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Benzos Does Clonazapam cancel out effects of Light Meth use?


Sep 13, 2018
Took a clonazapam 2mg and it helped with sleep. Woke up mind reset or the puffs of meth just wore off by time? 6 hours sleep; can’t be right? Does clonaz counteract the effects of meth?
Not likely, in fact, when I took Clonazepam after days up on meth, I was hoping to get some sleep and relieve anxiety. It only made my meth psychosis alot worse, intensifying visuals like curtains moving, voices being heard, etc..
Idk it made shit worse and didn't make me sleepy.
Everyone, and situation is different. It may very well cause sleepiness and be a reliever. If your looking to abort a meth induced psychotic episode, take a Seroquel. I feel any benzo. Can dampen a meth high to a degree
Took a clonazapam 2mg and it helped with sleep. Woke up mind reset or the puffs of meth just wore off by time? 6 hours sleep; can’t be right? Does clonaz counteract the effects of meth?

Yes. Well at least for me it does. If I cross that line to “is someone else in my house?” a couple klons brings me back to even keel.
I took a Seroquel without the benzo after meth and I could not fall asleep but I just got the heavy drag from it without the sleep aid. benefits
It depends. It would certainly lessen the side effects, but 1-2mg should not touch a strong meth high

But, ymmv

(Be careful mixing uppers and downers, I have to say it :) )
people are more into taking both both today, to extend the longevity in which you can use or prevent tolerance.
yes and no, if you take enough of it, yes, if not, it'll dampen some of the negatives such as anxiety aswell as overstimulation, but becareful this may lead you to thinking you are less high than you are.