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Do people know that you take e??

sharp sense

May 19, 2001
Does almost nobody knows that you take e?? Does your parents know, or your mates at school/work?? how do they react when they find out??
have note very closed people asked you if you take drugs?? how do you answering this?? are you talking about that or are you denying it??
Yep, parents think I stopped over a year ago but from how they act I know they know I havent, but I assume they know im doing less and its not doing me too much harm and theres nothing they can do about it anyway really.
Friends well yes and even people I dont know seem to know that I do drugs, ive never really kept it a secret and from past things its something people see go together hand in hand.
I dont mind being labelled a drug user as people do ask me for advice and because I dont judge people, some people I guess do judge and make assumptions but they arent the people I choose to surround myself with.
if anyone were to ask, I'd happily admit my recreational drug use.. I've always made a point of being the respectable face of recreational drug use.. I don't go getting all messy every weekend, just some :) , I don't end up in hospital or dead, I don't get arrested, and where people will listen I will make them aware of the FACTS concerning recreational drug use rather then have them continue to believe some of the shit they've been fed.
as to people who already know... all of my family know, and most of my family have either taken drugs recreationally or still do. my parents know I have taken ecstasy and that I smoke.. we haven't really discussed the e side of things, but I've made them aware of the truths regarding marijuana and pointed out the lies they were subjected to by the powers that be.
Good for you! I'm glad to see others are educating people about the REAL issues with drugs. My family (other than my brother) does not know that I mess with substances, but most of my friends (users and non) do. I tend to hang out with non-judgemental people anyway, so it isn't a big deal.
Most of the people in school who know me know I do drugs now and again. My parents certainly dont!! I still live with them (1 8) so would be in the shit if they found out.
I'm known as the clever, level headed one (ask Funk, she knows me in real life). When I'm talking to someone about E and someone overhears me saying "Yeah, I did 2" they are shocked I'd do such things.
I usually explain to them I'm much more careful and read up about it. I've got friends who don't care what it does. I always explain that I've read up about what it does to your brain, the different stuff in pills and such things as pre/post loading.
Those who are vaguely open minded will accept it. Like Nowonmai, I don't get arrested, end up in hospital. I space it out enough in an attempt to reduce problems building up. Still, there are those who are completely closed minded to it and still say "You'll fucking die from it for sure!" and reckon I'll be an addict by the end of the year (this was a year ago). Those people really piss me off. I'm going on holiday with one of them and I plan on dropping, making sure I bump into her and seeing how long it takes for her to notice something is up. Willing to bet she doesnt...
I think it is pretty much general knowledge at my college that i take drugs, its not like i try to hide it or anything... but the people here are so religious and very anti-drugs to the extent that they stuck "dont be an ecky monster" police stickers all over my car, fun :) I liked em anyways, and they also put a stupid anti drug poster on my door, but i like that too. I really dont give a fuck if they know or what they think about me. My real friends dont judge what i do, just who i am... so yeah most people know and a lot of people dont like me because of it... but the ones that count know i am a good person and dont give a fuck that i use drugs.
My parents dont know... ill tell em when they are not supporting my drug habbit!!!
My friends used to think that I took drugs before I even started taking drugs... so it came as no surprise, I must give off a drug-user vibe. I'm proud to be a drug user, but I think you gotta be careful who you tell.
I wanted to keep it a secret from my parents that I am an E user, but six weeks after I'd taken my first, they knew!
Mum rooted around in my room and found a list of things I'd written when I was rolling the first time, and went to my brother to give him a bollocking for introducing me to drugs. She didn't say a word to me about it, neither did dad, but my brother told me what had happened, this is how I know.
Mum and dad are keeping quiet that they know, I've no idea why, but they want me to think they don't know. Which is fine by me, it means I can do these things right under their noses. So long as I don't leave any cold hard evidence around (literature, drugs etc), they can't say a thing and I dont' have to be overly careful with where I go/what I do etc.
As far as other people go, I tend to mention or hint at my drug use fairly early on as I'm in the honeymoon stage of E use still and will be using others in the future, and I don't want friends who are too narrow minded to accept me for that. I've tried having friends who think that `ecstacy kills you` but I just can't open up to someone who hasn't got the sense to look into something rather than just remain ignorant and terrified.
Well my parents defitely don't know and will hopefully never find out(at least as long as I'm living under their roof). I didn't necessarily keep it a secret when I first started doing E but I didn't make it common knowledge. If somebody asked I would tell them but otherwise it was just between me and my drug using friends. I come from a small town and now everbody knows including my non-using friends and people who aren't even my friends. Most people were really surprised because they never would have thought I would do stuff like this. I am the valedictorian of my graduating class and you know all the stereotypes people have. I kinda get a kick out of it when people who don't know me assume what am like then find out what I actually do. It's funny how people never suspect that a good, smart guy can do drugs. Just goes to show you I guess. My friends who don't do drugs were kinda upset with me when they found out cause they all believe the propaganda and think that it kills lots of people but I have tried to enlighten those who will listen. Of course there are those who won't listen and I just try to avoid the topic completely with those people.
Hmm, my parents don't know, that I'm aware of at least, I try to be really discreet, and why worry them anyways? As for my closest friends, I have told a few at the beginning, but they do not know that I still do. They are all non-users so don't understand or want to understand that it is actually possible to be a responsible user. I don't hold it against them though, I wouldn't drop them because of it, that's their choice, even though I know they would love it!
All of my friends know i take drugs, as because most of them do them too...
My Father knows, and he worries but knows i arent an idiot and do take them with care (sometimes)
My mother found out recently when i left an order for drugs on the table after calling my dealer and telling him what i needed... The paper had written on it:- 4 pills, 2 points of speed. I didnt even realise i left the paper on the table (it was odd of me to even write it down on paper! Normally id just remember)But yea, anyways when i was on the computer my mother came in and asked me if ive been ordering drugs!! To cover it up, i stupidly said "Nah mum! 2 points of speed is to do with the internet speed!" er... she so didnt believe me!! I was stuttering and shit... So yea, we havent ever discussed it, but im sure she knows after that. Once again, yes she does worry but also knows i must be doing it properly as i have a job, i look healthy and am a healthy weight, and i still have my head together....so yea.
I'm pretty open with my drug use with most people.
All my friends know to some extent my drug use, most atleast smoke weed and people genraly seem to see me as a drug dictionary.
Even people who don't know me somehow seem to know I do drugs, I've even been aproached by a weed dealer who said he had seen me rolling up so many times on buses or just smoking walking down the steet that he recognised me.
I'm fairly open about it with my friends and even with new people I meet. My parents are clueless, my mom still gets mildly shocked to hear about me getting drunk sometimes (I'm almost 24 for fuck's sake).
What I find the worse is the people who will happily smoke weed infront of you then turn around and say what a bad drug ecstasy is. They can be all open minded once second and all close minded and judge mental the next. Most of my friends are like this :/
My brother knows I do E cos I've done it once or twice with him before ;)
I felt so guilty about not telling my parents that I do it cos I have a relly close relationship with them. So I told them that I just tried half a pill once, just to get it off my chest.
nice new icons... hehe.
my parents and step-parents know, as does my older sis as she drops as well. my younger bro and sis don't know (they're only 11 and 13) though i will talk to my little bro about weed sometimes, he doesn't explicitly know that i smoke though i guess he probably thinks i've tried it. but not the chemmies... ill talk to them one day about it to keep them informed and smart.
the only people in my life that don't know would be my extended relatives and grandparents. i wouldn't want them to know as they wouldn't understand and they would worry about it unecessarily.
all my friends would know i think, especially and obviously the ones i do it with. :)
My parents know that I’ve tried it (luckily quantities weren’t discussed) and while they took the news better than expected, mum still thinks it will destroy my mind and I will end up in the loony bin
Most of my friends know that I use drugs. Some of the non users are less accepting, but in my opinion if they are going to think that I am a bad person due to the fact that I used drugs then the friendship probably isn’t worth having. The friends that I choose to spend the majority of my time with use XTC and I’ve found that the most of the people who choose to use it (however infrequently) are some of the most open minded and beautiful people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
I'm open with everyone about my drug use except work. I think there is a place to be discreet and that is at work. I try to keep it as far away from my homelife as possible, kinda keeps me sane ;)
Pretty much all my friends know I do, but beautifully enough, none of them use. Some will tell me they roll and tell me they smoke weed all the time, but conveniently I've never seen any of them do either in the years I've known them. It's okay, college is near.