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Do You Reget The Money Youve Spent On Drugs?

Shit funny to me that I'm so ignorant.......
For reals
What is thread topic again?
Oh the monies spent... yeah I don't even think of that anymore unless I slip lors help us all ;) Too much weight to carry, imo/e
I don't regret trying any of the drugs I did, though I guess I could say I do regret the lengthy periods I stayed fixated on some, and the resources drained during those times, money included... but mostly the time. And the health lol.
No. I may regret the opportunity cost of snaggin some of them though.

^ That. Riding many hours with complete bitchmade idiots deep into metro to grab a what may or may not have been a mandatory sentence worth; as if I am going many hours I am grabbin as much as I can. Especially when they were already carrying an uncomfortable (to me and the law at least) amount of blow.....

I missed alot of school in pursuit of bags. Being in a small area you cater to the guy's convenience more often than him yours. i.e "I have work at 3" .... Ok now im ditching school to grab a bag; if I go back I will only be punished for skipping sooner, so that day is over. Ended up bailing on that school, still got a diploma and all but I had good grades and that shouldn't have been an issue.

Waiting blindly in peoples basements who refuse to tell you their real names houses as early teens. "Well we have his house as collateral" naive AF.

Being judged by the village of idiots. (wasn't easy for my dad who had a PHD, was validictorian, suma cum laute etc etc. The man was brilliant and had to cowtow (sp) to the dumbest people on earth. They took away his research lab at one point and never truly gave it back. I am pretty sure he would be here today if it wasn't for all of the bs he had to go through.....I don't mind so much as Im just another idiot but stupid people thinking they are better than you inherently gets pretty old. *got actually, now pot is legal and I can hold my hand with that. and bupe. and benzos. starting to like the nicotine vapes too lol......if somethin else presents itself in a safe manner I will probably partake but Im not going looking for anything out there. (H is dead, the blow sucks, I don't do meth, acid and E are occasional only anyways. Doesn't leave alot left. (I am aware of the choices you dont have to inform me)

Being exposed to that whole second world that is the criminal one. I don't need that im just tryin to get a buzz on; granted I was a bit over enthusiastic/ambitious at the time..Still though I dont think I should be rubbing shoulders with bangers and mobsters and shit. (umm not that I ever have and I am sure they are all great)