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Does anyone know if Baclofen's bioavailability sublingually/bucally/rectally?


Oct 20, 2014
I have looked online and I've only been able to find information about oral and intrathecal use of baclofen. I am curious if it works sublingually or bucally? Does anyone know the answer? Even if you don't know could you hypothesize whether it would be active sublingually/bucally? Thanks so much for your help!

Why do you ask? baclofene has no rec value IME/IMO... So you're coming off booze or GHB?
Why do you ask? baclofene has no rec value IME/IMO... So you're coming off booze or GHB?

I'm actually trying to cut down on Gabapentin usage and like the sedation I get from Baclofen as well as the muscle relaxation. I have been asked by my doctor to cut my Gabapentin usage from over 8000mg a day down to 3400mg. Everytime I try to do it I fail because I am not getting the pain relief I'm used to, and I can't sleep well unless I am on over 5000mg of Gabapentin. I don't know what to do really. I have severe problems sleeping because of muscle spasms, and I have opioid related bladder issues. Basically I feel like I have to piss nonstop even if I go piss and empty my bladder there is always more that I can't get out. I guess it's like how opiates cause the bowel muscles to get lazy causing constipation, and it also does the same to the bladder, causing me a great deal of trouble sleeping because I feel this annoying sensation all the time.

I tried Baclofen years ago at a much higher dose than I take now which was 150mg, and I felt nothing. My script now is for 50mg at bedtime and It helps a bit. I was just curious if I could get more out of it by using it sublingually. I can't find any information about it online and I've looked pretty hard.

Would you recommend Phenibut over Baclofen? I was thinking of that but I have never tried Phenibut. I also have never ordered nootropics so I'm skeptical about spending money and getting a fake or bad batch, or maybe getting someones Bromo-DMA or Mephedrone by with a mixed label lol.

Phenibut any good? compared to Baclofen?
Dont know much about phenibut, baclofene has high oral ba, you can get a higher Rx from your doc if necessary, i would stick with oral baclo if it seems to be helping/working.

Hope u recover well!

won <3
Well I take a pretty low dose of baclofen but sublingually I get a little more sedation. I have used phenibut and it works really well but tolerance builds fast and withdrawal/ rebound anxiety was the worst I have ever experienced but as long as you have gabapentin or baclofen to taper down with you'd be fine
^^I agree with all that has been said ^
Baclofen is a much better choice than phenibut, for many reasons. I usually have the phenibut on hand if I run out of baclofen. Don't like the phenibut, but it does resemble baclofen for me anyways. It just seems to have a nasty come down. I don't take baclofen everyday tho. So I have never experienced any withdrawals with it