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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(DMT/60 mg) First time


Feb 12, 2011
First post!!=D

Dose: 20-30mg

7:35pm - In a dimly lit room, no TV or noise of any sort(besides sitter A). Smoked out of glass pipe with a little weed. Ignite bowl

+10 sec. - feeling buzzing with a slight blur I realize it has worked. Rush to futon to sit down and immediately notice OEV’s. Walls with a wood grain pattern began spinning/swirling together. Noticing the wall was very much only 2 different colors( close to there original grayish coloring) Drop ceiling took on round geometric patterning (not with much different color just patterning) almost like large bubbles stacked on top of each other moving synchronously. Light brown door became a much more brighter shade of its original color. Also the floor looked slanted where it met with the door leading to upstairs.

+ 4 minutes: I realize I have definitely smoked DMT but had just taken a low dose. A had askd me how I was doing and I found it difficult to explain any visuals to him, or explain anything for tht matter. I felt DMT needed to be taken alone.

+10 to 20 minutes? not sure exactly? - Slightly annoyed for not taking a larger dosage (wanted to make sure this was a safe chemical to begin with) psychological effects felt similar to a medium dose mushroom trip. Feeling a little socially apprehensive, but not much though I did not feel uncomfortable. After this, visuals subside and I feel practically back to baseline: besides feeling very relaxed.

9:00? - 1 bowl of weed smoked

Dose: 50-60mg

11:30pm - Back at home, reading low dose effects of smoked DMT and finding this is exactly what I had experienced hours earlier. With that in mind, I really wanted to get a full experience. So I began to prepare my room by opening the window, closet ( to place bong in to avoid breaking it after the hit). Also, I turn off ceiling light and turn on 2 backlights on opposite sides of the room: placing neon green post its on the shelf next to the backlight that would be in front of me once I lay down. Later used these post it to take notes.

11:55pm - load a pinch of weed to the bowl piece so the powdery substance will not fall through. Then carefully spread DMT into the piece. Additional weed shake put on top to avoid direct burning (not even enough to cover up the powder)

12:00am - sitting at the end of my bed ready to take the hit and let this begin. Feeling nervous. Trying to make sure I have a regular heartbeat before I take the hit. (heart was racing with anticipation). This takes 10 minutes. Ready.

12:10am - I light the bong and fill the 14” chamber slowly, quickly exhaling (no smoke) just to take another breath to fill it up some more then inhale.

+10 sec. - Holding in the hit I place my bong in my closet and close the door. Turn back to the window and exhale hit; instantaneously feeling a huge body buzzing and extremely blurred vision before exhaling.

+15 sec. - Laying down blurriness subsides and colors begin twisting and swirling out of everything in my field of vision.8o The noise from the TV sounded nothing like a normal show, just loud so I turned that off and let the effects continue. Powerful rushing sensation took over my body to accompany the extreme buzzing in my auditory perception. Taking deep, deep breaths. My black lights and an outside streetlight gave me OEV’s and CEV’s( can not distinguish which was which, seemed to fade into each other) ---also after this point all sense of order of which what effects took place are all scrambled. These visuals were INTENSE! Red, green and purple were all moving together so perfectly from each side of my room . Every path the patterns followed were exactly the same on each side.

“The unifying characteristic behind all of the hallucinations seems to have been that they were all sharp, angular, geometric forms “ ----read this and it fits perfectly for a description of my experience-----These visuals were moving very fast, not slow paced at all. I am so happy its working! I remember becoming disconnected for only a short period of time, it seemed to be very short at least. Feeling disconnected I almost wondered where my body was, the feeling only lasted a second …I think I opened my eyes and the intensity of visuals kept them that way.

Every object looked as if it was one SOLID piece. No patricians in between any 1 object, but at the same time PERFECTLY clear separation Between 2 different objects. The corners and angles of the walls were so perfect and the walls had a dark red hue to them( my walls are painted tan) . Any white objects were brought to my attention due to the black lights and with that being my focus my whole visual field would spiral in towards it with a squared in effect rather then a circular spiral. Ex. à white hat or closet door.

As effects began to taper off beginning with auditory and body buzzing/rushing I looked outside my window to be amazed by more wonderful but way less intense visuals. The grass of my front yard began forming into a closely knit thin maze like pattern. A glistening looking wavy grid pattern laid over my vision. Extreme thirst upon mid come down( good thing I had water).

12:45 - Almost at baseline just feeling the afterglow. I think to myself that this was hands down the most interesting, intense psychedelic experience I have had yet. From notes “ Colors so bright, sleep. DMT”
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Good first post :) Some constructive "help" if I may....
Make sure and seperate those blocks of text by an extra space so that your report will be easier to read. Good writing style though :)
Again, like in your other report, I inserted paragraphs for you. Always remember to do that before posting. Keep the nice reports coming.
Ahhh, good ol' DMT. Well written report, it's short and to the point like most smoked DMT reports.

I remember one of the first times I finally got the Tek right and was able to try it (came out spectacular btw). I helped out a friend who has a hard head for trips, and DMT was his dream psych that he never thought he would get to try. I let him smoke a 60mg pile after he tried a smaller amount (25mg) and wasn't satisfied. When he came back and was able to speak, he looked at me and said "I found God, this is God!". We headed out for a smoke and he was thanking, almost worshiping me. I told him "you're welcome" a dozen times. Then he asks, "So, what do I call the person who gave/showed me God?", referring to me. I was puzzled as I had no clue what to tell him, so I said "Prophet?". I have since become a "guide" for these close friends of mine who enjoy these things, like many of us do. They just needed a bit of guidance to learn how to respect these compounds to get maximum benefit from the experience.

DMT is great, just don't overdo it. It can bite you in the ass when you least expect it, I can vouch first hand for this one, lol. =D

Take care,
Thnks guys, Ill seperate paragraphs on my next TR.

And Im not sure if the exact dosage was 60 mg. I was told that it was 60mg and that it would be enough for a 'breakthrough" experience.

I dont think i really had a breakthrough though, and if I did then I sure as hell don't remember it haha. Does this sound like a 60mg trip to any of you? I tried holding the flame far from the spice, possibly got it too close n wasted some...