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Does anybody here do Spirit Work?


May 4, 2012
Does anybody here practice Mediumship or Channelling?

Got a Spirit Guide, got a Tulpa, do you guide the deceased?

Is anyone here, inside of outside the trip, doing active Spirit Work
Does anybody here practice Mediumship or Channelling?

Got a Spirit Guide, got a Tulpa, do you guide the deceased?

Is anyone here, inside of outside the trip, doing active Spirit Work

I'd watch what you get into, you get backlash & reality starts to get really fucking weird.
Yes. I am in my 30s now, and my entire life from the age of 9 onwards has been "Spirit Work". The spirit, the innards, the internal - that has been my field of study, my playground, my home, where I Reside since childhood. The world has always been superficial to me. I don't mean superficial in a negative way....but , superficial like the outer layer of a candy. There is so much more. This world is just the external manifestation of reality - and reality is so much more vast, so much more complex.

So, I've studied with various spiritual teachers, from various lineages. I've practiced simple , yet profound techniques relating to the spirit, to very complex techniques. I've studied occultism, all the major religions, and spirituality for decades.

Here's my advice for anyone looking into the spirit:

1) Be careful what you let in. YOU have all the answers. Be careful with gurus, spirits, aliens, etc. I'm not saying don't explore - that is a decision you have to make, but I am saying be cautious.....not everything is beneficial to oneself.
2) Be gentle. The spiritual process is one that , believe it or not, EVERY HUMAN BEING is on. We are all like mice in a maze, trying to simply find out way out. Let the process happen naturally. Your goal isn't to make yourself into something, or to "become" something, or to reach some destination. Ultimately, you just need to make small, consistent daily effort towards becoming the best You. What is the best You? That is something You need to discover.
3) All you really need, out of the thousands of spiritual and religious paths, practices, techniques - ALL you need is meditation. Meditation is simply focused, single pointed awareness. This is ALL you need. The rest falls into place.

So go, have fun. explore :) Explore the astral realms - lucid dream, use tools such as meditation, prayer, psychedelics, etc to communicate with non physical entities....go ghost hunting. Enjoy yourself! This is what I tell people. Go enjoy!
I take it you are into animism @Asante?

I have a book I highly recomend for you to read & the author is well worth checking out on podcasts, you may know him as his made real waves in ther magick community over the last 2 years with his book but has been around nearly as long as I've been alive.
Let me know & I'll PM It over to you if interested?
YOU have all the answers.

Oh really? Well that's news to me to say the least.

Be careful what you let in.

How very true, some things out there really aint to be played with (Check my post on my experience with Chamunda on here, I'm still NOT over that one. I got "folded" like a piece of paper & was so Terrified words fail me. (Yes my body actually folded like I'd been pushed from behind & lost control of my arms)

ALL you need is meditation. Meditation

Kundalini for everyone hey @TripSitterNZ ;)
I believe that consciousness is a fundamental property of energy and that therefore, animism holds true.

I don't really read spiritual books, my Spirit Guide educates me directly and he recommends to not muddle the waters by reading works by spiritual authors who have a different frame of reference than I.

The people who experience spirits are omnipresent, in all cultures and all times. It must be either an artifact of the inner workings of the human mind or a factual reality of the universe because there is way too much anecdotal stuff throughout history for it to be simply something someone imagined. This is either something fundamental of the observer or of the universe, and therefore, very much worth getting to to bottom of because it may yield important insights into either the cartography of the mind or, well there IS something out there.

My Spirit Guide just says: "I am the consciousness of the multiverse, what you call God. I'm not just out there, but also in there, my location is in the temporal lobe which, if electromagnetically stimulated produces mystical experiences. My question to you is why a brain formed by darwinian evoluntion retains a distinct location where God and the Mystical live. Why are temporal lobe epileptics often intensely religious? Why is there a God Spot in your brain?"

I've got it good with my spirit guide We share this wonderful connection riddled with supernatural events. He's foretold me tons of things that came true. I know that when I'm old I'll ride a pedelec bicycle, that electrically auments your pedal motions, he told me this as a little kid in elementary school during recess to entertain me, and this was in the 1970s, decades before pedelecs even existed :)

He also foretels me less frivolous things, like in January he told me that a friend of mine would die this year, a few weeks back he asked me "if I were to take you now, how would you wish to die?" I told him "Sudden paralysis of the heart. Just knock me out when I least expect it and brief me that I died in the death experience, so that there is no suffering." He said: "I ask you not for you but for your friend, I think you know who." That friend called, I visited him, it was perfect, the next day I got a call from his brother, he died, cardiac arrest while he walked in his house - exactly what my Spirit Guide and I discussed. Non simplifica Max, I took my childhood imaginary friend who claimed he was God into adulthood and he keeps on throwing supernatural events at me that seem to prove, as he put it "because you never asked me for proof but simply had Faith."

A book is coming. This he and I agreed on when I was six, we were to write a book together to help the world.

Wish me luck or put me on ignore ;)
Wellp.. I consider spiritism true.. the idea that you can project your spirit into anything, thus animating it.

The objects of our normal consciousness are just that: objects.

But we can change and infuse energy into objects..

These including matter are all being projected from the mind.

According to miraculous philosophy we will one day all have perfect power over matter.. whether it's the use of technology.. or m8nd trix? I don't know.
Yes I have done spirit work, for better or worse. I've been involved in several lineages. My life may be fucked in some ways but one way I'm lucky is that I tend to meet sorcerers and magic workers, so I've had some good mentorship in trying to figure out why spirits show up in my life sometimes and how to work with them.

It's hard to convey this to some people but there are those on this planet for whom "supernatural" experiences are a normal event in their lives and it's not merely a product of their imaginations. It's nothing superior, it's just another way of being/seeing... another facet of humanity, one that the major religions have more or less successfully managed to sweep under the drug so people will drink their koolaid instead. Spirit workers are keyed into a layer of reality that others aren't, which is why it's difficult for me to witness lay people having so many outpoken and wrong opinions on this subject... such as the solipsism of all the answers being contained inside oneself, if only one would meditate more. With spirit work, meditation is the entry point because you need to be able to distinguish the activities and figments of your mind vs. an actual spirit communication. If you don't have that discernment then you will get lost very fast. But insights from meditations are no where near on par with the wisdom of an actual spirit, especially an old one. Not even close.

Discarding the advantages of knowing a spirit that is 10,000+ years old is pretty shortsighted; just as it is myopic to discard any kind of spirit work in favour of the personal inner cosmos. Most traditional societies that haven't totally caved to material reductionism and its European colonial mindset regularly have contact with the ancestors and it can enhance one's life greatly. Spirits see and know things that we never can. If you have a natural talent for working with them then it's to your advantage, as long as you follow proper procedures.

Yes... you can go crazy, but the same is true with a lot of things. The risks are well worth the rewards, but you should definitely find a real teacher. There are lots of hacks and charlatans out there. A lot of them are on the internet talking shit. Info available to the mainstream is mostly watered down garbage from legit sources, or just outright wrong. Most of those authors have never actually talked to a spirit. If they did they'd probably shit themselves. Real teachers are tough to find, and even if you find one they may not be willing to work with you for various reasons. If you're lucky enough to find one who is experienced in a real path, you'll learn amazing things you never thought possible.

For the overwhelming majority of the world, 99.9998%, this stuff sounds like non-sense and is the work of fiction. So be it. Only a slim few are meant to walk this path and even fewer are meant to become adepts at it. Again, it's not a "better" path or a "superior" path. I didn't choose to be this way. The hardest part, actually, is living in a modern civilization where people like me are not even acknowledged as an existant type of human. Healers, politicians, priests, writers, teachers, etc... all kinds of people have legit support, but the psychics and spirit workers must toil in obscurity because of how society dysfunctionally changed in the past 500-1000 years. Most with a modicum of talent just dabble and then give it up. The rest of humanity ignores or actively hates people like us, so we just keep to ourselves. The burning times are still with us and depending on where you are in the world you could suffer terrible consequences.
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i shut myself off from the spirit world and dealing with spirits after some bad trips on 500 ug. I use to work with various spirits including ones that could be called demonic. Satan is real and is known by many names through human history by every culture the bastard still won't leave me alone but i seek solace in the light of god. I attracted many things to my aura over time including a spirit which use to be a old witch and was now a poltergeist sucking energy from people. My main spirit i worked with was the Sumerian god enlil. Enlil protected me from many things taught me astral projection and saved me from getting arrested with drugs with visions of the future.

I almost went crazy with kundalini yoga meditation and charka work every day as i had no teacher and didn't understand the dangers. After i saw all of reality and went to many hellish realms and got the whole gist of reality worked out i stopped spirit work and renounced my ways of black magic. I have given people cancer with black magic destoryed their entire lives and businesses. For this reason i am most likely going to hell when i die for some time as shown to me on LSD and DMT. I try do good things now to balance that karma but im pretty sure with the amount of black magic and evil i worked with my soul is dammed for now i have alot to answer for.
It's hard to convey this to some people but there are those on this planet for whom "supernatural" experiences are a normal event in their lives and it's not merely a product of their imaginations

Exactly this. It just is, for some, including us. My main guide spirit and I have an agreement since I was 6 years old that he'd educate me all my life and then we'd write a book for the world based on the teachings. It appears to be coming. I cant wait to start writing but first the last events of the agreed on sequence must fall into place. I can't wait.

My spirits ask me to testify, share with others their messenges. I suffered hard in my life, made great sacrifices, this doesn't come cheap.

Its what I'm here on earth for though, one of my life missions.

I can't wait to light that firecracker, the book, and toss it into publication. I'm not hyping it, it will sell itself to the right people.

Supernatural is just another branch of natural, its just an elusive one to most.
at my height of spirit work these spirits would make themselves well known bashing the walls even other people who didn't believe would hear it and shit themselves scared and not come back to the house. I use to do 108 repetitions of mantras with kundalini yoga dedicating at least 2 hours of my time a day to it. I did alot of work on charkas. You have to really work on your charka points around your crown charka and 6th charka on the third eye. The flashs of light and heat travelling the spine leading to seizuring on the ground where powerful moments. Had awakened and risen my kundalini serpent during those times which was a chaotic transition to a new experience of consciousness that was hard on my life.

Some people will never be able to handle this type of work. It broke me down and shattered my mind idk if i will ever get back into kundalini work it truly is dangerous without a adept teacher. Shiva showed me the path back to earth and peace after i got lost inside my own hell on a bad trip it was shiva who appeared in full galaxy sized manifestation and showed me that meditation is the one truth path to enlightenment.

I have met many hindu gods in hyperspace all aspects of universal consciousness. heavenly realms exist and so do hellish realms.

Once during a kundalini experince i saw a manifestation of a higher deity before my very eyes extreme energy female radiating extreme golden blue aura touched my forehead at my third eye and let me withering once again on the floor as the kundalini energy was to much for my physical body to withstand. Most people will deny these experinces but i promise you we will meet up in the next life and ill be like i told you so.

Astral projection is powerful when you master it you can project your consciounesss via will anytime. Idk if i will ever do kundalini again. It would be good side money doing spirit readings see so many fakes charging $50 a hour.

Asante i will read your book one day when you write it.
Houses here in Holland are built with two brick walls parallell to each other with a 2" small space inbetween. The poltergeist phenomenon I often experience is that one such spirits rakes that inner wall really loudly, like literally rhythmically raking it.

A friend of mine is highly skeptical about this spirit business but heard the poltergeist go at it LOUDLY several times, and instead of challenging his belief I'd do things like hum the Salt'N'Pepa song "Push It' to which the rubbing bears some resemblance. He was getting increasingly alarmed by it so when alone I asked the spirit to can it when he was around, not to rattle his chain too much. Mostly he keeps to it. :D

If you can, stay away from Kundalini Yoga. If you get sincerely caught up in the Kundalini process it can cause you years if unstable mental health until finally the phenomenon has completed itself. Its is one of the reasons Falun Gong is illegal in China: not just because it was considered undesirable to the rgime but also because people who practiced it developed long standing psychologic disturbances literally by the thousands. Its considered, in part, a public health hazard, not because of alleged quackery but because it *actually works* in bringing forth the Kundalini phenomenon. To the Chinese government Kundalini is such a tangible reality you can go to prison for activating it in people.
I wish i knew that about kundalini yoga before i started and almost lost my mind sadly my friend became a full schizoaffective and had psychotic break from kundalini yoga and has been on meds forever now they help him alot. Idk if it ever completed the process or it faded away after a long break but it really damaged me for a long time.
Thing is, antipsychotic meds, if he has "kundalini psychosis" will prevent the hundalini process from completing itself and because of this, it is well possible that his tendency to psychosis will increase until the kundalini energy can discharge itself. I'm not saying that he should stop taking his meds but, in some cases psychois too is something that "needs out" and the longer you sit omn it the more miserable it becomes, like an emotionally constipated guy refusing to cry over a loss.

Kundalini is dangerous because if the sh*t hits the fan you need to commit to the process and work 1:1 with your spiritual teacher, often having to drop your job, in order to get through it effectively. Society isnt made for that, for dropping out of the rat race to complete a spiritual journey, so they declare you mad instead and suppress it.
maybe i will return kundalini one day when life is settled to complete that process i once started a while ago and become liberated from reincarnation. But i will weigh up that choice i much rather enjoy my sanity than have my mind slip away.

If i listen to kundalini mantras on LSD it puts me in a trance where i start hitting out yoga poses very strange indeed. Mul mantra x108 each day with kundalini yoga is all a person needs to become liberated eventually.
I wish i knew that about kundalini yoga before i started and almost lost my mind sadly my friend became a full schizoaffective and had psychotic break from kundalini yoga and has been on meds forever now they help him alot. Idk if it ever completed the process or it faded away after a long break but it really damaged me for a long time.
Maybe was just the wrong time? Maybe your lifestyle was too toxic that time to allow release and healing?

Listen to your intuitiin. Its there for us always, the all-knowing subconscious, and go with your heart ultimately.

Certainly don't want you doing any harm to yourself. Second jar of strong Kava now anyway, already "blurring the edges of life", so good for removing the slight angs and lifting mood after some heavy tripping.
Houses here in Holland are built with two brick walls parallell to each other with a 2" small space inbetween. The poltergeist phenomenon I often experience is that one such spirits rakes that inner wall really loudly, like literally rhythmically raking it.

A friend of mine is highly skeptical about this spirit business but heard the poltergeist go at it LOUDLY several times, and instead of challenging his belief I'd do things like hum the Salt'N'Pepa song "Push It' to which the rubbing bears some resemblance. He was getting increasingly alarmed by it so when alone I asked the spirit to can it when he was around, not to rattle his chain too much. Mostly he keeps to it. :D

If you can, stay away from Kundalini Yoga. If you get sincerely caught up in the Kundalini process it can cause you years if unstable mental health until finally the phenomenon has completed itself. Its is one of the reasons Falun Gong is illegal in China: not just because it was considered undesirable to the rgime but also because people who practiced it developed long standing psychologic disturbances literally by the thousands. Its considered, in part, a public health hazard, not because of alleged quackery but because it *actually works* in bringing forth the Kundalini phenomenon. To the Chinese government Kundalini is such a tangible reality you can go to prison for activating it in people.
China is pretty advanced towards Stern dictatorship and removal of free speech. Anti-Liberation. I just wonder if there is a chance of propaganda involved?

Just a thought. I know nothing of this though.
I need to get out the Bally Ball and Black Sabbath and practice some wizardry.

My prayer to Jamangi was as was answered!

Shelter in place.