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Do you consider marijuana a party drug?


Aug 19, 2013
I have recently been doing a lot of thinking about whether or not marijuana is suitable for a "party" atmosphere. While many people smoke at parties; I feel like they do so just because it's custom, rather than to enhance their partying experience. In my personal case, marijuana causes me to retreat into my internal world and while I might enjoy social interaction with a few friends, I become very, very overwhelmed by loud and obnoxious drunk people and it usually doesn't result in a very pleasant experience. I would usually rather just smoke by myself or with a couple close friends and listen to my soundsystem. Also, the social self-consciousness/awareness that many people experience when smoking makes for potentially difficult situations at parties. Overall, I would say alcohol and stimulants are the most desirable "party" drugs, while cannabis/psychedelics are for people like myself who like more intimate experiences. What are your thoughts on this?
I do think environment plays a part in how you will react while high but I don't think there's a general rule that fits everyone for this. Everyone will be different I suppose but I do know what you mean, it seems more conducive when with fewer people than with larger crowds. But again, that's also from my own experience.

No. No I do not.

I smoke lots of weed at parties, it can help me be more social at times, but it used to do the opposite... It's weird, I get the best effects from pot when I have a high tolerance. Not the most intense, but the most enjoyable, practical, and therapeutical effects.

So when I have a lower tolerance, my social anxiety goes right up when I smoke, and when I have a higher tolerance, it lowers significantly.

No. No I do not.

I smoke lots of weed at parties, it can help me be more social at times, but it used to do the opposite... It's weird, I get the best effects from pot when I have a high tolerance. Not the most intense, but the most enjoyable, practical, and therapeutical effects.

So when I have a lower tolerance, my social anxiety goes right up when I smoke, and when I have a higher tolerance, it lowers significantly.

Same here bud don't worry your normal the more you use a drug often the less you experience side effects.
Anyone who likes to smoke pot would not call it a party drug...by the way, OP, it sounds like you're actually taking this post seriously, but if you're really into smoking, I think you should already know this, just saying, look at the agreement to what I'm saying with the posts above me. 'No'.
not at all. it just makes me too lazy and introverted so social interaction with people I don't know becomes annoying and useless
I think it all depends on your state of mind, just like a mushroom or acid trip can be amazing or living hell depending on the thoughts in your head at the moment. Whenever I was chilling and having a session just by myself or in a small group I would be comfortable and not really in the mood to go out anywhere, even if that were the original plan. On the other hand, whenever I was already at a party and smoking there I'd become energized enough to keep up my pace/confidence even though normally I'm the sort of person who gets worn out fast from any social interaction.
Only if you're with other people smoking pot and the primary purpose of your gathering is to smoke pot and socialize while smoking pot. Otherwise the pot smokers tend to gather in a room upstairs or downstairs away from the drinkers and do that.
No because I can smoke weed and go to school/work, I can't take Molly and go to school or work.
Obviously really depends on the crowd. If the crowd is all bunch of psychonauts and stoners than obviously. Usually a party consists of polysubstance users and alcoholics. Usually the polysubstance users will smoke some pot with the stoners than do some cocaine and drink alcohol through the night or vice versa lol. I agree if my tolerance is low I probably wouldn't be smoking too much pot. But if I'm hammered with alcohol I sure as hell will on top of a pile of other drugs. So my final answer is no it's not a real party drug. More for chill outs with a group of small people.
At this point I dislike smoking (or really any psych use) in groups more than about five. Pot puts me in a chair whereas alcohol and such gets me up and doing wild shit, so I also think pot ain't no true party drug. At the only true parties I've even been to, most of the people are weirded out/disgusted by blatant smoking in front of them. But that's because they're greek life people usually.
Cannabis is extremely malleable when compared to most other drugs. I will admit that I have smoked marijuana at parties and have had fun with it.

So, yes, it can be.
I think it all depends on your state of mind, just like a mushroom or acid trip can be amazing or living hell depending on the thoughts in your head at the moment. Whenever I was chilling and having a session just by myself or in a small group I would be comfortable and not really in the mood to go out anywhere, even if that were the original plan. On the other hand, whenever I was already at a party and smoking there I'd become energized enough to keep up my pace/confidence even though normally I'm the sort of person who gets worn out fast from any social interaction.

This! Its all about the mindset. If you're excited and amped up before you smoke, then smoking will elevate those feelings and make you ready for a great party atmosphere (until you keish out that is :|). It also has to do with tolerance, because if your tolerance is low you get really high and introspective, but if your tolerance is high then you can handle the high and roll with it, using the effects to your advantage.

Being drunk & then smoking also increases your party-attitude imo; it breaks down any remaining social barriers because at that point you really dont give a fuck about anything.
i realy dont consider it to be a drug, not anymore than i consider tobacco to be a drug anyways
depends on the type of party and the timing. good way to wind down after a wild night or kick it with a small group. not so good for big parties and/or trying to meet people/hook up.

obviously there are other important variables like tolerance, strain, quantity, mindset, etc.