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Do people know that you take e??

yes, but they still worrie. its still better to be honest after a while they find out so your only lieing to your self.
Everyone I know knows I smoke weed. My parents think I stopped, and not ALL of my extended family knows, but some of my cousins know. Only one member of my family knows about my e use (a cousin who has friends that drop). All my close friends know that I do e, and most are accepting.
My favorite not accepting friend is this girl who gives me a hard time about how often I drop, but she can't tell me a single name of the 8 or 9 tabs she's taken over the last year. Give her anything round and tell her it's ecstacy and she'll take it, as long as it's been long enough since the last time she dropped. She's a glass addict, too.
Sadly, a really good friend of mine, who talked me into trying E for the first time, won't talk to me anymore because of my e use. He wasn't careful, didn't test his pills, and now he says X fucked him up for good. He talks about how bad a drug it is. From the stories he's told me, I'm pretty sure he's taken some bad pills. He has multiple stories that all sound like he probably had pma. He's lucky to be alive. I feel like I have learned from his mistakes, I always test my pills (one of my dealers is a really close friend of mine, and he tests the tabs he sells me). I have done much research and have tried to enlighten him as to why he has experienced those negative side effects, but he insists that I don't know any more than he does about it, and is perfectly happy to remain an ignorant robot who believes what the government tells him. Oh! he is also one of those people that smokes tons of weed and will talk about the misinformation and lies that the government puts forth about marijuana, but is still closed minded about E. I think I'll post that last sentence in the pet peeve thread in social. ;)
my parents know that i smoke, have done shrooms and lsd. they're not stupid, they see the news and all the specials about raves on tv, so it probably wouldn't surprise them to know that i've rolled before. but, they have no idea how much i've done of everything/anything. my bros are cool w/everything (although one of them is starting to give me shit about x, but it's because he lost the magic, too, and isn't interested in repairing the damage). all of my close friends do drugs, all my other friends know but we don't hang out much for that reason. and one more thing...i thought was extremely funny. this girl i used to date in college told me after we graduated that most people at school found our house very intimidating, because it was just a known fact that if you didn't do drugs you couldn't come over. of course the only way you're not welcome is if we don't like you, drugs or no drugs, but i thought that was funny.
Hi everyone,here many people know about me taking E.Except for a few conservative types offcourse.Even my oldest son knows,and my mom and dad,and my brother,cos i buy them from him :))
Originally posted by MDMA_DNA:
The friends that I choose to spend the majority of my time with use XTC and I’ve found that the most of the people who choose to use it (however infrequently) are some of the most open minded and beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Well said!
When I went clubbing last time, I said bye to my mum, and she said…
"Be careful and make sure no-one puts anything in your drink. That Estacy kills you know!" (yep, she really said es-tacy!)
Most of my colleagues (only the ones that do it too though!) and friends know I do weed, speed and e, but I could never tell my parents or family.
I’ve not yet had to argue my drug use, because my friends are fairly open-minded. Some of my friends obviously don’t do drugs, but they never give me a hard time about it. I have told them if they ever want to try ANY substance to come and see me first. They know I am a safe user, and I don’t want to see them get fu*ked up.
I guess most of my younger cousins know that I smoke hash and pot, and I told my mother that I smoke some, but not too much. Hopefullly none of my family members know that I do e, and hopefully they'll never know. People in general are so un-educated when it comes to drugs, and will judge you, like my aunt did when she found some used weed baggies with leafs on in my trash bin.
Most of the "grownups" I know think that every narcotic, be it heroin or MDMA, will get you addicted and kill you. Like for my grandparents I think it's hard even to understand what MDMA and other chems are, because they are living in a totaly other world. When they were young you drank alcohol, and that was it. You drank and got drunk! For them to understand that I go to big parties with loud electronic music, or sit in dark rooms in the "upper westside" with other smart kids, awake for days, chewing gum, drinking water and stimulating the concentration of neurotransmitters in my neural synapsis, is fairly impossible

In the part of town where I live, everyone somehow knows who everyone is, like he/she has a friend, that knows one of my drug-using friend, and met him really fucked somewhere. And since almost none of my non-using friens know that I do drugs, there's always a chance when I'm together with non-users at a party or just in "my neighbourhood" that I will meet some people that I roll with that don't know that I'm hideing it, and they start to talk about how "wasted we were this weekend" and "how nice those e's was"...
I don't know why I hide it for most of my non-using friends. Maybe 'cause I'm sure that it will make it hard beeing good friends anymore :( I have seen how they've judged other friends of mine, and how they talk about other people who they know that take drugs, and I just know that they won't go any softer on me. I prolly just should have told them in the beginning, 'cause I have to tell them some time, and then many of them might feel that I have been lying to them. So I have really only made it worse for myself by keeping it a secret!

But I'm thinking that if they judge me, those friendships aren't worth carrying on to. Most of the beautiful people I roll with I have gotten so close to, I have experinced something so special with them and we have shared thoughts and secrets that make those friendship more worth than anything else in life. They are people that I don't think twice for telling personal stuff to, 'cause they understand and accept on a totaly different level that other people. The know how it's like to feel you are not fitting in society's square role-models and stereo-types. Together with them I have seen places other people can't image, we all have a common secret, a vision that makes those friendships strong.
The day I give up chemicals and try to make the best out of the rest of my life, they will still be there, while everyone else lives their square lifes, with their wife/husband, two kids, their dog, their car and their neat little sub-urban house looking down on you from their moral high-horse...
"Peace, love, ecstacy..."
My mom knows what I do, but not how often. My father has drug issues of his own, and as far as I know doesn't have a clue about me. Both my brothers know, and party sometimes as well. all of my friends know, except for one which causes me a lot of anguish. I always have been very honest with everyone around me, but my best friends wife is in a high position at the company I work for. The company has a zero tolerance policy, and I know that if she found out I would be out of a good job. It hurts me to not be able to be truthful with my best friend, he sees the signs, and has asked me about it (as far as he knows I used to do it, but stopped a number of years ago), and I have to outright lie. I wish I could tell him - but he can't keep anything to himself and there is no way it wouldn't slip out to his wife.
I once told my mum that I'd got so drunk that I threw up and she was so dissapointed with me. I obviously didn't tell her that I'd been doing that for a good few motnhs. So if she ever found out that I did drugs of any description she'd kill me. She once came round my friends house and saw the bongs out on the table and cried all the way home. My younger sister knows i do, she smokes a lot more than i do. My drug-using friends know i do, and those non-users who hang round with us. But my friends from school don't, and its staying that way. If they ever found out they'd disown me. Which means that I'll be drinking only at the summer ball :(
are you kidding? if either of my parents knew they would kill me...my dad already said that he would "chop my hands off" if he found out, and to tell you the truth, I think I will be the same with my kids...hyporcrit i know, I guess its just parents...whats funny though is that I come home at 7 am in the morning and have not yet slept and she is waking up or making breakfast or something and thinks I have been up all night on pure adrenelin or my big dinner from the night before...haha..I'm glad she doesnt know the 'symptoms' of coming down are....To her I am her good studious little girl......if only she knew eh?
Everyone knows I do drugs. I certainly dont try to hide it.
Although my parents dont condone what I do and are very worried they know better than to try to make me stop(I am 25 too).
Sometimes I dont like being labeled a druggie but I guess I brought that upon myself being so open about it. It bothers me when I am like sick and havent consumed anything and people don't believe me sorta-like the little boy who cried wolf.
For the most part it doesnt bother me all my friends come to me for drug questions and many have thanked me for my input.
My- coworkers even my bosses know I do it(do lines of coke with my one manager sometimes)
Originally posted by sharp sense:
Does almost nobody knows that you take e?? Does your parents know, or your mates at school/work?? how do they react when they find out??
have note very closed people asked you if you take drugs?? how do you answering this?? are you talking about that or are you denying it??

It all depends on who it is, but usually I would rather lie to someone. If its amongst people my age, I might tell them. But like I said it all depends. A lot of people would never do E themselves, but are okay with it if you do it.
I'd have to agree that for me it depends. I tell those close to me (not parents) for a couple of reasons.
First, these people are my close friends because I want them to know who I am and appreciate me for that. That goes for girlfriends too. If you hide things from the inner circle, I think it indicates that you yourself arent comfortable with what youre doing which is bad.
Secondly, I like to consider my drug using friends as a check on my own capacity to keep contol over my use. If I feel like I did something noone should know about that means its time to taper back a bit. Also, I'd trust my circle to inform me if they thought I did too much and I'd make my own call.
As far as the rest of the world, they know nothing. Only bad can come of others knowing anything.
thats my $.02.