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Do you find that eating kills your weed high?

Does eating kill your weed high?

  • Yes, eating does kill my weed high

    Votes: 339 53.1%
  • No, eating does not kill my weed high

    Votes: 299 46.9%

  • Total voters
From what I've heard in jamaica cannabis is used as an appetite suppressant, I think the munchies are a cultural thing.

And for me food really doesn't effect the high.
I have found that I don't have an appetite unless I smoke...does anybody else have this problem? In all seriousness, food doesnt taste right if im not high.
Photon said:
Well this is an easy one, since your body naturally rejects THC, the side effect (which is a good one) causes hunger which sobers your body up. your body doesnt want to be high, even if you think it does, and eating sobers you up.

Do you have a source for that? I'm not so sure that's true...
Yes, of course, eating substantially diminishes the experienced marijuana high.
If someone is freaking out after smoking some too potent for them kind bud, this bit of information can be used to your advantage; that is, feed them some food.
Eating doesnt supress ur high, its just put in your mind that it will. Weed is also a hunger supressent, the only reason your hungry is because you think you are.
Speak for yourself.
Smoking weed MAKES me hungry.
It's colloquially known as geting the munchies.
back in the day when i actually felt really high I would get hungry as hell and I noticed that the intensity of the high was killed once that grumble in my stomach was gone (because of eating).. then there was a point in my life where i was a complete broke ass stoner and didn't really get the option of eating for munchies, so i grew tolerant of not eating after smoking.. which in my opinion, makes the high last longer.
Eating reduces my high as well...so I tend to tough it out when I get the munchies. My wife and I made a New Year's Resolution for 2007: the reason our grocery bill is around $150 a week is because we go to the store when we're high...so our New Years Resolution is to only go to the grocery store when we're sober so we don't spend an assload of money on chi food. LOL.
Munchies have come and gone, here and back... right now I get the munchies HARDCORE when I smoke, but there have been plenty of periods where I didn't get hungry at all.

I definitely prefer not getting the munchies, but then again there's something special about heading down to the store with a couple other blitzed kids and buying everything you can fit in your two hands and finishing it all before you can finish walking home in satisfied silence.

It makes me feel unhealthy and "fat" though... even though I'm a male and 6'4" and 155 lbs. Oh well.

The food tastes so good though...

Plus I just smoke more afterwards.

I love smoking after meals it is the best time.

Damn 6'4" 155Lbs?

I am 5'10" 203Lbs.

You must be skinny as hell.
yes it does, i always eat before... (and then i end up eating after haha %) )

i also find that using eye drops (naphcon is the best for getting the red out) takes a decent chunk of my buzz away, eating takes away at least 50% and i think eye drops take away 20-25% but its probably all mental
enoughorangejuice? said:
i also find that using eye drops (naphcon is the best for getting the red out) takes a decent chunk of my buzz away, eating takes away at least 50% and i think eye drops take away 20-25% but its probably all mental

That's interesting... my good friend also says that eye drops make him sober up instantly. he says they immediately bring him from the actively high state to the comedown high stage, you know, where you feel some sort of buzz but generally aren't high anymore. Until today, he was the only person I've heard of that that happened to.

I'm glad I made this poll, because I didn't really expect the results to be close to 50/50! This is very interesting to me, because the majority of my friends claim that eating brings down their high, and in fact that it brings down most drugs, but this is simply not true at all for me. This leads me to believe that it's entirely or almost entirely mental, related to expectation. Just like so many other aspects of altered states. But until this poll, I was starting to wonder if I was just special or something =D

As it turns out, back when I started smoking I definitely found eating to bring down my high, probably because my friends always told me it does. Then once I got some experience tripping, I was much more able to analyze a indstate, and I discovered that it was all in my head. I think it definitely has something to do with people feeling more lazy and less active after eating... it most likely infleunces you to feel less high, when in fact you're just less into it.
lurkerguy said:
Damn 6'4" 155Lbs?

I am 5'10" 203Lbs.

You must be skinny as hell.

Yup... it's nice though, I can tell the ladies it's pure muscle and they buy it half the time. Plus I don't have to count carbs or anything like that when I'm high... that would be so difficult
Depends on what I eat.

Candy, yeah, but actual food (or something close), nah. I think an excess of sugar like in candy gives me enough energy that I dont feel that 'stoned' feeling anymore.
Eating has no real effect on the high I get from pot (though the food is delicious;)), but it absolutely kills the high I get from benzo's.
It depends, I have read that when you eat a large amount of food or sugar you body has to make insulin and whatever else to break down whatever is in you, could that be it?
It kills my high somewhat, though not enough to stop me from making cereal. Try eating foods such as milkshakes, cookie dough, etc.