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Do you like the opiate itches?


  • yes

    Votes: 606 66.8%
  • no

    Votes: 301 33.2%

  • Total voters
ahhh I got the itches hardcore right now.

Nice high quality dope. I feel the nods com....
Swerz said:
the itch gives me something to do

hahahah i agree, i also agree with billywitchdoc.com
the itch is quite nice because it feels so good to scratch but it sucks when you wake up at 4 in the morning scratching the shit out of your face.
I think the itch is the most annoying side effect from opiates, its the itch u just cant scratch (4 me its always my nose and forearms) dunno y its concentrated on those 2 areas most of the time (its been like that since the first time I got perscribed vicodin) I itch from just about every opiate (but therz a few I've yet to try) I'm itchin just thinkin about it, wtf is up with that? Weird
The itches drive me crazy, because they don't go away! And I always get the feeling that I'm itching too much and people are noticing it, esp b/c the people I work with would notice and would comment on it lol.
I wanna meet these 34% who don't like it, so i can ask them what the hell is the matter with them.
i think it really depends. the itching can be really pleasent or it just gets annoying. As someone said the type of opiate makes a huge difference. morphine makes me itch soooo much.
A part of my very itchy brain looks forward to the itch, and waits for the reassurance almost immediately after dosing. So yes, I do enjoy it.
swifty said:
I don't really care either way...

HAHAHA! Yeah, when high on opiates, that's pretty normal. I voted "no" - though I agree that relieving the itch feels great. Actually it's not that different from how it feels to be sitting in the sauna for a little long, when the sweat really starts pressing through the pores... I get the urge to scratch my skin then too, and it all feels very similar. The sauna is less addictive and good for me, and so I go to the sauna more often than I will use opiates :)
Sometimes Yes, sometimes No. Really depends.

Sometimes it feels good and can be fun, but it's a pain in the arse when your constantly scratching and wake up with soar skin in the morning.
Ximot said:
Uhm, you got 1612 posts now that I read this %)

I was smacked out when I wrote that. %)

Are you calling me out? ;) To quit bluelight for good?
I'll still come to read advanced drug discussion.

To make it relevant, I still love itching my face and mashing my nose on opiates, though legal reasons keep me from indulging nowadays. :( :( :(
god knows i love the itches... yeah they can be annoying but OMG when you scratch them...


GOOD GOD I WANT A bag of smack :(.
Like Ned Flanders says about mosquito bites...

"Hmmm,mmmm! Sure are fun to scratch!"

I guess I feel the same :) Maybe cause I know the source of the itch
I used to love that itchy semi-nauseus blissed out comfy warmth............
I Like It

I don't know what it is, but I like it. I had a friend that once ate 20 750mg vicodine's and scratched the skin off of his nose and loved every minute of it... Until the next day of course
They totally detract from the codeine experience, but then it's hardly a strong opiate. Last time i used, i was violently sick twice and had to rub lotion everywhere that i'd itched just to sleep...over 3 hours after i took the drug.

Thankfully i'd had enough restraint to not itch until i bled in several places and woke up with stained sheets, that was the time before...

Perhaps the fact that i don't use much anymore (guess why), and because i filter it through a bed sheet has something to do with the potency of the itching. I used to use coffee filters, i'll try that again if anyone thinks there is something to it. I don't think i'll use the bedsheet filtration again, even if the APAP content in the 300ml of water is far below the 1g/70ml that you might expect at room temperature, i still worry about my liver. The water is probably about 2 or 3c when i drink it.

Anyone care to suggest how i could improve my method? Am i at risk here? Can i reduce the ithing and increase the intensity? Should i stop using drug's to escape my intrinsic mental and physical disfunction? All good questions...