do you openely admit to your steroid use?


Bluelight Crew
Jun 15, 2009
Well do you?
And if so or if not, what are your reasons?
Are there people you lie to but others you tell?
Got any stories about how people have been dicks because of it or self rightious assholes?
Have you ever met a big ripped motherfucker who knows literally nothing about aas?

Keep this thread light hearted.

I openly admit it to everyone apart from family members, as they just would not understand, I have no idea wtf my mother would say if she knew I was injecting, she would probably think I needed help like some sort of heroin addict and refer me to an addiction centre...
I admit to others openly only if they ask, I don't go advertising the fact. My reasons for this is that ibdont care what people think of me and people my age are generally understanding, they generally have no idea about anything and ask stupid fucking questions.

I had a conversation with the second biggest fucjer in my gym the other day, he generally had no idea wtf he was talking about. Apparently AIs don't exist, test and sust is different, tri tren is better because it's 3 different types of tren, it leave the body in a week with the isocaporate and enanthate esters. Pct is a scam, all the info I got is off stupid friends I have my age who do ny know anything about steroids.. I got acne because I had shit gear infested with wheat grass...
U expected them guys to know what their doing, evedently I was wrong.

So, what about the rest of you?
I'd be perfectly open about it to CERTAIN PEOPLE, but it's very difficult to define who. If it's a guy at gym, he'd have to be using himself. Ultimately though, unless they met the criteria for me to be open with them, it's none of their business whatsoever.

I would tell very very selective family members, but they'd be more like good friends than blood relatives. I wouldn't tell my parents.
I never tell anyone. I only told a girl that I know I can trust.
In a few years I will be more open about it though. My dealer knows very little about gear. When I first asked him about steroids he said no I don't have that I just have test primo winstrol deca amino acids and clempetrole.
Haha that dealer sounds like a retard he doesn't even know what he's selling lol.
What's his gear like?
Interesting thread :) As you know I'm still yet to start my first course, but I wanted to share where I'm at with this.

I've actually been considering steroids for a while now, last year's re-injury of my shoulder is what really made me decide to get educated. Around Christmas 2013 I decided for sure. To this point I had only talked about using steroids with my best mate and long time training partner, he's wanted me to use them for years! He never pressured me, but was always happy to tell me about them. I could see the results he was getting for myself!

My friend is very open about his use with me and those he knows he can trust, while he trains in martial arts with me, his primary love is body building. I've always spoken about my friends use with my brother, and since my last injury I've also spoken with him about wanting to use them myself. He fully supports and trusts me, he's even reading up on them himself even though he doesn't plan to use them. Perhaps he will change his mind, but either way it's great to have the support. My wife knows too and she's totally cool with it. She knows how much of my life my training is, how much I benefit from it, even before it's part of my job.

I'll be open on the net to a degree, behind this screen name. This is because of how it could effect a career in professional sport if I was completely open about it too early. It's stupid but that's unfortunately the way it is. I'll be completely open with a very select few that are close to me.
I am open with it to about 90% of people after a while its hard to hide, but you have to pick and choose. You have to look at the the person, you know one way or the other how they are goign to react before you tell them. Like my father figured it out pretty quick, when I started on them. I wasn't even at home, would not see him for months but sure enough I came home from college one summer, he cornered me in the kitchen one morning before my run. And out it came, he just wanted to make sure I was being smart about it, and he shared a few stories from when he was young and doing the same thing so it was a strange moment but none the less was nice to share it years later hes getting gear from me lol so fucking funny. Time went on and I shared with a few mates in the service, hell we were all running shit, may as well figure out who could get what and run better cycles. The funniest was when my girl found out, or rather when she asked me when I was just going to cop to it. We hadn't been living together long, so i figured my hiding place was fine, besides she not looking in the safe wtf. But shes not an idiot either so when I would blow up, and then come down a bit she put it together real quick especially the fact that there was always a jug of detergent in the bathroom ( i was putting used pins in a dark large container) and that I would take a fair amount of time a few days a week and took a little bag in the bathroom regularly wasn't hard to figure out. Was funny though I tried to back peddle, sputtered a few sentenced fragments out expecting to defend my self, but she was fine with it, as long as i didn't get aggressive I was kosher though and I quote " What ever the fuck your taking thats making you sweat like a pig at night and act like a dick has to stop" so between that and the insomnia tren left the tool kit. I mean really what normal guy sweats through the sheets in December? She was tired of having to wash the sheets 7 days a week lol.
Since I do not Use myself all I can say is that I would certainly be Open about my Use as Long it was NO WAY I was being Voice Recorded and Incriminating Myself for Illegal Shit lol. But I only care about Muscles for Health NOT FOR STRONG OR SEXY LOOKS OR TO FEEL BETTER OR LIVE LONGER for PURELY Optimal-Health so I Guess Sort of Indirectly to Live-Longer might could be my Goal I Guess you could say.
Lol 10 mins from Pakistan in Lebanon... Bit racist... Jk lol
lol wee bit, he knows im just busting his balls. Hell Ill be over there in a few months with the new job. Should be interesting considering the area hasn't gotten any better since I was in uniform lol Going back as a private contractor will be nice. Less over site more leeway to do what is needed. lol Fly is good people young as all hell though. Would not have guessed it from his posts though.
i have never used steroids but many of my friends have and tbh, not much good has ever come out after they have admitted their use to a few cases it backfired on them..the only reason i would tell a friend is if he was taking steroids too so we could share ideas etc good reason to tell average joe bar buddy imo..
it is in your best interest to keep all drug/steroid use private.

Why do you feel that way good sir? Different areas, different cultures, different laws and different public opinions. What are your reasons for feeling this way?
Why do you feel that way good sir? Different areas, different cultures, different laws and different public opinions. What are your reasons for feeling this way?

it's better to remain silent and let people wonder, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

it's nobodies business what you put into your body.

nothing good will come of others knowing you use performance enhancing substances.
If people ask me, I always tell them that if you have to ask yourself if a person is on steroids, they usually are. And I leave it at that. Practically everyone knows I'm on gear because they can just tell by the way I look, I never admitted anything. The only people I ever admitted it to are my parents, my sister, and two close friends who are pretty much blood.
I can see where people want to play it close to their chest. Until after I got out the service that shit was really tight lipped my CO knew but he trained with us, and a few other guys but other wise a very select few ppl know. Now I dotn give a rats ass fro the most part, I tell ppl I know aren't goign to give me some BS lecture. But then again I dont have a huge circle of friends, and the guys that know are close or have figured it out. Like Guido said if you have to ask its an answered question, and its hard to hide after awhile.