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Alcohol Do I have PAWS? Please help

Tree of Life

Dec 19, 2015
Sorry, this is going to be quite long but I want to try and explain this story fully as it’s something that’s causing me so much concern.

Several years ago I used to do GBL quite a lot, often I’d go through spells of consuming quite a bit daily. Occasionally would take benzos for comedowns from weekend stim sessions and also bad hangovers, but only small amounts e.g. 5 or 10mg of Valium occasionally. Was binge drinking heavily, mainly at weekends but often during the week too, when I was at University. I gave up the drugs but continued to drink, generally just at weekends and only during the week if I was on holiday from work. That process continued for a while and seemed to be OK. I was drinking quite heavily at weekends, just on Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes I could get quite anxious if I binge drank a lot, I’d also sometimes notice a bit of a tight neck afterwards. Everything was very manageable, though on Monday mornings I tended to still feel a bit rough if I had drank a lot the previous Saturday night.

This seemed to be going OK until The Christmas period last year where I drank quite heavily. I drank three nights on the trot at Christmas. Was OK after, maybe felt a bit tense. I decided to have a few days completely off, and I was feeling OK. Then at new year I drank basically for 4 days straight pretty much, without getting much sleep. I drank on one night just at home, then went out on new year’s eve early on with friends and we drank heavily for 2 days, whilst taking stims. I went home after that and stupidly after sleeping I decided to keep drinking quite a bit. Then the day after that, I woke up after some sleep and was hit with absolutely horrendous anxiety/tension, and a lot of pressure on my chest. I was convinced I was going to get DT’s or something and could die, but I was able to get 10MG of Valium and this calmed me down quite a bit. I did still feel pretty uncomfortable though and after eating later, I took another 10MG of Valium and this helped a lot. I slept for ages that night, and woke up the next day feeling much better, and was able to go out and function OK. Then the day after that I was back in work and in a normal routine. Things seemed to have sorted themselves out largely, though I did notice I got some cold sweats when sleeping, which I know is another alcohol withdrawal symptom.

Anyway, I decided to give up alcohol for a while to see how I was. I stopped for a month, felt OK, and stupidly drank quite a lot that weekend, instead of easing myself into it. So that was two nights drinking. I drank less than normal, but more than I should have. I seemed OK though, that was until I think the following Tuesday, where one morning I started feeling terrible at work, just very strange, uncomfortable and tense. However, I went out to get lunch, and that made me feel much better. I felt a bit edgy in the days ensuing but was going on a big holiday and was encouraged to drink. I was scared that I was in withdrawal and being stupid so I drank a moderate amount (ie a few beers). The next day I felt pretty much fine, but maybe a bit tense. Again that night I drank about 3 or 4 beers, and again I was OK after that, in fact I felt pretty much completely back to normal. A night or 2 later, I had a few beers again, though the next day I felt a bit of tightness in my neck, some edginess and that seemed to get progressively worse, to the point I felt really quite anxious. I went to bed early that night, and decided I just needed to completely stop drinking as I was not in a good situation. I felt a bit tense in the days after that, though not entirely bad. For a while though I felt OK – I keep fit by being very into exercise (I’m a long distance runner), and I’m also into nutrition so eat well. I decided that I had either stopped drinking permanently, or at least until I had felt completely back to normal for a long period.

That was mid-February and I was generally OK. Then 3 months later I was away on a trip and got hit with absolutely horrendous anxiety – feeling very tense, some tightness around the neck etc. I started thinking maybe I had consumed alcohol by mistake, maybe I had been given the wrong drink or it had been in my food? This seemed to continue for a while where I would suddenly get hit with horrendous ill feeling. After some time I felt that it was happening after consuming high levels of sugar – on my trip away when it had started I had been drinking lots of coke, while others were drinking alcohol. It seemed to be often the ill feeling correlated to sugar intake, though I could be wrong. I then started reading up on PAWS, and was concerned it could be that. My ill feeling had started months after I had stopped drinking (3 months). I went to the doctor though and he disagreed, he didn’t think I had alcohol dependency issues and felt I had just developed generalised anxiety disorder.

I basically for a while after that went through bouts of going through cycles of feeling awful, I can remember on one occasion it was so bad that I just crawled into bed and fortunately I was able to sleep. A couple of times I had to leave work early because I felt so tense. Going out for runs would always make me feel better, usually eating a big meal would help too. I am now feeling quite a bit better, everything is much more manageable. I haven’t drank any alcohol at all since February, and it’s actually been easy. Although I do really enjoy drinking, I haven’t at any point felt any urge to drink really. I would like to but I’ve told myself I can’t and that’s the end of it. I am still feeling quite tense though, but I’m having quite limited amounts of sugar. I did feel quite awful recently when I went on another trip away, and again I had consumed way, way more sugar than I normally do. Right just now though as I type this, I can feel a bit of tightness in my neck, I feel a bit on edge, and I feel like I have a hot feeling going through my body, as if I have excess energy or something. I can also feel a bit irritable at times.

I would really like to have a few drinks at Christmas but if I’m experiencing PAWS, obviously I don’t want to. I can’t risk going back to step 1 as PAWS can take 2 years or more to pass. If I’m just experiencing generalised anxiety, I would rather go back to leading a more normal life and drinking in moderate amounts. Although I binge drank in the best, this time I absolutely would drink in more moderation. I never really had any urge to drink more responsibly before, I was young and enjoyed getting drunk. Anyway, I went back to the doctor again and this time I had done more research into PAWS. The doctor said he thinks I should be OK to drink a moderate amount and see how I am. His tune seemed to have changed a little as previously he thought there was no way I had PAWS at all. This time I think he still thought it unlikely, but he said whether I have PAWS or GAD, it’s ultimately the same thing really. If I do have PAWS though, drinking alcohol seems like it should be the last thing you should do.

I am concerned with my GABA usage and perhaps withdrawal history that I am susceptible to alcohol withdrawals, again the doctor didn’t really seem to agree. I’ve never had shakes or hallucinations or anything like that but definitely anxiety/tension and often a tight neck. At least I attributed that to withdrawal. It’s now 10 months since I last drank. I feel a bit lost with all this though, I mean I’ve gone twice to my doctor about it but I’m still majorly concerned about it. Am I OK to have some drinks on Christmas Day or is this an extremely foolish idea that’s just going to make things far worse and give me months/years of trouble?
I can't seem to edit my post, but I just remembered and was able to track that I also felt quite ill after a meal I went out at the end of March, so the ill feeling started earlier. It often seemed to happen when I went out for meals or was on trips away, which I think is why my doctor thought I had generalised anxiety disorder. Though in recent months I was feeling tense just about all the time. I am better currently.
I would suspect it's some sort of anxiety disorder rather than PAWS. Then again, I don't really believe strongly in PAWS, I prefer to think of it from a perspective of lifestyle - if you live the lifestyle of a junkie but don't take any drugs you'll still feel shitty, y'know?

If you can drink moderately and only feel mildly tense at best the next day, it's further evidence againt it being alcohol kindled rebound effects.

It could also be something physiological, especially if you find it's correlated to sugar intake. Maybe have a full blood panel done? Or glucose tolerance test?
I would suspect it's some sort of anxiety disorder rather than PAWS. Then again, I don't really believe strongly in PAWS, I prefer to think of it from a perspective of lifestyle - if you live the lifestyle of a junkie but don't take any drugs you'll still feel shitty, y'know?

If you can drink moderately and only feel mildly tense at best the next day, it's further evidence againt it being alcohol kindled rebound effects.

It could also be something physiological, especially if you find it's correlated to sugar intake. Maybe have a full blood panel done? Or glucose tolerance test?
Thanks. I'm inclined to maybe just have a few drinks on Christmas but the idea of going back to step 1 (if it is PAWS) is quite frightening - I mean it could undo the 10 months of sobriety I have just experienced - or would it? If I do have anxiety disorder, then I'm remaining sober for no reason really. Obviously alcohol does not help anxiety, but my point is that if I can drink moderately and it won't make me feel any worse, then maybe I should just do that.

I'm not really sure what to do. The thing is, I don't really think I had any sustained period of obvious acute withdrawal at any point, (apart from the horrendous anxiety I got after new year, but that subsided very quickly after taking a small amount of valium) so it seems strange I would 10 months later still be hit with a bad case of PAWS? I don't know :(.

Not drinking on Christmas would be a bit depressing to be honest, it's nice to have a few drinks with the family. I can easily not drink though if that's what I need to do.

Regarding you talking about lifestyle, I exercise a lot and during the week I monitor my diet closely, eating balanced found in controlled amounts.
I used to think PAWS was bullshit, but idk. I'm only 21 and I abused GHB/GBL really hardcore, now I can drink 15 shots once a week and hardly get euphoria, I just feel like tipsy...I think after major abuse receptors are downregulated for a while.
Hey Tree of Life, I don't believe in labels and anything I say is only my opinion. First off, I used to be an alcoholic. I went through intensive, non condemning therapy, which included, partial hospitalization, intensive out patient therapy and a full three months of after care. I was educated on the effects of alcohol and what it does, what it can do and possible permanent effects. A lot of things are subjective here. I faded in and out. I did not get everything they said, but I got the bulk of it. Reminder, this is all my opinion, but first off, the fact that you have many questions, there is a possibility of being alcoholic. Again, no labels, I'm only sharing what I learned and my view. I believe there is a point where in some areas you can push yourself to another level, that you are on now. I am using examples, nothing personal. Look, I used to be able to do shit and recover. No harm done. Then I started burning crossroads into my head. There seemed to be a point of no return that I crossed with various substances, that simply changed the game for me. I'm not a brain dead zombie or messed up seriously, but there are switches I flipped that seem to make things work different for me. Back to alcohol. The drinking you got away with for a period of time may have, for lack of a better term, permanently changed you, even slightly. Now your body may always react the same way it's doing now. Can you casually drink? Possibly, or no. You may have changed your body to the point that you will always get anxiety from drinking, even lightly. Your body may hate it now. There is proof of people doing permanent damage to themselves as in never go away. I would like to think that your body is just giving you hints to stop it. Can I have a few beers on occasion? For me yes. Only because I was educated and changed my entire outlook on drinking. This is a highly subjective subject, that is very personal. Only you know for sure. In my educated opinionated guess, I would suggest a long break, a hard look at all the facts and then after adding all the facts up, see if casual use will work for you. All of this was my opinion. I am interested in the reduction of harm in peoples life. You will be a great Bluelighter.
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Hey Tree of Life, I don't believe in labels and anything I say is only my opinion. First off, I used to be an alcoholic. I went through intensive, non condemning therapy, which included, partial hospitalization, intensive out patient therapy and a full three months of after care. I was educated on the effects of alcohol and what it does, what it can do and possible permanent effects. A lot of things are subjective here. I faded in and out. I did not get everything they said, but I got the bulk of it. Reminder, this is all my opinion, but first off, the fact that you have many questions, there is a possibility of being alcoholic. Again, no labels, I'm only sharing what I learned and my view. I believe there is a point where in some areas you can push yourself to another level, that you are on now. I am using examples, nothing personal. Look, I used to be able to do shit and recover. No harm done. Then I started burning crossroads into my head. There seemed to be a point of no return that I crossed with various substances, that simply changed the game for me. I'm not a brain dead zombie or messed up seriously, but there are switches I flipped that seem to make things work different for me. Back to alcohol. The drinking you got away with for a period of time may have, for lack of a better term, permanently changed you, even slightly. Now your body may always react the same way it's doing now. Can you casually drink? Possibly, or no. You may have changed your body to the point that you will always get anxiety from drinking, even lightly. Your body may hate it now. There is proof of people doing permanent damage to themselves as in never go away. I would like to think that your body is just giving you hints to stop it. Can I have a few beers on occasion? For me yes. Only because I was educated and changed my entire outlook on drinking. This is a highly subjective subject, that is very personal. Only you know for sure. In my educated opinionated guess, I would suggest a long break, a hard look at all the facts and then after adding all the facts up, see if casual use will work for you. All of this was my opinion. I am interested in the reduction of harm in peoples life. You will be a great Bluelighter.
When you say a few beers on occasion, do you always leave it at that? If you had to estimate how much you drink weekly or monthly, what would you say? Do you ever get drunk anymore?
Here is an example. Last time I had 6-8 beers was partying before a Phish concert. That is isolated and not normal life. Weekly-monthly, I drink zero.
I guess it's isolated to special events. I realize it cannot be apart of regular life for me. That would equal bad habbit for me. If it is only special circumstances, there is no interference for me.
I 100% believe in P.A.W.S. mine wasn't alcohol but pain pills. Everything I have read and makes a lot of sense to me is quantity used and length of time. The person talking about receptors being hammered is right on the money IMO. I take supplements for receptor recovery and for me has helped a lot. The brain has a tremendous ability to heal it is just very slow in doing so. Even though I feel bad when it does hit I reassure myself that is just my brain healing. I am completely clean of all drugs and alcohol now. On occasion when I do have a couple drinks (maybe once every 2 months) it does make me feel worse. Just my experience. Not everyone is the same though.
Just my experience. Not everyone is the same though. - quote RetiredMedic. 100% true, if there ever was a true statement. That is what I had trouble with putting into words enough. I noticed a lot of people who have had P. A. W. S to some degree. I don't believe I did, or if I did , I didn't give them any credit. That's part of my belief. I'm not going to put P. A. W. S in someone's head who might not of had it possibly if I didn't mention it. This is a highly subjective subject. In any case, the simpler the better. Work on keeping your mind straight. It might be a little work, but it helps a lot. Focus on that goal and let the extra stuff fall off and not take effect/matter. I hope that made sense. If not, I'll revise post.
P.S. Also focus on nutrition and excercise. Major stuff right there.
If I drank as many shots as I do now before my GBL/GHB abuse I would be throwing up. I only drink once a week so there wouldn't be tolerance. I believe many drugs when abused cause temporary (1-2? year) brain damage/tolerance/regulation.
If I drank as many shots as I do now before my GBL/GHB abuse I would be throwing up. I only drink once a week so there wouldn't be tolerance. I believe many drugs when abused cause temporary (1-2? year) brain damage/tolerance/regulation.
GABA acting substances have cross-tolerance.
I havn't used GBL/GHB for over 6 months though, and now I can drink 15 shots within about 2-3 hours and not even get the spins.
I've been doing some more reading on PAWS such as here: http://www.soberrecovery.com/forums...ute-withdrawal-syndrome-paws-experiences.html

I don't really have any of these symptoms at all? Basically all I experience is fluctuating tension and some tightness around my neck mainly and a sort of body load feeling, which could be the tension/anxiety. I suppose I covered all this in the OP but my point is maybe it really is generalised anxiety disorder? If I had PAWS would I not be experiencing some of the symptoms in the link above? Maybe my doctor is right...
Tree, you could have put yourself in the general anxiet disorder class due to your previous drinking. That blows. That also may be perminately part of your life. If you do not drink anymore, the level of effects your having may go down, or not. Now treating GAD, becomes a little moe complicated. Hopefully you did not completely mess up your GABA system, but you may have. Drinking heavy is a serious fucker, otherwise more people would quit.
It could be something as simple as you being dehydrated. It certainly doesn't sound like PAWS.
It could be something as simple as you being dehydrated. It certainly doesn't sound like PAWS.
I know you said before you don't strongly believe in it, though what symptoms would you associate with it if it does exist?
PAWS, from what I understand, is recurring opioid withdrawal type symtoms that occur even after the individual has been detoxified, e.g. depressive episodes with low energy, irritability, fatigue, loss of sleep quality, general restlessness. A little more severe than muscle tension and mild anxiety.