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Detox Documentating Quitting Antidepressants (Wellbutrin XL 300mg) after over 2 years


Staff member
Sep 7, 2020
Day 2:
Hey everyone. I've been taking Wellbutrin for over 2 years. I began with the SR form, but quickly switched to 300mg of the XL form due to side effects which I have stuck with to this day. At time of writing, I have been off of it for a bit over 40 hours. I will be using this thread to document my experience for purposes of personal reflection and to share valuable harm reduction info on a commonly-prescribed medication with little scientific literature regarding its withdrawal effects. I aim to update it daily.

What is Wellbutrin?
For those of you who do not know, Wellbutrin/Zyban/Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant that functions primarily as a NDRI (norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor.) It also has activity as a nicotinic receptor antagonist, and therefore is frequently prescribed to assist people with smoking cessation.

How serious is Wellbutrin withdrawal?
As Wellbutrin is not an SSRI, it is generally thought to be one of the easier antidepressants to quit. Some anecdotal evidence online indicates that tapering for a couple weeks or going cold turkey results in little to no withdrawal. One scientific case study from 1999 indicates that a man experienced flu-like symptoms, insomnia, and anxiety about 5 days after quitting Wellbutrin SR which were resolved within 36 hours of resuming treatment. He then tapered off of the medication over 18 days.

What am I changing about my consumption of it?
Due to long-term side effects and the perception that it is not doing much to help me, I have decided to go cold turkey on Wellbutrin after noticing that I felt much better after I accidentally went a day or two without taking it - and then feeling worse after going back on it. If I begin experiencing withdrawals that I feel are detrimental enough, then I will instead speak to my doctor and create a plan to taper off of it.

What have I experienced since going off the Wellbutrin?
Improved mental and physical energy, improved mood, mental clarity, drastically improved appetite, reduction/near elimination of social anxiety (Such anxiety is somewhat abnormal for me but has been a big issue recently), reduced dissociation, dissipation of GI/stomach issues, moderate increase in sex drive but sexuality feeling less forced/compulsive, occasional mild physical restlessness, and slightly improved focus. Much of this may be placebo given that the Wellbutrin and its metabolites are still partially in my system.

I have noticed a lot of itching/tingling feelings the past while that have made it difficult to exercise and been distracting at times. I am experiencing these as I write this, but they are milder than they were at times in the past few weeks. This feeling is something that I have periodically experienced over the past year and a half or so. It seems to be correlated with sleep deprivation, depressive episodes, not eating enough, and not exercising frequently (with the last one being a chicken or the egg question.)

I hope to observe improvements in my productivity in the coming days, and to start seeing people more. I have been quite socially withdrawn the past couple months due to a combination of low productivity, relapsed depression, and social anxiety.

What withdrawal symptoms am I watching out for:
I am looking out for the symptoms mentioned in the linked case study: Flu-like symptoms/aches and pains, headaches, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. I am also watching out for depression, hypomania, and worsening itching/tingling feelings.

What negative effects have I experienced from Wellbutrin?
I've experienced persistent mild physical side effects such as mild GI issues, periodic insomnia, strange bodily pains, and difficulty maintaining/gaining weight. I have always struggled with these, but they have been noticeably worse since starting the Wellbutrin and never quite returned to baseline. I have ruled out my prescription stimulants as the culprit, as they persist even during long periods of abstinence from them.

Other issues such as dissociation, poor focus/ability to get things done despite having the motivation + being on ADHD medication that works for me, anxiety, and periodic low energy + productivity have become more noticeable than they were prior to medication at times, even when my depression has been alleviated.

Weight loss, insomnia, appetite suppression, itching, paranoia/anxiety, drastically increased impulsivity/irrationality, occasional hallucinations, and tinnitus were all quite noticeable for the first couple months of Wellbutrin in addition to worsened hypomania.

One major concern in hindsight is that I was beginning to experience hypomania around when I went on the Wellbutrin, and the medication significantly accelerated this. A few days after starting it, I remember feeling intense paranoia while skateboarding at 3 AM. I began hallucinating demonic/zombified faces onto random people on the street and was convinced that random passerby were attempting to kill me. I had never experienced anything like this prior to taking Wellbutrin SR, and have not since I switched to XL. (There was one other occasion a few months later towards the end of the hypomanic episode where I experienced this while on the street by myself at 4 AM coming down from a large dose of an RC disso sold to me as ketamine.) My psychiatrist at the time immediately dismissed these concerns and my concerns about me possibly being bipolar, without even allowing me to explain them. My insomnia, mood swings, suicidality, impulsivity, irrationality, sober euphoria, detachment from reality - All the hallmarks of (hypo)mania - worsened over the next 2-3 months and I did a lot of shit that nearly ruined my life and my relationship with my family.

I do not blame any of that on the Wellbutrin, as it had already begun a month or two prior to me ever taking any medication, but I am confident that the Wellbutrin accelerated and likely worsened it.

What positive effects have I experienced over the past 2-2.5 years since I first started Wellbutrin?
Please note: The following may be partially or entirely attributable to Adderall/Dexedrine/Vyvanse, CBD oil, extensive trauma therapy and talk psychotherapy, psychedelic + very rare MDMA or ketamine use, etc.

Periods of alleviated depression, significant increase in extroversion, feeling more like myself, periods of increased energy, increased sex drive, rare periods of improved focus and productivity, somewhat reduced PTSD symptoms, periods of improved sleep, drastic improvements in self-esteem, feeling more mentally stable.

While the Wellbutrin likely helped to alleviate my initial depressive episode and its symptoms, I have noticed the depressive episodes resurge every 3-8 months and last for 0.5-3 months, often being ended by psychedelics such as LSD, 4-sub-tryptamines, ketamine, or MDMA.

Which substances am I still taking?
I am still taking 10-30mg of Dexedrine IR/day (Dosing split into 10mg, 10mg, then 5-10mg if needed), 40mg/day of CBD oil, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, and Zinc. I also occasionally take Ginger for stomach issues and periodically take L-theanine.

I will likely be taking 2CB and DOM over the next couple weeks as I haven't tripped in a while. I have about 20-30+ uses of powdered 2CB ranging from 2mg to 25mg, usually in the 12-15mg range. I have never tried DOM.

I have not engaged in using psychedelics or THC over the past few months, with the only exceptions being a microdose of LSD a week or two ago and 105-110mg of IN ketamine 3 weeks ago to kill a depressive episode that was getting quite severe. My previous most recent psychedelic usage prior to that was a very meaningful 1P-LSD trip in the summer and some light dosing of 2C-B at a few raves. My last THC use was a few months ago, using a vape containing a roughly 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC.
GoodLuck man!

Personally I quit Wellbutrin cold turkey and never looked back.
Thank you! Is there anything I should expect in terms of withdrawals? How long were you on it for and what form + dosge?
Thank you! Is there anything I should expect in terms of withdrawals? How long were you on it for and what form + dosge?
I was on 300mg of the XL. I was on it for about 5-6 months maybe, give or take.

I didn't really feel any withdrawls, but I was on other meds too, so that's probably the reason.
Hi @arrall , I also quit Wellbutrin with no side effects that I recall. It was MUCH more forgiving than any other antidepressant I've been on (and I've been on a lot of them). I was on it for perhaps 5 months?
Day 2:
Hey everyone. I've been taking Wellbutrin for over 2 years. I began with the SR form, but quickly switched to 300mg of the XL form due to side effects which I have stuck with to this day. At time of writing, I have been off of it for a bit over 40 hours. I will be using this thread to document my experience for purposes of personal reflection and to share valuable harm reduction info on a commonly-prescribed medication with little scientific literature regarding its withdrawal effects. I aim to update it daily.

What is Wellbutrin?
For those of you who do not know, Wellbutrin/Zyban/Bupropion is an atypical antidepressant that functions primarily as a NDRI (norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor.) It also has activity as a nicotinic receptor antagonist, and therefore is frequently prescribed to assist people with smoking cessation.

How serious is Wellbutrin withdrawal?
As Wellbutrin is not an SSRI, it is generally thought to be one of the easier antidepressants to quit. Some anecdotal evidence online indicates that tapering for a couple weeks or going cold turkey results in little to no withdrawal. One scientific case study from 1999 indicates that a man experienced flu-like symptoms, insomnia, and anxiety about 5 days after quitting Wellbutrin SR which were resolved within 36 hours of resuming treatment. He then tapered off of the medication over 18 days.

What am I changing about my consumption of it?
Due to long-term side effects and the perception that it is not doing much to help me, I have decided to go cold turkey on Wellbutrin after noticing that I felt much better after I accidentally went a day or two without taking it - and then feeling worse after going back on it. If I begin experiencing withdrawals that I feel are detrimental enough, then I will instead speak to my doctor and create a plan to taper off of it.

What have I experienced since going off the Wellbutrin?
Improved mental and physical energy, improved mood, mental clarity, drastically improved appetite, reduction/near elimination of social anxiety (Such anxiety is somewhat abnormal for me but has been a big issue recently), reduced dissociation, dissipation of GI/stomach issues, moderate increase in sex drive but sexuality feeling less forced/compulsive, occasional mild physical restlessness, and slightly improved focus. Much of this may be placebo given that the Wellbutrin and its metabolites are still partially in my system.

I have noticed a lot of itching/tingling feelings the past while that have made it difficult to exercise and been distracting at times. I am experiencing these as I write this, but they are milder than they were at times in the past few weeks. This feeling is something that I have periodically experienced over the past year and a half or so. It seems to be correlated with sleep deprivation, depressive episodes, not eating enough, and not exercising frequently (with the last one being a chicken or the egg question.)

I hope to observe improvements in my productivity in the coming days, and to start seeing people more. I have been quite socially withdrawn the past couple months due to a combination of low productivity, relapsed depression, and social anxiety.

What withdrawal symptoms am I watching out for:
I am looking out for the symptoms mentioned in the linked case study: Flu-like symptoms/aches and pains, headaches, insomnia, irritability, and anxiety. I am also watching out for depression, hypomania, and worsening itching/tingling feelings.

What negative effects have I experienced from Wellbutrin?
I've experienced persistent mild physical side effects such as mild GI issues, periodic insomnia, strange bodily pains, and difficulty maintaining/gaining weight. I have always struggled with these, but they have been noticeably worse since starting the Wellbutrin and never quite returned to baseline. I have ruled out my prescription stimulants as the culprit, as they persist even during long periods of abstinence from them.

Other issues such as dissociation, poor focus/ability to get things done despite having the motivation + being on ADHD medication that works for me, anxiety, and periodic low energy + productivity have become more noticeable than they were prior to medication at times, even when my depression has been alleviated.

Weight loss, insomnia, appetite suppression, itching, paranoia/anxiety, drastically increased impulsivity/irrationality, occasional hallucinations, and tinnitus were all quite noticeable for the first couple months of Wellbutrin in addition to worsened hypomania.

One major concern in hindsight is that I was beginning to experience hypomania around when I went on the Wellbutrin, and the medication significantly accelerated this. A few days after starting it, I remember feeling intense paranoia while skateboarding at 3 AM. I began hallucinating demonic/zombified faces onto random people on the street and was convinced that random passerby were attempting to kill me. I had never experienced anything like this prior to taking Wellbutrin SR, and have not since I switched to XL. (There was one other occasion a few months later towards the end of the hypomanic episode where I experienced this while on the street by myself at 4 AM coming down from a large dose of an RC disso sold to me as ketamine.) My psychiatrist at the time immediately dismissed these concerns and my concerns about me possibly being bipolar, without even allowing me to explain them. My insomnia, mood swings, suicidality, impulsivity, irrationality, sober euphoria, detachment from reality - All the hallmarks of (hypo)mania - worsened over the next 2-3 months and I did a lot of shit that nearly ruined my life and my relationship with my family.

I do not blame any of that on the Wellbutrin, as it had already begun a month or two prior to me ever taking any medication, but I am confident that the Wellbutrin accelerated and likely worsened it.

What positive effects have I experienced over the past 2-2.5 years since I first started Wellbutrin?
Please note: The following may be partially or entirely attributable to Adderall/Dexedrine/Vyvanse, CBD oil, extensive trauma therapy and talk psychotherapy, psychedelic + very rare MDMA or ketamine use, etc.

Periods of alleviated depression, significant increase in extroversion, feeling more like myself, periods of increased energy, increased sex drive, rare periods of improved focus and productivity, somewhat reduced PTSD symptoms, periods of improved sleep, drastic improvements in self-esteem, feeling more mentally stable.

While the Wellbutrin likely helped to alleviate my initial depressive episode and its symptoms, I have noticed the depressive episodes resurge every 3-8 months and last for 0.5-3 months, often being ended by psychedelics such as LSD, 4-sub-tryptamines, ketamine, or MDMA.

Which substances am I still taking?
I am still taking 10-30mg of Dexedrine IR/day (Dosing split into 10mg, 10mg, then 5-10mg if needed), 40mg/day of CBD oil, Vitamin D3, Magnesium, and Zinc. I also occasionally take Ginger for stomach issues and periodically take L-theanine.

I will likely be taking 2CB and DOM over the next couple weeks as I haven't tripped in a while. I have about 20-30+ uses of powdered 2CB ranging from 2mg to 25mg, usually in the 12-15mg range. I have never tried DOM.

I have not engaged in using psychedelics or THC over the past few months, with the only exceptions being a microdose of LSD a week or two ago and 105-110mg of IN ketamine 3 weeks ago to kill a depressive episode that was getting quite severe. My previous most recent psychedelic usage prior to that was a very meaningful 1P-LSD trip in the summer and some light dosing of 2C-B at a few raves. My last THC use was a few months ago, using a vape containing a roughly 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC.
I read all that and here's my .02

It seems to me like you are laser focused on Wellbutrin being the cause of all your problems but you are also still taking several other prescribed and non-prescribed drugs as well as some OTC meds.

I'm not saying Wellbutrin isn't at least partially responsible for these issues but have you stopped to think that maybe Wellbutrin being taken in tandem with the other substances may be the real underlying problem? I took 300mg Wellbutrin XL for a couple of years with relative success and the only reason I stopped taking it was I gradually began sinking back into depression. So under the direction of my psychiatrist, I tapered off properly and began Cymbalta/Duloxetine. All of these were taken in conjunction with an anti-psychotic (Abilify). No WDs at all.

I can't say I can really condone quitting ANY medication while not under the supervision of a psychiatrist. If you don't trust your psychiatrist to listen to you, then I recommend trying to find a different one who will listen. You mentioned your psychiatrist brushed off your suggestions that you could be bipolar. Well what if you ARE bipolar? Quitting your AD may swing you back into a depressive funk or mania that has nothing to do with withdrawals and everything to do with taking away what was helping to treat said bipolar. As a matter of fact, I would go as far as to say that you could possibly even need an addition an anti-psychotic of some sort if you are actually having visual hallucinations and other symptoms that you described as hypomania. BTW, the symptoms you listed as hypomania (insomnia, mood swings, suicidality, impulsivity, irrationality, sober euphoria, detachment from reality) could also be considered symptoms of psychosis.

And that is always the fear I have when I hear about someone (including myself) wanting to quit meds without their doc knowing about it. Every single time I quit my meds without direction of a psychiatrist, I swung back into either a depressive hole or mania and ended up blowing off everyone and all my responsibilities to chase delusions of grandeur and eventually becoming homeless for months at a time and on another occasion I couch surfed for over half a year. All of these episodes concluded with finding myself checked into another mental hospital, whether willingly or under the order of a judge.

Now I don't expect you to have the same extreme results considering I have both schizophrenia and bipolar a.k.a. schizoaffective disorder. But ADs are effective in fending off many of our demons and ADs have been half my medication regimen for more than a decade. Also FYI, I had a simple diagnosis of bipolar for a couple of years before earning the diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizoaffective.

Why don't you find a psychiatrist you can trust and taper off Wellbutrin properly if you are so hellbent on quitting it? Better yet, and I know I may be in the minority here, but if ADs can improve your quality of life, why not exchange Wellbutrin for a different AD or even a mood stabilizer? I know you are feeling good right now and believe me, I did too when I was off meds. lol. It was only in hindsight that I realized the honeymoon effect of coming off certain meds was temporary before jumping back onto the rollercoaster that is bipolar disorder. As always, YMMV.
how much you was taking dose/how long/how long the withdrawal was and severity compared to the effect
Umm, it was many many years ago so I don't clearly remember the details. I know that I was on 150mg once a day for a couple of months, then increased the dose to 150mg twice daily for a few more months, then I stopped because it wasn't really having much effect. I honestly don't recall any serious side effects when stopping that dose cold turkey (150mg twice a day). Like I said, it seemed to be quite a forgiving antidepressant to come off of, compared to most.
Hi Arrall!!
so glad you are posting this thread. I've been on 100mg of Wellbutrin for 3 years. Originally It was added to my Celexa, to help with sexual dysfunction. And It worked. But because I am absolutely not a speed seeker and therefore don't like any feelings of rapid heartbeat, ringing in my ears, blah blah blah, I have to take Zofran with it to help with the gastro effects I get. My DOC is heroin, so you know where I am coming from. I already suffer from anxiety and the last fucking thing I need is to be bouncing off the walls. Anyway, my Doc recently decided to put me on 150XR, once a day. I have yet to take it because I am scared!!! I also have plenty of my regular 100's. It definitely suppresses appetite. I don't mind that, as I like to stay on the thin side. But if I forget my dose after a couple days, I feel a bit wonky. So, I think this shit is helping me. Its my Celexa that has withdrawal warnings on the box. I would like to think one day I will be free of all synthetic bullshit. But been down that road, and it usually backfires after a few weeks:confused:. Please keep posting.

Also, what if any difference is there in taking the XR dose? Would I feel fucking jumpy right out of the gate???
Day 3:
  • Had a mostly productive day. My mind feels extremely sharp and I'm utilizing my time somewhat effectively. Still spent more time than I like to on social media which I had previously been good at almost completely staying off of.
  • The weird pain/tingling/itching feeling from the past few weeks is 99% gone.
  • I'm feeling very social. I texted/called up a lot of friends that I haven't seen and/or talked to in weeks/months and I'm going to hang out with some of them soon.
  • I slept through something very important and woke up around 2 PM. I passed out around 4 or 5 AM, so I got a total of 9-10 hours of sleep. I'd attribute this situation more to 'revenge bedtime procrastination' than to anything withdrawal related.
  • Anxiety remains low, mood remains relatively high. Hoping I'm just feeling better because I am feeling more like myself and not because I am slowly becoming hypomanic.
  • Appetite remains pretty strong.

To respond to @Jerry Atrick :
You make a lot of good points that I am considering, and everything you said is essentially correct.
It seems to me like you are laser focused on Wellbutrin being the cause of all your problems
I completely understand how it came across that way. My own habits, behaviors, and choices are obviously largely responsible for these problems, likely far moreso than any medications or drugs. But something has seemed off with my neurochemistry so I am doing an experiment of sorts to see if the Wellbutrin may have been causing and/or playing a large part in that.
you are also still taking several other prescribed and non-prescribed drugs as well as some OTC meds.
I've tried going on/off of everything else I am taking daily (I've gone off of stimulants for as long as 2 months straight, have taken a couple weeks off of CBD oil in the past, have taken months off of the Magnesium + Zinc + D3 and was not taking them for much of the time that I was experiencing the mentioned issues.) but as of right now, I am only taking OTC supplements and prescribed drugs. I will only trip on non-prescribed drugs if I continue to feel good as I do right now.
addition an anti-psychotic of some sort if you are actually having visual hallucinations and other symptoms that you described as hypomania
I have not ever experienced psychosis outside of portions of that few month period where I took SR Wellbutrin, primarily in the first week or two .The absence of visual hallucinations in any other context and in the 2 years since is why the two different nights that I experienced mild visual hallucinations worry me so much. I do not think that I would benefit from an anti-psychotic given that I do not otherwise seem to be pre-disposed to psychosis. My point there was that the Wellbutrin seems to have worsened the usual hypomania into full mania in the past, and that I should not be on any medications that have a history of doing that to me.
Well what if you ARE bipolar?
I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2. I'm hoping that the CBD oil (which seems to have significantly reduced hypomania for the year and a bit that I've been taking it) will be enough to keep me stabilized for the time being, given that BP2 hypomania isn't as severe or sensitive as BP1 mania often can be.
Why don't you find a psychiatrist you can trust and taper off Wellbutrin properly if you are so hellbent on quitting it? Better yet, and I know I may be in the minority here, but if ADs can improve your quality of life, why not exchange Wellbutrin for a different AD or even a mood stabilizer? I know you are feeling good right now and believe me, I did too when I was off meds. lol. It was only in hindsight that I realized the honeymoon effect of coming off certain meds was temporary before jumping back onto the rollercoaster that is bipolar disorder. As always, YMMV.
You're certainly right here, and I definitely have to do my best to keep an eye on mood episodes. I will be discussing quitting and tapering with my psychiatrist next week. I do not trust my current psychiatrist, primarily because they usually outright refuse to listen to not only myself but to the concerns of my therapist. My therapist is currently helping me find a different psychiatrist.

I am not open to taking SSRIs/SNRIs/traditional ADs or stronger mood stabilizers like Lithium, but once I switch psychiatrists I am planning on trying Lamictal. I have heard that it can also treat visual snow (in some cases) and seems to lack the side effect profile that most mood stabilizers have. My psychiatrist was initially willing to let me try it in my first appointment with her, but has since reneged on that. My hope is that I do not have to remain reliant on medication given that I only have type 2 Bipolar, but I know the reality is that that is likely not going to be the case.
Also, what if any difference is there in taking the XR dose? Would I feel fucking jumpy right out of the gate???
I found XR to be a lot less 'speedy' and to have less side effects. However, taking Wellbutrin to deal with sexual side effects of another med and then taking another med for the Wellbutrin GI side effects sounds like you're certainly on too many meds. All that does is creates an endless cycle of tacking on more and more drugs that you have to put into your body to the point that they are causing way more issues than the first drug was ever fixing.
Hi arrall,

Years ago, like 20, I decided I had enough lashing out at my poor, tolerant boyfriend. I grew up in a generation where you didn't air your problems and if you were feeling depressed/anxious, you just grew a pair and got on with things. This mentality stuck with me for years. Why could I not discipline myself to just feel better? Well, I couldn't, cuz I couldn't! So, I saw an awesome Psych doc who spent
a lot of time with me. He wasn't one of those docs that you see for 5 minutes and have scripts in your hand. It took some time figuring out the right cocktail, but I'm only taking Celexa at night and the Wellbutrin in the a.m. I am weaning off of xanax. The Zofran is used only when the Wellbutrin really wreaks havoc on my stomach. As I wrote before, I don't like speedy drugs and the Wellbutrin can do
that to me. Listen, at age 30 I was not going to stop having orgasms!!! The Wellbutrin was added in the a.m. to address that and it did. I might be on this stuff forever, I don't know. I only know when I go off the meds, its about 3 to 4 months in when the darkness creeps back in.

Thank you for the XR info. I am more likely to give it a try now.
@lovemissile66 Sorry, my reply was very rushed and did not come across the right way at all. I apologize for that.
! So, I saw an awesome Psych doc who spent
a lot of time with me. He wasn't one of those docs that you see for 5 minutes and have scripts in your hand.
I'm glad to hear that you had a good experience with your doctor. Personally, my first psychiatrist was far too liberal with the scripts and just put me on the Wellbutrin when Vyvanse wasn't doing anything for my mood or motivation
The Zofran is used only when the Wellbutrin really wreaks havoc on my stomach.
Okay, that makes a lot more sense. I will say that I found XR to be MUCH easier on my stomach. There were days with SR where I would spend hours lying down curled into a ball from the stomach pain. Even days where I accidentally took XR twice were never as bad as that.
This mentality stuck with me for years. Why could I not discipline myself to just feel better? Well, I couldn't, cuz I couldn't!
I completely relate to this. I tried for years as a teenager to mentally force myself to feel better and 'think away' my ADHD + mental health issues, but nothing seemed to work despite how much my parents insisted that I "wasn't trying hard enough." Mental health issues are often at least partially neurochemical, and medication is often a big part of recovery. It's good that you were able to find a solution that works for you.

Best of luck with XR. I hope that it works out for you.
Day 4:
  • Woke up with a minor headache, went away after I ate and took an Advil
  • Slept about 7.5 hours
  • Went out with some friends, walked the dog, had a pretty chill, fun night
  • Feel like I have a normal amount of physical energy for the first time in weeks
  • No signs of withdrawal so far
Day 3:
  • Had a mostly productive day. My mind feels extremely sharp and I'm utilizing my time somewhat effectively. Still spent more time than I like to on social media which I had previously been good at almost completely staying off of.
  • The weird pain/tingling/itching feeling from the past few weeks is 99% gone.
  • I'm feeling very social. I texted/called up a lot of friends that I haven't seen and/or talked to in weeks/months and I'm going to hang out with some of them soon.
  • I slept through something very important and woke up around 2 PM. I passed out around 4 or 5 AM, so I got a total of 9-10 hours of sleep. I'd attribute this situation more to 'revenge bedtime procrastination' than to anything withdrawal related.
  • Anxiety remains low, mood remains relatively high. Hoping I'm just feeling better because I am feeling more like myself and not because I am slowly becoming hypomanic.
  • Appetite remains pretty strong.

To respond to @Jerry Atrick :
You make a lot of good points that I am considering, and everything you said is essentially correct.

I completely understand how it came across that way. My own habits, behaviors, and choices are obviously largely responsible for these problems, likely far moreso than any medications or drugs. But something has seemed off with my neurochemistry so I am doing an experiment of sorts to see if the Wellbutrin may have been causing and/or playing a large part in that.

I've tried going on/off of everything else I am taking daily (I've gone off of stimulants for as long as 2 months straight, have taken a couple weeks off of CBD oil in the past, have taken months off of the Magnesium + Zinc + D3 and was not taking them for much of the time that I was experiencing the mentioned issues.) but as of right now, I am only taking OTC supplements and prescribed drugs. I will only trip on non-prescribed drugs if I continue to feel good as I do right now.

I have not ever experienced psychosis outside of portions of that few month period where I took SR Wellbutrin, primarily in the first week or two .The absence of visual hallucinations in any other context and in the 2 years since is why the two different nights that I experienced mild visual hallucinations worry me so much. I do not think that I would benefit from an anti-psychotic given that I do not otherwise seem to be pre-disposed to psychosis. My point there was that the Wellbutrin seems to have worsened the usual hypomania into full mania in the past, and that I should not be on any medications that have a history of doing that to me.

I was recently diagnosed with Bipolar Type 2. I'm hoping that the CBD oil (which seems to have significantly reduced hypomania for the year and a bit that I've been taking it) will be enough to keep me stabilized for the time being, given that BP2 hypomania isn't as severe or sensitive as BP1 mania often can be.

You're certainly right here, and I definitely have to do my best to keep an eye on mood episodes. I will be discussing quitting and tapering with my psychiatrist next week. I do not trust my current psychiatrist, primarily because they usually outright refuse to listen to not only myself but to the concerns of my therapist. My therapist is currently helping me find a different psychiatrist.

I am not open to taking SSRIs/SNRIs/traditional ADs or stronger mood stabilizers like Lithium, but once I switch psychiatrists I am planning on trying Lamictal. I have heard that it can also treat visual snow (in some cases) and seems to lack the side effect profile that most mood stabilizers have. My psychiatrist was initially willing to let me try it in my first appointment with her, but has since reneged on that. My hope is that I do not have to remain reliant on medication given that I only have type 2 Bipolar, but I know the reality is that that is likely not going to be the case.
Sounds like you have your head screwed on straight. FYI- I tried Lithium for a couple of months and it helped me mentally but physically it was giving me hypothyroidism and I had to quit. However, I know several people who are also on Lithium and they don't have the thyroid effects I got and it works for them. After tapering off Lithium, I'm now on Lamictal and it seems to be helping. But all of this is recent so I think I will need another month or so to see if the Lamictal is actually an effective mood stabilizer for me.
Day 8:
  • Been feeling very tired the past few days, sleeping 8-12 hours.
  • Sleep schedule got screwed up and I'm basically nocturnal. Literally just woke up.
  • Was pretty unproductive on Sunday and Monday but got a decent bit done for the time I was awake yesterday.
Withdrawal has certainly started but it isn't nearly as bad as I expected considering that the only noticeable symptom is sleeping a lot.
Day 13:
I apologize for the lack of updates. Gonna do one last one now that the withdrawal is basically over.

I ended up surprisingly experiencing very little withdrawal. The main symptoms were:
  • Sleeping 10-12 hours straight, led to me missing a couple important appointments
  • Low energy
  • Slightly low mood
  • Sleep schedule got screwed up, ended up staying up some nights to work on important stuff which led to brain fog and was probably responsible for the low energy and mood
I ended up not tripping before I went away but felt like I needed it, so I took a microdose (20-40ug) of LSD + a full dose (15mg) of 2CB right before my flight. I am now on vacation and basically finished withdrawal. This was an extremely stupid decision, but despise that my trip surprisingly went extraordinarily well with little issue. I'm going to write up a full report about it when I have the time (probably tomorrow.)

Another substance I've been taking the past few days is L-theanine. I didn't bring the Magnesium + Zinc + D3 with me and I'm taking a break from the Dexies, so all I'm taking is theanine and CBD oil.

To sum up this experience, Wellbutrin withdrawal is surprisingly very mild. While my Dexedrine may have reduced the withdrawal symptoms , I suspect that Wellbutrin just does not have many to begin with.

My mood/self confidence could be better but I feel that my mind is a bit sharper off of the Wellbutrin, I feel more like myself, and most importantly my appetite + stomach + sleep are now far better. I went to a gym yesterday and did a full workout for the first time in at least a month, and I'm feeling great.

I hope everyone else is also doing well.
- arrall
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Interesting you’re experiencing anything at all. I dropped off of that same dose years ago with no issues. Effexor on the other hand… Fuck that evil stuff.
Did you tinnitus resolve after quitting?
I had some level of tinnitus before Wellbutrin that the medication worsened but I will say that it has resolved to at least its pre-Wellbutrin state and I don’t really notice it at all these days.