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Opioids Does caffeine kill an opiate high ?


Jan 20, 2010
Ok so I am sure everyone has heard of those TEC 3 pills which containe 30mg codeine plus 15mg caffeine and 300mg acet.
so 5 of those pills equals 150mg codeine and 75mg caffeine, does anyone know if caffeine would completely just ruin the opiate high ?.
Or will it only make a slight differenre or just not at all...?

Please just need some answers on this. thanks
IMO caffeine ruins it for me, 75mg is a bit less than half of one 200mg caffeine pill, and would ruin it for me.

But I am sensitive to caffeine, and never consume it, besides occasionally in soda.
I personally don't think it ruins the opiate high. Shit, when I'm all fucked up on opiates, I've usually got a Redbull or a Monster near by. But, like with everything else, everybody is different.

....& it's probably cause I consume so much fucking caffeine in a day, that it doesn't even matter anymore.
Get nice and high on codeine then down a Monster/Rockstar. Takes the high to another level for me.
Lol I've only ever done codeine for the most part via CWE from 8mg codeine/15mg caffeine/300 apap T1's.

So I'd be doing doses of 150-300mg codeine, with 300-600mg caffeine.

I never experienced a traditional opiate high from this, one that sedates you and can make you "nod".

I would get a rather short lived euphoria that was actually really really nice, not a worry in the world type of euphoria, almost similar to the peak of a good line of cocaine without any anxiety, but it would then fade away after about 30 minutes and I'd just feel kinda jittery. Likely from the caffeine. Tolerance also would build really quick, if i did the same dose two days in a row, i would hardly get any euphoria the second day. It was only good once and a while. And you can't exactly double a 300mg codeine dose to 600mg, keeping in mind i would then be consuming 1.2g of caffeine.
For me, I would avoid having caffeine with an opiate in most cases but it really never killed the high but rather got rid of the nod, which sometimes was nice. Might give you more energy for being social, sometimes with opiates I just wanna chill but sometimes when I've got more energy I just want to hug every person I see or talk for hours like with amphetamines. I never tested it out whether it was caffeine induced energy or not but it could have been, I drank a ton of caffeine everyday back when I was into painkillers.
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so 5 of those pills equals 150mg codeine and 75mg caffeine

In retrospect, 75mg isn't a very high dosage of caffeine, a Monster contains 120mg of caffeine. I don't think 75mg will do much to bring you down besides weaken the nod. You should definitely still feel great. If a Monster can make you freak then 75mg might be a problem, but if you have a normal caffeine sensitivity then it really shouldn't affect you too much.
caffeine (coffee especially) seems to actually enhance my opiate experience.. 7 years ago right after dosing methadone at the clinic, i went down the road and got an iced coffee everyday and i feel that it let me feel somewhat of a buzz off my maintenance dose of 120mg/day
^ Yeah, i have a strong coffee before (& after actually!) & it certainly gives my dose a good kick.

However if i'd taken some morphine i'd avoid caffeine as it would ruin the sedative properties of the drug.

In summay, ime, caffeine before opiates, oral opiates that is, gives it a boost that kick it into action quicker, but its never been a good thing to take it once the drug kicks in, except if you're gouched so fucking hard you can barely see, then coffee helps...
depends on how sensitive you are towards it...if i drink a cup of coffee a couple of hours before my dose i find it slightly less sedating but still euphoric
When it took only 15 mg's of Vicodin to get pain relief a half pot a (good) coffee was the best combination...
30 years later 1 mug of jo is almost to much fer' my gut (though I do like it strong)
I agree it would ruin the sedative properties, which are desired IMO. I don't take opiates to feel caffeinated. I do take opiates for stimulation in a sense that I can be productive and get my shit done pain-free, I am looking for the increased mental productivity with lowered physical pain/distraction so the sedation is desired as well. It's all about finding the right balance IMO.
I am on .5mg bupe and 300mg Tramadol and just drank two cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and i am nodding..
go figure lol.
I am on .5mg bupe and 300mg Tramadol and just drank two cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and i am nodding..
go figure lol.

I'll dunk your donuts ;)

do you drink coffee regularly? Do you like your coffee black just like your metal?
caffeine (coffee especially) seems to actually enhance my opiate experience.. 7 years ago right after dosing methadone at the clinic, i went down the road and got an iced coffee everyday and i feel that it let me feel somewhat of a buzz off my maintenance dose of 120mg/day

Yeah, I totally am this way too. I'm not sure if it is just due to the fact that so many people say that caffeine makes methadone hit faster, but for me it seems to greatly increase the speed of onset, as well as the intensity. I notice this with other opioids as well, from buprenorphine to heroin. I also always found that stims in general would increase opiates, or sort of kick them back into gear. When I was heavy into MDPV, I was able to skip days of bupe completely, or get by on one or two mg (when I had been previously taking 16mg/day).

Don't get me wrong, I don't generally feel that stimulants after opiates intensify the opiate high, but, I do find that it brings it back somewhat which was always an interesting phenomenon to me. Of course it won't work in the throws of sickness though..
Caffeine increases the analgesia, motivation, and euphoria from opioids by releasing Dopamine, since it is not a weak CNS stimulant by any means. I would say a cup of coffee (120-150mg caffeine) is equivalent to about 3-4mg Dextroamphetamine in terms of CNS stimulation for me, it's the nasty PNS jitters that make it kind of useless in high doses. I never realized how powerful caffeine was until I tried out 5mg Dex for the first time. I smirk at people who say, "I don't do drugs" but drink 6 cups of coffee a day.

It will detract from the mellowness, nod, and sedation a lot of people seek from the opioid experience, though.
5mg is a very low dose of dexamphetamine though, even with a low tolerance you're looking at 25 - 40mg to get a decent high.
Yeah, not everyone gets high on amphetamines. Some actually use it for ADD relief. 8o