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DM - Caffeine is so dangerous that it should be regulated like alcohol and cigarettes

I'll start by saying I don't think any drug should be illegal. But I still think regulation of our psychoactives is necessary. That said, I don't think caffeine causes enough pleasure or intoxication to require regulation like alcohol or tobacco. It may still merit some regulation, but not that level.

To be fair, caffeine is a very potent drug, with a low dose required to overdose. It IS addictive, and its use does become compulsive. Heavy use IS dangerous. If one cup of coffee contains 100mg of caffeine, then it would only require perhaps around 7-10 cup's worth at once in order to enter into overdose territory (likely not serious or fatal, but incredibly unpleasant). Some people are even more susceptible, and can OD from as little as a few cups at once.

But, really, who uses coffee so much that it interferes with their life or endangers their well-being or that of others? It simply doesn't cause those problems, in 99.9+% of cases, unlike alcohol. It's usually an adaptive drug meant to increase you ability to function, often while at work or school. It's not a party drug that you do to feel good, for no other reason but pleasure. Sure, many people drink coffee "just for the pleasure", but it's akin to a love of a certain food, not a psychological domination that causes you to crave unhealthily. It doesn't cause problems by adversely affecting your cognition, reflexes, or motor functions. It's relatively innocuous.
Society would be outraged if the government dared to take away caffeine and tell us what we can and cant put in our bodies.

LOL, and these people that would be outraged are some of the same people that do believe they can tell others what they can and can't put in their bodies. Oh Lordy, the hypocrisy.

Legislating morality doesn't work. But we see actual laws or attempts at laws doing just that.
Lol okay... I love how he doesn't give a single example of why caffeine is supposedly dangerous.
I'm gonna go ahead and continue to assume it won't give me cancer or liver failure. :|
Well its not suprising considering they force people to consume fluoride in all of our drinking water. flouride is terrible for humans and is hardly effective as a dental hygiene chemical, yet we have no choice in the matter. Seems like its not a stretch to think they will force us to not take chemicals. They enforce both ends of the spectrum.
Crazy. Tho caffeinated soap and body wash are a bit much, ppl would be up in arms if caffeine were ever regulated
(But alcohol is far worse, and cigs are as well. Actually, caffeine is really very safe, though not as safe as cannabis.)

I dunno... a lot of people who come to see me that are moderate to heavy coffee drinkers have been negatively impacted by it in ways that are obvious.
I dunno... a lot of people who come to see me that are moderate to heavy coffee drinkers have been negatively impacted by it in ways that are obvious.

Wait, are you honestly trying to compare the harm of caffeine to that of alcohol, or god forbid, tobacco?
Wait, are you honestly trying to compare the harm of caffeine to that of alcohol, or god forbid, tobacco?

I was responding to the comment that caffeine is very safe, and I wasn't comparing to anything else.
To be fair an overdose of caffeine pills/powder can be quite unpleasant.

That it can. But how many people have difficulties avoiding caffeine overdoses, as opposed to blackouts and ODs from drinking alcohol?

I dunno... a lot of people who come to see me that are moderate to heavy coffee drinkers have been negatively impacted by it in ways that are obvious.

Describe their issues. How are they negatively impacted?

I just don't think it's enough to warrant treating it like a drug as bad as alcohol.