Meds Doc wants to prescribe Gabapentin to get off Klonopin: will I like it too much?


Mar 3, 2014
So, I've been on Klonopin A LONG time, about 18 years, for social anxiety and generalized anxiety, and I have also been a heavy coffee drinker for just as long which honestly makes my anxiety so much worse and my sleep so much worse to the point that I firmly believe if I can quit coffee I can quit Klonopin and vice versa, but that it's necessary for me to be weaned off both to feel at my best. I am always in a cycle of too much klonopin at night makes it hard to wake up so I drink too much coffee which exacerbates my anxiety so i need more klonopin for that and also to put me to sleep while I have too much caffeine in my system. However, whenever I've managed to get down to low amounts of caffeine I find I can also cut down greatly on Klonopin.

So I take anywhere from 2.5-3mgs of Klonopin a day and was drinking 5 cups of coffee a day, and just asked my psychiatrist for help in a VERY slow tapering process, and we are starting with me moving for 2.5 kpins per day vs a little over 3, and 4 cups of coffee a day vs 5, and I don't care how long it takes, I'm determined to at the very least get entirely off klonopin and down to no more than 1 cup of coffee a day.

So, in discussing this with my doctor the other day, he said that since I often rely on Klonopin to put me to sleep, rather than just anxiety (I have adopted the bad habit of MOSTLY using Klonopin as a sleeping pill) that he thinks Gabapentin would be highly beneficial for me to help me wean off klonopin.

The main problem I see is:

I enjoy many different drugs, and if I were to use gabapentin to wean off klonopin I don't want to like it too much or I'm afraid i'd just get too dependent on that. Many people have actually said Gabapentin is their drug of choice, and I'm NOT looking for another drug to get me high. Klonopin does not get me high.

So, is for those who have used gabapentin, would you say there is a significant danger of my liking the feeling of gabapentin too much and then just using too much of that?

Or are there many people who don't actually feel that gabapentin "gets them high"?

Cause there's no point in replacing one drug that has side effects I don't like (Klonopin) with another that most likely will also have some unpleasant side effects and also be dependence forming.
Gabapentin is a much nicer buzz than benzos but it's really inconvenient.

It takes 3 separate doses spaced 2 hours apart to reach (300+300+300mg for me)
My thoughts for you are, you have gotten yourself into a viscous cycle.
You do need to break that cycle and you can!
I think you will find the same thing I did when I have come off of Klonopin (clonazepam) before.
and that was “my god! I have been way too drugged!” I loved being off clonazepam and I would be right now if it wasn’t for the sleeping disorder I have which requires clonazepam to control. 1 mg at night.

Gabapentin is not something I think you will “like the feeling” of. It isn’t something that gets you high. Or at least, I have not experienced that with it. But, I have not abused it.
Gabapentin is a great medication. It helps anxiety, nerve pain, sleep, gives me more energy and stabilizes my mood.
I feel more clear headed with the Gabapentin. That may be due to a decrease in pain.
It is great!
It is subtle. I cannot really feel any huge difference upon taking it. But after a few weeks you begin to notice things that it is helping with.

I think it would be a good move for you.
That clonazepam is heavy duty. More so than you think, until you are off of it.
You will want to taper down the clonazepam and titrate up the Gabapentin.
Restrict yourself to only a few cups of coffee. I allow myself 3 cups on a bad day. 2 cups normal day.
Just go down slowly on the clonazepam. Slowly cut it down. Taper.
Then titrate up the dose of Gabapentin.
I took too much gabapentin to start with and the room was titling sideways. Not in a good way either.
Be careful with the gabapentin.

I think this is an excellent change and encourage you to do this.
I think you will find just what I did and will be angry that you were so sedated and didn’t really even know it.
Let me know.

Good luck. I am cheering you onward.
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My thoughts for you are, you have gotten yourself into a viscous cycle.
You do need to break that cycle and you can!
I think you will find the same thing I did when I have come off of Klonopin (clonazepam) before.
and that was “my god! I have been way too drugged!” I loved being off clonazepam and I would be right now if it wasn’t for the sleeping disorder I have which requires clonazepam to control. 1 mg at night.

Gabapentin is not something I think you will “like the feeling” of. It isn’t something that gets you high. Or at least, I have not experienced that with it. But, I have not abused it.
Gabapentin is a great medication. It helps anxiety, nerve pain, sleep, and stabilizes my mood. It is great.
It is subtle. I cannot really feel any huge difference upon taking it. But after a few weeks you begin to notice things that it is helping with.

I think it would be a good move for you.
That clonazepam is heavy duty. More so than you think, until you are off of it.
You will want to taper down the clonazepam and titrate up the Gabapentin.
Restrict yourself to only a few cups of coffee. I allow myself 3 cups on a bad day. 2 cups normal day.
Just go down slowly on the clonazepam. Slowly cut it down. Taper.
Then titrate up the dose of Gabapentin.
I took too much gabapentin to start with and the room was titling sideways. Not in a good way either.
Be careful with the gabapentin.

I think this is an excellent change and encourage you to do this.
I think you will find just what I did and will be angry that you were so sedated and didn’t really even know it.
Let me know.

Good luck. I am cheering you onward.

Oh trust me, I'm aware of how sedated I am all the time lol.

I managed to somehow get off it for 9 months years ago, and I felt SOOO much better, but the way they took me off was CRIMINAL. No taper, nothing, just cut off, and SOMEHOW I didn't have any withdrawal but I know my case was just really weird and have no idea why i got so lucky.

This time, the doctor and I will make sure to taper VERY slowly. He said 6 months MINIMUM to get off it, could be more.

Honestly, if I had just quit coffee during those 9 months i was off Klonopin I bet I'd still be off it but I didn't think about it. Caffeine just makes my anxiety 10 times worse.

Hopefully MAYBE i can stick to a cup a day once I'm off Klonopin, but it's hard to moderate. I'd rather be totally off both, but one way or another, I want to mostly or entirely be off both and I know I'll feel much better.
Something that may help with the coffee problem, that I did was this-

I just like the comforting feeling of having a hot cup of something enjoyable to drink in my hand.
I switched to tea’s (Green tea, Peppermint tea, Sleepytime tea - which is amazing) and hot chocolate.
So, when I got a craving to go get a hot cup of coffee, I would alternate with these other nice choices of hot drinks.

I found the Tea’s to be amazing. Now, I have tea time. 😁
Sleepy time tea is a combo of peppermint and lavender, and has valerian root extract in it.
It tastes like peppermint hot chocolate to me and really relaxes your body. Major muscle relaxation.
The green tea helped to detoxify me. My blood feels cleaner and it gives me energy.
Tea’s are amazing. I am experimenting with them.

Just having that nice war, cup of something is helpful in cutting down coffee.

Oh trust me, I'm aware of how sedated I am all the time lol.

I managed to somehow get off it for 9 months years ago, and I felt SOOO much better, but the way they took me off was CRIMINAL. No taper, nothing, just cut off, and SOMEHOW I didn't have any withdrawal but I know my case was just really weird and have no idea why i got so lucky.

This time, the doctor and I will make sure to taper VERY slowly. He said 6 months MINIMUM to get off it, could be more.

Honestly, if I had just quit coffee during those 9 months i was off Klonopin I bet I'd still be off it but I didn't think about it. Caffeine just makes my anxiety 10 times worse.

Hopefully MAYBE i can stick to a cup a day once I'm off Klonopin, but it's hard to moderate. I'd rather be totally off both, but one way or another, I want to mostly or entirely be off both and I know I'll feel much better.
OMG! I am so sorry to hear how you came off clonazepam cold turkey.
That is criminal. You do not know how lucky you are that you did not suffer horribly.
Coming off clonazepam that fast could hurt you permanently.
Do not ever, ever do that again.

I am glad you are okay.
Damn medical system! Sometimes they fail miserably!

Your doctor is correct, taper slowly. Very slowly. It is necessary.

I wish you the best of luck.Let us know how it goes.
Others can learn.
OMG! I am so sorry to hear how you came off clonazepam cold turkey.
That is criminal. You do not know how lucky you are that you did not suffer horribly.
Coming off clonazepam that fast could hurt you permanently.
Do not ever, ever do that again.

I am glad you are okay.
Damn medical system! Sometimes they fail miserably!

Your doctor is correct, taper slowly. Very slowly. It is necessary.

I wish you the best of luck.Let us know how it goes.
Others can learn.

Yeah, at the time I didn't even realize it and this was at a day program at a hospital and they should have known.

I have no clue why i didn't experience horrible WD symptoms, but this time around i'll do it correctly, and I think my doctor is pretty good and knows I want to be very gradual about it.
Any sedating effects from the gabapentin dissapear after a few weeks really. I have only taken it alongside morphine and also clonazepam and i was nodding out on my feet when i first took it with that med combo lol. Sadly that feeling went away quickly So i wouldnt be to worried anyway it doesent actually cause anything resembling euphoria on it's own anyway.
Sounds like you've gotten good advice here on the clonazepam and coffee.

I quit coffee like 9 or 10 years ago and it greatly helped reduce anxiety, gave me better sleep, as well as improved my appetite. I worked with people who drank strong coffee like rocket fuel and I would skip lunch because I was so hopped up on caffeine. I quit cold turkey and all I got was some headaches for a couple of days and then it was good after that. I always say I'd rather get a full night's rest than be dependent on coffee/caffeine to keep me awake the next day.

Painful One's tea and hot chocolate suggestions sound like great ideas for someone addicted to the ritual of drinking it as much as the caffeine itself. Good luck!
Gabapentin would definitely help you bridge off. But it's ideal to take it 300mg at a time every ~30-40 minutes or so. 300mg is the highest bioavailability per one dose (60%) and then it drops to 47% if you take 400mg and continues dropping. I don't think you'd feel "too good" but it can provide a nice mood elevation.

I don't know how much they're willing to prescribe, hopefully it's a decent amount for coming off Kpins after so many years. At least 18-2400mg, in my opinion. 900mg is where it always maxed out for me. Tolerance goes up fast though of course. Like really fast, one of the fastest of any drug.
You must've been on a pretty high dose of Neurontin then. Surprised they gave you kpins instead of Valium, I mean both have a long half life but Valiums half life is like an entire day more.
Funny, as I went on Klonopin in place of Neurontin. Been off of them for a while, but it was no walk in the park.
Good point.
make no mistake, coming off of Klonopin (clonazepam) or Neurontin (gabapentin) is no walk in the park.

You must taper down on both these drugs..
If you have a need that requires them, Make sure you always have some.

Coming off of gabapentin could make you go manic.
I don’t even know what happens on the clonazepam, but I know it is bad.
It isn’t if you taper down.

My doctor just retired and has sent me to someone else.
I could be facing not having both of these medications.
It will be okay. Must remain calm.
You must've been on a pretty high dose of Neurontin then. Surprised they gave you kpins instead of Valium, I mean both have a long half life but Valiums half life is like an entire day more.
We are not talking Valium. Diazepam.
We are talking clonazepam.

it is a whole other level.
Maybe english isn't your first language, since I didn't suggest they were taking clonazepam. I was just surprised they were given clonazepam instead of diazepam because diazepam has a longer half life and is usually the one people use to get off stronger benzos. Getting a benzo for coming off gabapentin is something I haven't heard of much. Most people just end up tapering the gabapentin, but I guess I could see how a benzo could help be a bridge for coming off. Again the gabapentin dose must have been quite high, bad withdrawals seem to be the most prominent around 2000mg plus. Some people simply don't get any gabapentin withdrawal for some reason (I'm one of those people but I generally only take 600mg a day, sometimes 900), but to those who do often say it's on par with benzo withdrawal if not worse. Lyrica would be a lot worse.