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Do you drive while youre high?

Do you drive high?

  • No, never!

    Votes: 55 11.8%
  • Only in an emergency

    Votes: 50 10.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 172 36.8%
  • Usually

    Votes: 191 40.8%

  • Total voters
My alcoholic (and proud!) friend loves driving. He says it feels so awesome to get drunk, then drive down the highway at like 90 mph... Then close your eyes for a few seconds. Not so long you crash, but just for a few seconds. He says it's feels amazing.

For reals. I tell him it's fucked up. He say's I've gotta try it though. Apparently if I try it once, I'll be hooked.

This is the logic of some of the other drivers out there. You all better make sure you got your eyes and reflexes and telescopic vision.
I have driven drunk quite a few times. I drive on DXM, Meth, Coke, pills, opiates assuming I am not nodding off or anything. I'll drive on anything assuming I am not too fucked up, If I am then I will park somewhere and sleep till I am good again.

Only had a problem one time when I was drunk (waking up in a Macdonalds parking lot with no idea how I got there and puke all over myself). Have been very careful since!
i find that i wont think twice about driving if im on weed n oxy or whatever but if i have been drinkin then i am somewhat cautious but for the mostpart i am a terrible example. i am prob in some way intoxicated 90% of the time i drive somewhere simply for the fact that i am usually in some way impared. Complete sobriety sucks
i basically never drive sober, i'm high all the time

i crashed my car sober, and never had a problem while high
I just recently started burning again and not much makes me happier then driving down the highway with the music up after a packed bat or two. The other night I thought I over did it and got a tad nervous but after 10 minutes the immediate high leveled out and I had no worries.
Most of my driving is under the influence of opiates as most of my time is spent under the influence of opiates, but its not really a huge deal the docs dont tell the pain pateints they cant drive when they give them opiate scripts
I'm pretty shocked at the number of people with an active interest in harm reduction and more sensible drug policy who regularly drive high.
I'm pretty shocked at the number of people with an active interest in harm reduction and more sensible drug policy who regularly drive high.

Being high doesn't necessarily mean being totally fucked. Like I said in my post, I know my limits. I can drive on meth or benzos and be in total control. But I wouldn't drive if I've taken so much that my driving is impaired.
There's a limit to everything except weed. I don't think it's possible to smoke enough weed to fuck me up to the point of being impaired. Nor would I want to smoke that much anyway. If Im fucked up on opiates theres no reason to drive until i run out, at which point I won't be high except on weed.
On Benzos, if it seems like I am walking normally, but I have to think really hard to be able to lift my feet up enough to climb up the stairs, then I failed the benzo driving test. I noticed that on valium I would trip up the stairs due to intoxication.
On psychedelics it's all a matter of when I dosed. Some people describing their weed driving reminds me of my tripping driving. I am terrified to do even slightly more than the speed limit and at night the headlights form a weird little trippin tunnel vision that really is no fun, especially if a car is in the opposite lane and you could swear that he is in your lane.
I don't like to drink too much anyway. So I'm pretty self-regulating in this regard.
I posted this somewhere else, but I love driving high on weed and opiates, especially when it's warm out. I love shooting down the west side highway with my windows down blasting the system; feels like flying.

Also, this is super dangerous but I have driven high on benzos and once on benzos, alcohol, opiates, and weed. I am always so relaxed that the danger of driving in that condition doesn't even occur to me.
I am always just like, "Yea, I feel fine! Drive? No problem! Easy as cake!" And then when I wake up the next morning not remembering the night before, I am in shock with myself that I would even consider driving in that state of mind.
Extremely dangerous, but also a little bit funny in a really sick way.
I do, only if I think that I'm not too fucked up (although judgement is impaired of course...) - dont make it a habit though. I hate driving on comedowns though, the anxiety kills me and I'm probably worse than I would be high imo.
I don't drive, but refuse to get into a car with someone under the influence now. I have in the past and it was stupid, the driver couldn't stay on the right side of the road, or on the road at all, I have never had a more genuine reason to fear for my life, I got out and walked the last few miles home.

A good friend of mines mother has been paralised from the neck down for the last 20 years from being hit head on from a drunk driver with her 2 (at the time, young) children in the car. She now needs 24 hour carers, can't talk, constantly in a wheelchair and it has made the life of the whole family much much harder. And it's horrible to see such a strong, caring and genuinely lovely lady have to live with such horrible disabilities, and the strain it's put on the family, at the hands of someone else, for no reason other than the other persons selfishnes.

Another friend of mine was the passanger and was killed in a crash because of the driver being shitfaced and slamming the car into a static road sign, his younger sister was in my "class" at college, and seeing how devistated she was totally turned me off it, and kinda made me loath people who are so selfish that they don't give a shit about putting the lifes of other people in danger, just so long as they can get wasted... It wont kill you to wait untill you are no longer in the car... In fact, it would probably help save lives.

Oh, and both drivers survived too, and as far as I know, with little repercussions.

"It will never happen to me"... It fucking could, and would you be OK with the death of a child on your hands?
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I drive drunk, tripping, high, but NEVER EVER EVER after taking benzos mixed with alot of booze, wrote one car off like that and I will never again.
I recently received an OVI in Ohio by driving a car three days after smoking weed.

I was being an idiot and unfortunately struck a concrete pole in a drive-they; the cops made me piss in the cup.

I’ll drive while stoned; I drove while tripping and rolling once, too, but I wouldn’t again.
Im a meth user, yes i will drive during high. Not like i would have, just like if i need to go mobile then i would.

And i would smoke few hits before i go on a long trip.