm not eating any food. I would think it would increase your metabolism because it's an amphetamine.
Of course E boosts your metabolism. Haven't you ever heard of the "Exatrim" diet?
does the increased metabolism last after you roll because i lost about 5kilos and cant get it back no matter what i eat.