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Doctor Gets Sentenced To 4 Life terms For Running A Pill Mill

your cousin didnt take a fucking oath to uphold a standard attitude of practice that dates back hundreds of years.

and yes i think your cousin should be held somewhat responsible if he knowingly and willingly sold alcohol to someone who was already intoxicated and this act was the beginning of a DUI or vehicular manslaughter. same for bartenders and there are laws in place for such things.

Can you please read the oath to me because I doubt it says anywhere in there that "all physicians should only give a certain amount of pain meds to their patients"

My cousin never got arrested for stupid laws because the cops dont enforce them........

Down in Florida, someone was losing big money probably from the heroin trade & they needed the pill mills shut down a.s.a.p. & within 1 year, 97% of the pill mills were out of business. I dont remember 97% of the crack houses shutting down within a year during that epidemic...............

Like I said, some big shots were losing money in the heroin trade, hence the strict shutdown.........if you really think they were shut down because of deaths of teenagers & whoever else was dying, you are living in LaLa land..........time to wake up. These big shots dont give 2 shits about people dying in the street, never did, never will................

Also, I would like to see cigarettes & coffee banned, made illegal..............I wanna see people squirm for their addictions & see how legitimate pain feels like & what it feels to need your drug.
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Pain doctors should be allowed to dispense whatever they think necessary (so long as they're not sadists), but some of them get to be de-facto wholesale dealers and ruin it for everyone else. Right now there's patients in real pain who are fucked because of so many people abusing the system.

Switzerland has legal heroin centers for anyone that wants to use it, right? That's probably the best policy. I wonder how pain medicine gets doled out in that country. Nobody needs to suffer unnecessarily.
Whatever your opinion may be - when it comes to ethics in relation to prescription and dispensing of controlled medications, it's obvious many doctors fear the subject due to the possibility of losing their license. As a result, countless patients with legitimate chronic pain are under-medicated. Is this not unethical? Meanwhile, those who - in contrast - liberally prescribe their patients narcotics are usually eventually persecuted and prosecuted. They are branded "pill mills" because of their belief that it would be unethical - considering the oath they took - to do everything they can to improve overall quality of life of their patients.

I consider many of these former doctors heroes. They sacrificed their careers to uphold a non-hippocratic oath in the face of adversity - in this case, the status quo set forth by a crooked president in 1970-71.
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While I stand by what I said - doctors who turn into Rx dealers for nothing more than financial gain are - imo - no better than their street level counterparts. They've thrown whatever oath they've taken out the window along with ethics, morals and remorse for the lives their actions potentially destroy.
we're not talking about beer, or cigarettes, or liquor. You keep bringing up these things when thats not the arguement at hand.


YES MORALLY CORRUPT OR BANKRUPT. look i understand we're all addicts. I AM TOO. but i am not going to sit here and side with a man, who is more than likely more intelligent than most people, who, by the looks of it, took advantage of people who are not able to consciously say "no" to chemicals that have the potential to make the user, AND FAMILIES, suffer and often take their lives. I just won't. Some of you who visit DiTM are either very young or you dont have the slightest bit of sense when it comes to these subjects.

yea i think the drug war is wrong, yea i think the DEA in a lot of instances over reach, yea im sure a shit load of politicians are in the drug trade or have directly or indirectly prospered from them. THIS IS NOT ONE OF THOSE INSTANCES.

pill mills and doctors who finance and run them are just wrong...all across the board.

here is one for you....

say you are a doctor and a woman comes in and you know from her medical records that she has pancreatitis due to alcoholism and liver scarring because of alcoholism...WOULD YOU GIVE THAT WOMAN A BOTTLE OF WINE?!!?

if you're answer isnt "no because I took an oath as a doctors that states: I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. I will remember that I remain a member of society with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm." then you are, in my opinion, WRONG....

this isnt a matter of the CIA or the DEA or anything other than a Doctor who was using his position in society to take advantage of a vulnerable group of people for financial gain. AND IT IS FUCKING WRONG and if his actions results in deaths then i believe he should be held responsible....

some of you people need to grow the fuck up and/or put down the drugs for a bit. fucking unbelievable.

You are exactly what is wrong with our country. An extreme lack of self-accountability for anything and everything. We sue everybody for bullshit thats our own faults and blame everybody else for our own problems.

It is not the beer companies fault that people get drunk and do bad things. And it is not doctors/drug dealers/pill mills/ any other suppilier of illegal substances fault that people use these substances incorrectly or abusively. I can't comprehend how this is not insanely obvious. Somebody went out of there way to find this doctor who I'm sure they knew would basically just give them pills and then not only did they knowingly buy drugs they did not need for medical reasons but then took doses that everybody knows are potentially dangerous.

If you wanted to make a case on the ethics of doctors you should go do some research. There actually are many doctors out there who mistreat patients regularly in our country, where the patients are not aware they are getting sub-par care and/or don't have the means to voice there opinion or go somewhere else.. The way you make it seem, is like these people went to the doctor cause there back hurt and wanted to have it checked out and he just gave them a bunch of pills. That is clearly not how things go down. Both parties are aware of the situation and if the patient wasn't aware its still their own fault for being that damn stupid.

Anyways I would just like to mention while I do believe in self-accountability I fully understand the world of addiction and how hard it is. But the solution is not to cut of the source. It punishes people who need pain medication, it punishes the innocent who can use drugs recreationally and responsibly, and it is inherently wrong to limit the freedom of people who are doing no harm to anybody except them selves. If you want to help the problem there needs to be better REAL drug education in this country, more resources for addicts, and thousands of other positive steps forward that don't just force addicts to get drugs from less reliable and more dangerous sources.
You are exactly what is wrong with our country. An extreme lack of self-accountability for anything and everything. We sue everybody for bullshit thats our own faults and blame everybody else for our own problems.

It is not the beer companies fault that people get drunk and do bad things. And it is not doctors/drug dealers/pill mills/ any other suppilier of illegal substances fault that people use these substances incorrectly or abusively. I can't comprehend how this is not insanely obvious. Somebody went out of there way to find this doctor who I'm sure they knew would basically just give them pills and then not only did they knowingly buy drugs they did not need for medical reasons but then took doses that everybody knows are potentially dangerous.

If you wanted to make a case on the ethics of doctors you should go do some research. There actually are many doctors out there who mistreat patients regularly in our country, where the patients are not aware they are getting sub-par care and/or don't have the means to voice there opinion or go somewhere else.. The way you make it seem, is like these people went to the doctor cause there back hurt and wanted to have it checked out and he just gave them a bunch of pills. That is clearly not how things go down. Both parties are aware of the situation and if the patient wasn't aware its still their own fault for being that damn stupid.

Anyways I would just like to mention while I do believe in self-accountability I fully understand the world of addiction and how hard it is. But the solution is not to cut of the source. It punishes people who need pain medication, it punishes the innocent who can use drugs recreationally and responsibly, and it is inherently wrong to limit the freedom of people who are doing no harm to anybody except them selves. If you want to help the problem there needs to be better REAL drug education in this country, more resources for addicts, and thousands of other positive steps forward that don't just force addicts to get drugs from less reliable and more dangerous sources.

you need to regroup your thoughts and come up with a better argument
SawRED posts truths. Alcohol can be just as addicting as opioids, you actively make the decision to do drugs. Being an addict is your fault and no one elses. (Btw I'm an addict.)
here is one for you....

say you are a doctor and a woman comes in and you know from her medical records that she has pancreatitis due to alcoholism and liver scarring because of alcoholism...WOULD YOU GIVE THAT WOMAN A BOTTLE OF WINE?!!?
um, giving the woman alcohol would physiologically damage her, so no. relevance ?
if you're answer isnt "no because I took an oath as a doctors that states: I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. I will remember that I remain a member of society with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm." then you are, in my opinion, WRONG....
the analogy still does not apply to a doctor giving a patient, who may or may not be dependent (or if you prefer to use this language, "addicted"), opiates to maintain their quality of life.

here's one for YOU: a patient comes in. he ran out of pain pills. but his brain is the sort that doesn't function well after taking them every day for years. his doc wants him off, because by now, any lasting pain should be "psychological"*. but without a balance in his opiate neurochemistry, he will likely lose his home, relationships, job, etc. do you tell this person, "go headfirst into mental illness... take some gabapentin, it'll help your anxiety but it might make your thoughts race and worsen anxiety, take this SSRI for depression even though it has horrible stimulating side effects when in CNS-depressant withdrawal... and you can talk about it at narcotics anonymous, just get through it"....

no, that's what's "wrong." it attempts to ignore pain that must be addressed.

* that's what the doctor might say. but it isn't only psychological--years of opiate use changes one's neurochemistry, so that pain signals hit you harder. these are tough judgement calls that doctors have to make. addiction, dependence, it isn't as simple as choosing to continue using drugs or not. if the user's quality of life hinges on his medication, the decision of whether to use that med or not has to be in his hands.

this isnt a matter of the CIA or the DEA or anything other than a Doctor who was using his position in society to take advantage of a vulnerable group of people for financial gain. AND IT IS FUCKING WRONG and if his actions results in deaths then i believe he should be held responsible....
does this logic not apply to people behind the counter at liquor stores? if not, why?

some of you people need to grow the fuck up and/or put down the drugs for a bit. fucking unbelievable.
i went from 100mg methadone to being clear of daily use for 2.5 years now.
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does this logic not apply to people behind the counter at liquor stores? if not, why?

Or the bartender who continues to serve shot after shot to the patron who can only stand up by leaning against the counter for that matter?

How about the convenience store clerk who happily sells a carton of <insert random popular cigarette brand here> - no questions asked - to the miserable fuck he could hear coughing his tobacco coated lungs out from across the street?

How about the type 2 diabetic who cannot go on living unless he satisfies his sweet tooth (oh, the irony) with a daily dose of a 2 liter / 64 oz bottle of Mountain Dew (or ~243 grams of sugar... oh sorry, I meant high fructose corn syrup) - who's to blame here?

It's fucking pathetic - this not-so-fine line certain individuals tend to carve in their heads when it comes to self accountability; completely seemingly based on if the substance in question is legal, legal only in certain cases or completely illegal. Whatever happened to the saying, "too much of anything is bad for you?"

So in response to qwe, I say and I feel - logic these days, sadly, is more and more synonymous with, "Listen to Uncle Sam - he knows what's right and wrong; what's good and bad; and what's logical and illogical."

P.S. - "You'd do well to listen to Uncle Sam. You're either with us, or you're against us. Get with the program."
good, he deserves it.

edit: where can i find the list of doctors who are prescribing ridiculous amounts of oxycodone?

Reported for sourcing. =D

I don't get it why they would sentence him to four life sentences because four people overdosed, it doesn't seem right to me. Tons of heroin users overdose, the dealers go on to sell another bag...