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do you portray a drug user image?

i'm 6'3" 250 lbs, 21 years old. i dress either punkish (grindcore or crustcore shirt, spiky hair) or like a b-boy (not wigger though, cuz i hate people who act hip hop, just a track top, baggie pants, big boots, sideways hat, my hats pretty stoner usually.) the b-boy look is also kind of an early 90s rave look. i have hair on the very bottom of my chin short and neatly cut, and i usually have a bit of stubble.
occasionally people tell me like i look like the type to beat the shit out of someone (i'm not.)
i walk around pretty fucked up on dxm or downers fairly frequently. on the third day of one of my college courses my teacher said (in front of the class) "so you're not on drugs today!" i had been fucked up the first two classes so i guess i'm fairly obvious.
no, in the beginnings of my relationship when i told my girlfriend about everything i've done she didn't believe me. hahah
well im 6' foot 140 so some ppl think i do coke.. not many tho

oh and i just cut my hair pretty short so i look like ive never touched pot...oh how looks are deceving
I try not to. I usually just wear skate t-shirts and jeans or shorts. People say I still have that junkie look to me however (been clean off heroin for a few months by using suboxone and have started chipping recently) I'm pretty skinny and I always have those dark circles around my eyes for some reason. On top of that, one look at my arms and its pretty obvious what I've been doing for the past many years:\
Only when Im locked up. White boy in jail = doper apparently haha.

And last time I did a bid, I wasnt even using..
I wear a few pieces of raver kandi on me all the time everywhere I do, so I do associate myself as a raver, and look like a raver. For those who do notice they assume I'm a raver, and just assume I'm just some druggie who does alot of ecstasy.

I wear more kandi when I to raves, I also carry my vicks inhaler, pacificer, and a few glow sticks. I have gotten hassled by cops when I am dressed fully as a raver, but not just wearing a few pieces of kandi, like I normally do.

I wouldnt say i look like a drug user. I look out of place in some of the situations i find myself in. Advanced math and chem classes wearing a hoodie and south pole pants that are really sagging. Thats how ive always dressed mad plain tee shirts or hoodie and baggy pants. I just like south pole because they are 15 dollars and have these cool black faded to white ones, awesome. I just like loose hoodies and baggy pants been doing it before it was "cool" I look different everyones got like AE, aeropostal, and northface i look like for lack of better example like im from a rap music video. Gotta do it after all i keeps it gangsta, in the class, the lab and the bedroom.

In court i rock the dress shirt and tie with the nice kackies or even a suit. Got the shoes and pea coat too.
I probably look pretty druggy-ish - mix of a "wigger" and a metalhead, haha. I have like 20-odd new era fitteds, and I'll rock one of those with my Eyehategod shirt with the Xanax bars on the back and some baggy pants and skate shoes or tims. Lot of hoodies, too. I can clean up pretty nice when needed - not very often.
I'm a musician (rocker type) so everyone always assumes i have coke. One time i was in the strip club and this milf comes in with a dude and starts stripping for me at the table and the dude is like yea pretty good huh? she wants to audition...and she was like you got a bump? and trying to get me out of the club. She was wasted already and there's no question i would've tapped that ass that night if had some blow...but it's actually one of the few popular drugs i haven't done.
Well I definitely seem to be keen on the consumption of something... I've got a dreadlock mohawk and if you wanted to, I guess you could classify me as a strange convergence of a grunge punk and a flower child.Lots of jeans and t-shirts...Lots of plaid. Always ranting at you, drooling, but what's really a concern is that's he's absolutely right.
i dont at all. clean cut. 240 pound weightlifter/football player. wear nice clothes and shit. when people find out i do oc and shit the are fucking dumbfounded. its greeeat
random people come up to me and ask if i want to score weed or other drugs almost weekly, so yeah i would say i look like a drug user.

I dont try too, but being a 18, male, and often wearing a hoody, i can understand why people do ask if i want to score.
not at all. it's great. but i can spot others easily :)

Its funny that aint it, sometimes you can just tell or have your suspicions that people are into something.

I'm much better now after 8 weeks clean, my skin and eyes are back to my natural pasty scottish tint and my eyes are clear rather than looking grey and cloudy. Much more with it generally really, the only "evidence" is ihave marks on both arms from getting bloods taken all the time, which would fit with myformer lifestyle but not someting i ever did, my nose used to be completely fucked though, cracked skin and swollen nostrils.
I look like a meth addict right now, no doubt. I look half dead with my ghastly colored skin and protruding bones...

Scares me shitless. :(
most people would never suspect that i am a drug user. most of my close frineds know me to be the one who has abused just about every pill i can get my hands on. but i dont really take pills anymore. and some of my freinds are becomeing aware that i do coke on occasion, but i never make it know when i do it or how often cuz i would rather have it be out of sight, and out of mind.
the only ones who know i have tried H are my GF and my friend who got it for me (he also has tried it)and i dont plan on letting anyone in on it. so its like our little secret btween us, but it is understood that its between us only.
Ummm ... depends after a 3 week heroin binge im sure i look like a drug user .. but most of the time no. I graduated from a private high school not even less than a year ago .. i got a clean cut kinda look .. diamond studs .. timbs .. usually wear pac sun type clothing .. but people always think i look fucked up and i'm 19 and if i shave i look like im 15 so i don't know what people think.

I wonder what the people at CVS think when i go in to buy syringes ... hopefully that i have diabetes but its doubtful.