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Opioids Do I have everything I need??

^ Kratom is not like bupe, you can take it whenever.. Why would you go into detox at the end of the year, if you're tapering/quitting now?

Also you want to taper 10-20% of your dose every couple of days, it does take willpower to self taper, especially if it's your doc.
If you can, give your meds to someone you trust, so they can dispense them to you, to avoid temptation.
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I'm only gonna talk to my dad about detox if I can't beat this myself for some reason. I'm prettu set on beating this myself though.
Normally the time I do my roxys are first thing in the morning when I wake up, this morning all I have had is one 10 mg norco and some Bali kratom. Feelin ok so far
Good for you !!
Yes , take kratom now to make weening easy ..... Good call on norcos , I was going to suggest that if you are an oxy guy to switch to hydro or codeine if possible just to get off your #1 choice - also if you are use to 15's ( what I mainly had ) - to break them so you don't get your 15mg buzz you're use to , I was breaking 1/3 off so that 2) 15's were now 3) 10mg doses - then after days like that I broke in 1/2 so 7.5 mg doses - then 1/3 so 5 mg doses ..... I was set to NOT get the high I wanted , I told myself it was over and just took enough to not be sick - the kratom was a huge help like a parachute I guess
You have the mindset , be strict , don't forget how shitty it feels to be a slave ( and broke !! ) EVER - bc if you go back , it's to the same damn place ..... Spoil yourself w some of the cash you save each day - even something dumb like a dq blizzard at lunch or an iced coffee ( you'll need it ) ..... Something , but be proud of yourself every step down you take !!!
Don't take OTC sleep aids, restless limbs are multiplied by a 1000 by that shit.
When I stepped off , I did take lorazepam the first like 3 nights .....and slept real good
Just giving you guys an update! I decided to keep tapering for a few days, this morning i woke up (I like to toot my opiates first thing when I wake up- mainly for pain) and took the remaining rox that I have which was 30 mg. Cravings have been somewhat annoying but I have been taking 3-5 super red vein Borneo 30x whenever the cravings kick in. I was gonna continue to tape and get down to at least 15 mg but my homeboy is out so I don't really have a choice in getting clean because I can't find or get any. I'm off tomorrow thank god but I have to work monday-Wednesday. So wish me luck! Thanks for the positive vibes!
Get more Klonopin, or another benzo. 0.5 mg you might as well flush down the toilet.
Hipster427 any updates how are you doin, little advise on tootin your roxy i would eat em instead i stopped tootin my roxys a couple weeks ago i find the dose last a little longer its where your mindset should be imho. I started tootin my roxys back when i got 30s now im on 15s i gotta say i started tootin just cause i missed my old coke days but really at the point i was i could toot 3 30s in a row and not feel it after 19 years you build up a hellava tolerance good luck
Well guys..I haven't been on in awhile bc the past week has been a nightmare. I couldn't kick the habit by myself. Bc I'm a P-Y. Withdrawals were awful. I ended up on subs which I'm terrified of being on for a long period of time. Supposed to take 2 strips a day, but im only taking one a day. I wanted to go to detox or rehab but my family can't afford it.. so subs were the only option. No one come down on me for taking subs, I know how some ppl feel about them. But I've taken my step towards recovery and feeling like a new person. Thank you all for the positive vibes and support
Well guys..I haven't been on in awhile bc the past week has been a nightmare. I couldn't kick the habit by myself. Bc I'm a P-Y. Withdrawals were awful. I ended up on subs which I'm terrified of being on for a long period of time. Supposed to take 2 strips a day, but im only taking one a day. I wanted to go to detox or rehab but my family can't afford it.. so subs were the only option. No one come down on me for taking subs, I know how some ppl feel about them. But I've taken my step towards recovery and feeling like a new person. Thank you all for the positive vibes and support

Just keep trying , it's all you can do. !!
Idk much about subs , but if anything like methadone I wouldn't take for over a week or you'll end up wishing you were coming off 30's ..... Kratom won't hold you ? Like a green/white vein mix. 4g. 3-4x/day ..... I didn't go back and read how heavy your habit is , I came off 120mg / day w/kratom very easily , I guess just think about the subs and what your plan is - I'd hate to hear a year from now you have to kick a sub habit chief - it seems you have the mindset to get over it all and whichever way it takes to get there , you will - I wish you luck !!
Thank you I cup. I'm very determined. I'm planning on staying on the subs no longer than 1 -2 months. My habit was roughly 120-180 mgs. Sub withdrawal scares the shit out of me. I was taking about 6g of red vein bali kratom and it barely took the edge off for me. Also, the day after my last use, i was throwing my guts up and that's never happened before, I couldn't figure out if it was the kratom, withdrawals, or my damn nerves. Fortunately, i got a really nice doc that's a psychiatrist and an addiction specialist. I live in south Mississippi and it was so hard to find a clinic, i still had to drive an hour to the clinic. But I'm feeling great!
I wanted to go to detox or rehab but my family can't afford it.. so subs were the only option. No one come down on me for taking subs, I know how some ppl feel about them.

Anybody that comes down on you for using Subs is a Trump. Not everybody reacts the same to kratom, especially all the various varieties. I have been really sick on one kind and felling great on others but that is subjective to the individual. Some have to put it in gelatin capsules because they can't choke it down. Especially if it's not holding you and the W/D nausea starts in.
If the Subs are holding and you feel great don't let possible future withdrawal scare you off of them. Just use them as a tool and not a crutch. And don't lose the motivation that has brought you this far. Keep the updates coming if you can.
Well Done !

Is the Suboxone Clinic that's an hour away working out for you?
Are you still using the Kratom ?
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Well Done !

Is the Suboxone Clinic that's an hour away working out for you?
Are you still using the Kratom ?

Thank you so much jekyl! Yes, the clinic was very nice to me, it sucks it's an hour away but it could be a lot further. I will be seeing her once a month and be drug tested every time I go in there, she is a psychiatrist and an addiction specialist( I probably already posted that somewhere). I am curious about this though, I am prescribed ambien for sleep and 40 mg vyvanse for add and she told me I had to quit taking both- which sucks but I'm willing to give up anything and everything to keep me off of pain pills. And of course I have to quit toking but it's all good.
I'm not really using the kratom all that much, if anything i will take 3-4 very day or every other day. I'm terrified of becoming dependent on these zubsolv but I have been taking a lower dose than prescribed and I'm gonna try to not take it every single day since it has such a long half. Thanks for the positive vibes!
Well guys..I haven't been on in awhile bc the past week has been a nightmare. I couldn't kick the habit by myself. Bc I'm a P-Y. Withdrawals were awful. I ended up on subs which I'm terrified of being on for a long period of time. Supposed to take 2 strips a day, but im only taking one a day. I wanted to go to detox or rehab but my family can't afford it.. so subs were the only option. No one come down on me for taking subs, I know how some ppl feel about them. But I've taken my step towards recovery and feeling like a new person. Thank you all for the positive vibes and support

You're prescribed 16mg sub per day!??!?

That's nuts for a 130mg/day oxy habit, I'd bet you could get by on 2mg subuxone a day, it is very very potent stuff. Doctors seem to prescribe doses of suboxone unnneccesarily high, they don't take in account just how potent it is, and that a 2mg dose and an 8mg dose can actually basically have the same effects because of how suboxone works. I've actually heard people getting better effects from lower doses oddly enough. 2-3mg should easily keep you well per day imo. Suboxone is roughly 40x more potent then morphine per milligram I believe I've read.

Suboxone withdrawals is much worse then a 120mg oxy withdrawal in the long term, so I'd taper off the suboxone within the next week or two (basically just over the week you'd be having acute oxy withdrawal), and also I would immediately drop my dose to only 2-3mg suboxone per day to start the taper.

I'm assuming the strips are 8mg sub, and not the 2mg strips that is.