DO YOU REGRET IT?? (thankyou p-E-achy)


Jan 14, 2000
I'm only 16 and regularly am popping those e's, it was really reassuring of peachy to tell me she was 15 cos I always worry I get too many drugs down my throat for my young years and it will fuck up my life in the future, Peach, or anyone, 2 yrs on, the burning question is
No I personally don't regret taking XTC because it has made me a better person. Showing me the more positive side to life.
Though I will warn U that U should take it easy with the pill popping. Just limit Urself coz U R at that dynamic growing stage.
I don't regret because if I had to pop for the first time again. I'd do everything the same. I popped when I was young and I'd rather be an early bloomer and take it easy later on with life. With the phrase been there done that bearing to mind. Nowadays I party hard but not as hard as I used to. I see many late blooomers around at uni and they go absolutely ballistic.
Many have just started using it and as always they are going hard. Though they hardly know nothing of XTC and take too much (sometimes). There is nothing wrong with that it's just I would rather take my stiudies seriously because I pay $4000 a semester on it.
Sometimes I wonder how I would have been if I never had popped. Being just another none rolling person. I don't think about it long because the answer is clear. I popped and I'm grateful. Think for the future and take it easy.
That's my 0.02 cents
hell no, i don't regret anything. i've had so many popsitive changes since my first pill; im happier with myself and life in general. i'm only 17; just don't go crazy, there's a lot more living to do!!!!
Okay, just for the record p-E-achy is a he but don't worry, your not the first one to make that mistake

I am also actually 17 but started taking pills at 15 (sorry if I typed that incorrectly).
The truth is, I don't regret it because I don't really think about the future.
I go on doing e's with notion that these are the best years of my life. You've now made me think though.
What if I have children and then I become really depressed like the experts say. How will it reflect on them?
I agree with dru about e making you a better person. I think the best think to do is stick to a routine with e and try not to change it. Just like make it a once a week/month thing so that your studies/work is not affected.
When I was 15 I used to be in such a rush to do new thing and try everything out at once but now I realise at 17 that I've got quite a few years ahead of me (in my young life) and I've done most things already.
I would just take it easy and deal with life as it comes to you.
<~p-E-achy~> -=+PLUR+=-
i must admit, im starting to regret my adolescence spent caning me - the comedowns dont get any better, when i first started they were ok, a day in bed then back to its three days in bed and two more of sore depression... I am starting to get all the side effects id heard about but never experienced...the memory loss, the scattiness, the general "out of it" on a monday. i think im nearing my sober phase, time to start clubbing CLEAN.
dammit i never thought id say that...
When i look back on a grand scale and see the changes physically and personally I have undergone due to my role in the E community, i would have taken it a bit lighter in the past....
Take good care of yourselves, and think of the barely 21 and after a night out i feel double that....i started when i was 15 too
[This message has been edited by jonoUK (edited 19 January 2000).]
I make it a point not to regret anything I do.
Regret: another wasted emotion

But I'm a youngin, too. I'm shoving waaay too many illegal substances into my mouth, but I just make sure to keep it under control. not to go overboard, you know? I know my limit and know what I want to be doing and I don't comprimise myself. Hopefully, I'll be ok
I'll let ya know in 10 years or so