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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DMAA, Geranamine - Pure legal RAGE

^Sounds like you took way too much in your mystery shake. DMAA seems relatively safe compared to ephedrine but still, don't be fucking around with it tossing it in like it's an amino acid supplement or something. It has documented effects on blood pressure. Used as directed it can be a good functional workout stimulant. It's not a high but it might make a good cheap cognitive/physical aid in conjunction with caffeine for most younger healthy people. It's not something to be taken every day though.
I wonder how a DMAA and klonopin stack would feel like. And an ecstasy(MDxx) and DMAA stack. And many other stacks with DMAA.
I would be afraid to mix DMAA with any MDX, seems like a bad idea.

I had a really bad reaction to DMAA, I had it in an energy supplement, and it made me feel horrible, jittery, nervous, etc. I hated it. Then again I was pretty unhealthy at the time and I didn't work out or do anything but what I had already been doing. GOtta say, reading this thread makes it sound pretty nice for working out, which I now do 5 days a week.

Ditto about DMAA and working out. It's exactly like the OP Renz Envy sez, there's almost no pain in the workout and you can grind way harder than usual.

I have PEA (phenethylamine), hordenine, and DMAA combined in capsules, which I created from bulk powders of each. I read about this stack on a body building forum. Basically it works like this:
PEA - naturally occurring chemical that gives strong and clear energy lift without caffeine jitters
hordenine - MAO-B inhibitor (necessary for making PEA active!!!!! Doesn't have to be hordenine, there are others...) Also a bit of a stimulant itself.
DMAA - you're already in that thread so I won't carry on.

My ratio is about like this: 8:2:1 so for example a capsule might contain 400mg PEA, 100mg hordenine, 50mg DMAA. This is a good workout stack. It's also pretty amazing to have a cap sitting by your bed and to take it on an empty stomach when you wake up. Before long you're pumped to get out of bed and get your day going, HOWEVER my experience is that I crash pretty fast. Like, this morning I took the stack capsule and it was effing brilliant as always for about 15 minutes while I was making coffee and breakfast, but by the time I was half way through eating my hot cereal and having had one cup of coffee, I wanted to crawl back into bed and sleep. This is not the desire effect.

I've read reports from others saying that PEA lasts a few hours for them. Huh... Not sure what I'm doing wrong. And Renz Envy sez the effects of just the DMAA lasted a couple hours. I'm not a stimulant abuser so this isn't a tolerance issue, I guess maybe I just don't respond well to stims. But on the 2 or 3 occasions when I have gone for a workout right after taking DMAA alone or in the stack with PEA and hordenine, it was magic. I just have to be careful not to overdo the workout; I'm 55 and not in great shape, so too much of a good thing leads to a lot of a bad thing, like nausea, muscle pain, headache, high blood pressure, and maladaptive earlobe syndrome.

I realize this is way late but the hordenine is an MAO-B inhibitor. You have to take the hordenine first and let it take effect before the PEA for it to inhibit your enzymes and let the PEA stay in effect longer (and stronger). By the way that's too much PEA for most people with MAO-B inhibition, I hear of people taking 25-100mg of PEA when MAO-B is inhibited. Some people have had dangerous reactions from the amounts you're talking. Your description of the fast crash matches what it's like taking PEA without inhibiting MAO-B, a very quick high for about 15 minutes followed by a crash.

Also I'd be wary of mixing MAO inhibitors with DMAA. But I don't know anything about how it's broken down so it could be fine.
Warning Do not attempt to insufflate DMAA. It is incredibly painful. I can promise you, your eyes will water. It's like trying to snort a habanero pepper. It's absorbed very nicely orally.[/QUOTE]

Don't snort DMAA? Why not? Yeah it hurts but that's just part of the experience in my opinion. I say fuck it, if your going to do drugs that can be snorted, I'd snort it because the effects come on so quickly
DMAA has been pretty good, until lately. It usually just gives me an urge to excercise. Lately, It's been giving me either a huge urge to exercise or tons of rage. Releasing only norepinephrine, and adrenaline and nearly no dopamine. The lack of dopamine release doesn't help. Sure, I got stronger, more muscle, and sometimes more energy. However, DMAA is getting dodgier and dodgier. I wonder how 1-cyclopentyl-2-aminopropane and cyclopentamine are like though, since they release some dopamine. :?
Sometimes, me + DMAA = rage! :X