does d-amp cause weight loss by raising metabolic rate, appetite suppress, or both?


Jun 13, 2011
I started 12 week diet phase part 2.0 yesterday. I'm 5'6 160 with 32 lbs of fat in dxa scan. I want to get 10 percent or lower body fat so I need to get around 142 or lower. This is 1.5 lbs fat loss per week. Pretty feasible. At 1% per week. Anyway, I heard as you lose fat rate of weight loss slows down. I want that polished look to get 10 percent or under with crisp lines and cut abs first time in my life! If I'm 6-8 weeks in and fat loss slows to 1-1.25. Lbs per week this is not acceptable. Goal is 142 or lower. I know protocols and procedures for diet, cardio, and weightlifting. I'm not asking this question for shortcut but I know these bbers go on eca stack sometimes and say ephedrine really increases metabolic rate, meaning burn more calories at rest. I wanna take some d-amp tablets in last few weeks of diet to get water out and polish off the cut look with separation between muscles. Question is, does it cause weight loss strictly by making food taste like cardboard or does it actually burn up more calories in the body or both? My experience leads me to say both. Would like some feedback.
Yes, both, how old are you and how long have you been training for? What's your diet and training look like?
You know this through personal experience or geek knowledge? I'm 23 been training for 6 months and counting. Diet is quality. On typical day:

Meal 1 8:30 am: 2 Scoops whey (50 grams protein for 300 kcal)
Meal 2 11:15 am: 4 whole eggs, one tablespoon honey, half cup oatmeal w/ 1/2 cup 2% milk and 2 tbsp crushed almonds sprinkled (30 grams protein for 650 kcals)
Meal 3 2:15 pm: 1 cup cooked brown rice and 4 oz chicken breast w/ half cup greens (30 grams protein 450 cals)
Meal 4 3:30 pm: 1 scoop whey (25 grams protein 150 cals)
Meal 5/pre workout 6:30 pm:1 apple 1oz. Chicken breast and 1 scoop whey (33 grams protein 300 cals)
Meal 6/post workout 8:30 pm: 1 orange, 1-2 cups cooked brown rice, 1 cup green beans, 4-6 oz. Chicken breast, 1-2 tbsp. Butter.
(40-60 grams protein for 800 -1100 cals)

I'll post about training in next post.
In training I'm big fan of free weights over machines. I used to work full body first four months and two months ago I switched to body part split:

Monday: chest and biceps
Tuesday: upper (hamstring quads) and lower legs
Wednesday: off
Thursday: back
Friday: shoulders and triceps and abs
Saturday: off/biceps and forearms if I have recovered well
Sunday: cardio

For chest (suckiest major body part) I do flat bench 3 sets 8-10 reps scheme (for most exercises exceps legs which is more like 10-12) and incline bench and dips w/ 20 lbs extra weight.

For back (strongest major body part) I do deadlift working sets with 360 lbs (estimated 1 rep max 455), one arm db rows, neutral grip pull ups, cable pulldown and cable row, and good morning.

For quads I do mainly leg press and hack press machine. I used to do squats but fucked up left knee so it's not worth it. For hamstrings I'll do a few heavy working sets of romanian deadlift and some lying hamstring curls for insane pump.

I don't worry excessively about small muscles I figure they will grow with compound movements and they have most part except calves. I do three sets of calf raises a week on leg press machine. They're definitely my suckiest small body part. My feet usually cramp up before calves can get trained to failure cuz I have flat feet and one left toe that's pointing crooked halfway up to first knucle so I have to compensate for that.

In terms of injuries: left knee is only long term injury I've acquired. Not sure if I know what's wrong with it maybe just bad arthritis or tendonitis)

In terms of aas I've tried test cyp. And enth long time ago when I was weak from too much and too frequent drug use. I might like to do test/tren in future if I have 3 years serious training under my belt with foundation otherwise physique looks bloofy and screams all drugs. Not worth it.

In terms of rec drugs I just take 100 mg modafinil in work days it helps steel me mentally so I'm able to be wakeful by workout time whereas normally I would be feeling fatigued. Definitely improves mental ability to have productive workouts. I have been stockpiling a lot of other rec substances mainly stimulants like modafinil and d-amp and k-pins in case shit ever hits the fan I can turn back to old friend. Peculiar dependence. However if stockpiling shit puts my mind at ease I would rather do that than actually take rec drugs. Maybe by time I stockpiled enough I would be more mature anyway n say fuck all this shit and throw it out never know...

Anyway, anyone know about original question? Does amphetamine actually enable one to increase metabolic rate and does it have good use therefore as plateau busting diet aid, or does it help mainly with appetite and diuretic or both!
What the hell guys? Is this shit comparable to ephedrine for fat loss or is it catabolic muscle destroyer or is it slightly different mechanism? I know for a fact it's a good diuretic I'm always more vascular and taking a leak constantly. But do bodybuilders use it? Does it have any potential apart from suppressing appetite which is probably killer if you want to get mid single digits body fat? Has anyone used this shiite with exercise to sweat buckets and get crazy dry and tight? Any protocols procedures for fat loss drugs in general? What to expect when dieting from 20% to 10%? Should expect to lose a lot of strength? When does one start getting weaker? Also, I've heard it's very hard to stay below 8 percent body fat as natural because it's very brutal and ur hungry alll the time? True? No? Anyone with experience? Tips? Advice? Underground knowledge? Fuck.
Anyway, anyone know about original question? Does amphetamine actually enable one to increase metabolic rate and does it have good use therefore as plateau busting diet aid, or does it help mainly with appetite and diuretic or both!

Various forms of amphetamine were legitimately prescribed to fat birds by GP's many years ago as a diet aid and metabolic agent..
What is NOT recommended are amphetamines that agonist at 5-HR2B receptors due to implications of valvular heart disease..

Long term amphetamines are not recommended as an appetite suppressant, diuretic, or metabolic agent..

I've been consistently 8% BF for over 30 years and have not used amphetamines for that purpose...

Bodybuilders can achieve low level BF% through diet clen + T-3, without the need for amphetamines....

Recreational drugs do not mix with bodybuilding...!!!
Various forms of amphetamine were legitimately prescribed to fat birds by GP's many years ago as a diet aid and metabolic agent..
What is NOT recommended are amphetamines that agonist at 5-HR2B receptors due to implications of valvular heart disease..

Long term amphetamines are not recommended as an appetite suppressant, diuretic, or metabolic agent..

I've been consistently 8% BF for over 30 years and have not used amphetamines for that purpose...

Bodybuilders can achieve low level BF% through diet clen + T-3, without the need for amphetamines....

Recreational drugs do not mix with bodybuilding...!!!
I'd consider my Viagra usage highly recreational :p
Is d-amphetamine agonist at hr-2b receptor site?
How is it any different from ephedrine tablets? Thanks in advance for the info. :)
it literally only makes you lose, like, one or two pounds at the most.
It's much better than ephedrine. Ephedrine is the beta hydroxy, N-methylated analogue of amphetamine.
The deadlift king is here

This is the deadlift king, Snarky91. Snarky91 has always been a fan of the deadlift. This is me pulling 435 lbs at 156 lbs bodyweight (2.78 x bodyweight). I will post two more videos in this thread at bodyweights of 148-152 lbs and 140-144 lbs (upon the conclusion of my diet), God willing.

I just started thinking about how I should actually train deadlift, so my ball park goals are at least 3x bw, then 500 lbs. And one day maybe 600 lbs. I might also start training the squat and bench press for powerlifting numbers, although I feel they are much more dangerous with heavy poundages.
Update: I weighed in this morning at 153.5 lbs, on track to meet my goal of hitting 142 lbs or lower by diet end. I'm starting to feel 'small' and reaching the point of equilibrium where I look no better with clothes on than clothes off and vice versa. I have noticed a few cuts form in between my side deltoid and tricep and my forearms are pretty lean. I am getting separation in the legs much more noticeable than upper body. I can see tear drop muscle easily. Hamstrings are starting to hang somewhat below the tendon from side shot. Overall, it's getting tough.

D-amp raises metabolic rate. I have paid close attention and noticed that my meals are exact same on any other day and yet I feel like I'm burning through the energy faster. This is actually a waste at above 15 mg as it starts making me irritable and messing with my head. More-ish effects also kick in with more than 5 mg in any given 4 hour span I've found 5 mg every 4-5 hours to be manageable, but probably counterproductive at this point. I will try to avoid using or use very sparingly until last 4 weeks of diet.
Overall, it's getting tough in the sense I have to remind myself why I'm doing this. I think this means my natural weight would be around 150 if I was eating a mostly clean diet. It's interesting how enthusiasm wanes as diet goes on. I dieted down from 180 to 160 lbs in diet part 1 and I noticed that food really is an one facet of freedom in the true sense. To be able to eat what you want and when you want it and however much you want of it are three different aspects of the diet that are all restricted. And yoy can't cheat nature. The body doesn't care if you actually eat junk food because it will not fill you up for long. Any diet will work based on caloric deficit, but they will all be uncomfortable regardless what you consume. It's on diet I realize the difference between real hunger and emotional hunger.
Why do you want to weigh 142lbs from 180lbs..? You'll look like a stick, and lose overall strength..?
I was very fat at 180 but to answer the question. As long as i've been working out, I have been a Perma bulker. Underestimating bf % by 5-10 pts like everyone else. But I realize as natural or low-dose 'unnatural' I will never be able to do something astonishing in terms of muscular gains. So why not try getting super dooper lean. Fuck it. My goal is 5-6 percent verified by an expensive laboratory scan so I can be like there - I did it.

Anyway, assuming all the weight I lost is fat and I hold all muscle, based on last scan I would have to get around 135 to achieve theoretical natural 6 % body fat.

But hold on. Fuck the natty shit. There's nothing phenomenal about it. So hear it here in week 5 day 2 of diet part 2.0 I have begun low dose regimen of oral steroid 'dianabol' (methandrostenolone). What are my reasons? If I lose any more muscle in significant amount it would make the whole purpose of diet questionable; begin to look like Manny pacquaio. They fucked up the game and changed perceptions of natural. People don't even know what's natural or not anymore. My views have always been evolving in this iron game. But I'll tell you one thing. I believe American football and other such sports would cease to exist if it were played by naturals. I know it's no secret but practically 100 percent of nfl or 'rugby' players would be on gear. The smallest position in American football is running back and thesse guys look bigger and leaner than what a true natural bodybuilder looks like. There's the dagger. Natural bodybuilding is a farce. Don't get me wrong though amazing accomplishments are possible in powerlifting realm since it involves more technique and nervous system efficiency.

Even in terms of powerlifting, there's one lift that's just as much a deception - bench press. If normal looking and lean guy in your gymnasium (5'10-6'2) or shorter ever bench presses 315 lbs for more than one good rep he's on supplements. It's fucking open and shut case since i've been watching powerlifting numbers ratios for a little while now and 1.5 MAYBE 1.75 or higher (ELITE) is the ceiling for very gifted people buillt for this lift.

As for dianabol, I've read this will make you hold water and puffy, maybe gyno, maybe liver problems if you run it too long, maybe maybe maybe. You can never know the truth reading something in a fucking book. It might have 0-100 resemblance to reality depending on source of info and how down to earth it is. Nevertheless I would appreciate any feedback on this substance for those who are privvy to its effects. Meanwhile, weighed in this morning 151.5 lbs and I an avoiding salt in diet don't want water retention. Need to see 5-6 body fat percent even if I reach the stage where I need diuretics to take out water. But maybe looking back one day I'll be able to say I actually accomplished that goal and will be fond memory. So here is this post for self-motivation. As you can also see I've been stressed out lately so excuse the rambling im$ not even started so I'll stop here LOL.
I plan on using this dose (20 mg; 10 am and 10 pm) for 6-8 weeks. Is arimidex or clomid or nolvadex needed? Should I take any of them alongside? Only in certain circumstances? In any case, which one and what dose is your recommendation? Thx in advance.
I plan on using this dose (20 mg; 10 am and 10 pm) for 6-8 weeks. Is arimidex or clomid or nolvadex needed? Should I take any of them alongside? Only in certain circumstances? In any case, which one and what dose is your recommendation? Thx in advance.

You might be better off on something like Anavar or Primobolan, due to your quest to be lean.. You shouldn't need to waste your money or risk your health with AI's or SERM's...

Taper off the orals in the last week, maybe stick to 6 weeks to limit negative effects on your HPTA...