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Do you prefer a male or a female doctor?


Dec 27, 2005
When it comes to treating ... your issues, do you prefer a male or a female doctor?

I've personally gotten better treatment from male doctors. They are less strict and can use reason.

But I guess your mileage may vary.
Most of the time I’m fine without any doctor, the dentist is the only one that gave me any relieve.
I prefer a male doctor as well. I like female doctors when they are very pretty.

My old doctor was Indian and both of his children are doctors as well. His daughter is a beautiful Indian woman.

She married another doctor and they moved somewhere else though. I probably don't have that great of a shot with attractive Indian lady doctors though so I'd probably prefer a male doctor.
Female hands down, they actually listen or at least appear so.. Male doctors are usually egotistical assholes. Plus if she’s pretty that’s always a plus :)

Usually I'd prefer a woman but with psychiatrists I made bad experiences, males indeed tend to be more objective. Exceptions confirm the rule!