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Misc Does anyone know any possible alternative to Ondansetron Anti-Nausea Prescription Medication?


Jan 4, 2020
I'm hoping someone here will know and can suggest a different alternative than Ondanestron or Gravol and 1 reason why I need a different option is because neither of those medications are covered by my health insurance where I currently live so it would cost me like 5-10$ per single pill if I were to pay for the Ondansetron and I'd really like to avoid having to do that if I can find another medication that works even half as good as it does?
I believe first generation antihistamines, such as hydroxyzine work well for nausea. Reglan is an option but I’m not sure of the price. Best, B
a few off the top of my head are phenegran, medical marijuana works amazing. My ex was going through chemo for breast cancer and it worked light years faster than any RX medication. I knew it worked before hand but never knew how great it worked. She went from her head in a bowl violently sick to 1 hit and instant relaxation like someone flipped a swithc. Any RX med would take a half hr to kick in and based on the violent sickenss the chemo was causing, i dont think I could have handled watching her that sick and in discomfort for 30 seconds let alone 30 minutes. Sorry off topic rant.
Another option would be Dramamine which is OTC in most places I believe. Promethazine is a pretty popular one. I believe benzos are sometimes used like valium and xanax.
Hope that helps. You can do a search on goodrx.com and it will pull up a bunch of options + prices for cash pay in your area and possibly insurance.
I'm hoping someone here will know and can suggest a different alternative than Ondanestron or Gravol and 1 reason why I need a different option is because neither of those medications are covered by my health insurance where I currently live so it would cost me like 5-10$ per single pill if I were to pay for the Ondansetron and I'd really like to avoid having to do that if I can find another medication that works even half as good as it does?
Oh, man that sucks because Ondansetron is the gold standard for antinausea medication. Maby old fashion Compazine could be cheaper.
I'm hoping someone here will know and can suggest a different alternative than Ondanestron or Gravol and 1 reason why I need a different option is because neither of those medications are covered by my health insurance where I currently live so it would cost me like 5-10$ per single pill if I were to pay for the Ondansetron and I'd really like to avoid having to do that if I can find another medication that works even half as good as it does?

Cyclizine (Marezine if you're American) works well for me and I get really severe nausea sometimes.
Metoclopramide (Reglan) works well for some people.

Not a med (and no idea if it's legal - if you care about that) but weed works really well for some people.
What kind of insurance doesn't cover Zofran? But go online to Good Rx to get prices and find a place that has good prices using the Good RX card. That price you said is absurd. But check the Good Rx web site for prices at different pharmacies using the Good RX card, and get a Good RX card, check the prices and you should find a good deal.
I saved a fortune when I was on Medicaid and had to pay for certain prescriptions, out of my own pocket. I got my Good Rx card at my doctors office and they should be available at many places. Some small pharmacies don't take the card, but many chains do. The prices vary a lot even then.

The Good Rx website should help you find a card and list the prices of scripts at various pharmacies which take the card. Make sure to slide the list of pharmacies if using a phone, I found 20 for under $5 at Costco and Meijers,
My web browser duckduckgo tells them I am in Indianapolis Indiana. lol
Make sure to slide the list; Kroger wanted: $61.72 while many wanted over$20, but like I said make sure to check, on the website for the best price and slide the list.
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Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I think my Dr. said they don't like prescribing medications that can cause something I want to say Tardive Dyskenesia but idk if that's it which I was told Metoclorpramide is a possible med that can cause it but I mean if it works and it's not more likely than other meds I guess it's worth the small risk considering the alternative of what I'm going throughr right now. Oh and My govermnent insurance won't cover it in case your wondering lol. I'm not in the U.S. either and I feel a bit paranoid right now or I'd say what country I live in but if it makes a big difference in how good of an answer u can provide I'll private message you what country I live in.