Docs need to be held accountable

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Aug 8, 2012
When I saw the cops I told them everything. I told them docs just wanted to dole out meds and not giving the downside to them.

In 08 I told the docs I have anxiety so they prescribe gabapentin. I found out by accident you could get High on it. Nowadays when you ask for it you’re labeled a drug addict . If I didn’t need meds I would of ditched them a long time ago.

But unfortunately here I am today. Anxious scared and feeling hopeless. The cop said Daniel I understand what you’re saying.

I know I’m accountable for my own choices. I just hate that I’ve been given these meds and now I’m looked down on.
I agree that docs need to be held more accountable, but saying you found out accidentally that you could het high? I feel like it’s your responsibility to research what goes in your body.

I say this after having accidentally gotten hooked on opiates a loooong time ago, so I’m a bit of a hypocrite. But I was young and dumb.

So I guess you’re right lol. Doctors need to provide clear warnings at the very least.
I understand tho, I feel so bad about my cravings and addiction. But docs never said anything, they just said take this and see if it helps.

Unfortunately it’s now my duty to come off of it. Theirs not the ones suffering I am.
Shrinks certainly need to be tried at the Hague. They never tell psych patients the downsides to the shit they shove down your throats. They give you addictive substances in the wards, then when it's discharge time, they don't give you those meds, because they're "addictive". So you're let out with withdrawal symptoms, crazy as fuck. Bam, back in the loony bin. Good way to make money I guess, but it's sad this is the way they wanna do it.
"Here's some Xanax for your anxiety and oxycodone for your pain and adderall for your concentration problems - don't worry, they're not addictive LOL JK welcome to hell" - my doctor.
Sonic, I'm sorry to hear you are going through your struggles. However, you been asked a few times not to keep posting new threads every time instead of just continuing the thread you started. I've merged quite a few that are about the same topic pretty much. I think you are a great guy, and have the strength within you to pull through this.

I would love to hear more about your past, present, or plans for the future, or feelings and emotions, or even random thoughts. But please, keep it to one thread. We want to help and support you, but it makes things difficult when you are making new threads and leaving the old behind.

PM if you have any questions.
Also, doctors and medical staff are held to quite a bit of legal accountability. A lot of it is signed away by the patient, but there are definite protection against malpractice. In fact, quite a large number of organizations and legal firms exist for the sole purpose of pursuing this. Also, most, if not the vast majority of staff want to help not harm- and would probably go out of their way to help.

Litigation is rarely cheap or expedient, but there are cases where blatant malpractice that is documented can be ratified. It is an option, but contacting the ethics and certification board of said professional in violation would probably have a much quicker and pronounced response.

Keep in mind as well, that doctors are people, alike, and although they are held to high standards, they are still subject to errors and mistakes. And despite checks and balances, mistakes still happen, and I agree should be accounted for- however may not legally be possible due to the nature of the agreement. When caught, medical professionals are fired for misconduct all the time.

If such conflict is problematic with one doctor, then try a new. If this same problem starts to arise, I would personally question whether it is something that I am doing to cause this problem.

Much is the same for counselors and therapist- although much more varied with area and regulations. Most require certificaition and answer to an ethics board as well, so any misconduct should be reported. If a profressional is behaving in inappropriate ways, the patient is not helpless- although it may feel so.

As far as warning about side effects- I'd tend to agree that in general doctors overplay the benefits while underplaying the negative side effects. However, in the age of information that we are in, it doesn't take much time to do a little research and discover information the doctor may have left out. Keep in mind placebo/nocebo are real and measureable, so giving you a drug with the misnomer 'yeah It might fuck ya up but hpefuly it helps' likely isn't going to produce positive expectations, and in fact much of the opposite-potentially lessening the efficacy of the drug before consumption

TLDR: to sum it up, we all know there are lots of problems with health care, specifically mental health, which happens to be a rapididly growind area of science. Many professionals disagree, and getting multiple professional opinions is highly advised. There are lots of organizations to protect misconduct, however, medicine in general carries risks which often requires signing acceptance of risk(i.e. botched surgery, nothing can be done unless evidence of malpractice).

We also have the social thread and vent and rant thread here in TDS, which is probably better suited for this,
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