• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Discussion: Atkins Diet

MOS said:
Well, word of mouth is the best advertisement - if your average person perceived those on Atkins to have no brain activity, wouldn't that deterr others from that course of action? Yet, it is second only to the South Beach diet, which is remarkable similar, and another LC diet.....

It wouldn't be that simple of a matter, the brain is a very complex organ and it wouldn't be like the person is completely brain-dead. When people drink alcohol they are slowing down brain activity and killing off brain cells, people still do it because to them it is worth what they gain out of it. People will do alot to lose weight, and side effects wouldn't deter many.
Look, I'm not here to convert anyone - Atkin's, like any other diet, isn't for everyone.

If you maintain the belief that it makes you stupid, fine. I admit, that I cannot help but feel insulted by that, since you really have no hard data to back it up, no bare minimum number of carbs to be consumed to keep you from becoming stupid. But, as I have already pointed out, there aren't long term studies on Atkin's, proving either of us right or wrong.

So, think what you will - that's your right, and it is not my duty to change your mind.
just thought i'd chime in:

the brain and peripheral neural system function on a steady diet of cholesterols, not sugar. You got a problem with that, take it up with my endocrinology textbook.
If you want to keep on insisting on using the word stupid and being offended by it that's fine but I have already explained how I feel about it.

Either way it just makes me come to the conclusion that side effects of the Atkins diet such as being moody and easily irritable seem at least partially true for some.
yougene said:
If you want to keep on insisting on using the word stupid and being offended by it that's fine but I have already explained how I feel about it.

Either way it just makes me come to the conclusion that side effects of the Atkins diet such as being moody and easily irritable seem at least partially true for some.

YOU used the word stupid. Maybe you should think before you type.

I hardly think my being offended by it indicates I'm moody - and quite frankly, it just seems that you want to go round and round with me on the same point over and over without any data to support it.

As I already posted, it is not my duty to convert your way of thinking - I do think it's pretty narrow-minded of you to take something you've heard (no data) so far as to believe that this diet reduces brain function, and then accuse me of being moody for being offended by your lack of bad science and your complete unwillingness to concede that you could possibly be wrong.

I can agree to disagree about the diet, but I refuse to be called "moody and easily irritable" because I am on it. You don't know me, don't tell me how I behave.
yougene - either come up with some facts to support your argument or keep out of this thread.

The key word Foxykelle mentioned was "constructive". Calling someone moody and irritable because they disagree with you is NOT constructive.
yougene.. man you're a cool guy, but tone it down. This thread is for Atkins dieters to discuss their weight loss plan.
Best diet is

Weetbix in the morning with soymilk
Subway for lunch
pasta watever for dinner

and excercise....how some people just dont do excercise is unbelievable, no matter how good your diet you NEED excercise to get the blood flowing, raise the adrendlin, increase your metabolism...for a healthy week.
^^^ Um.... this is about what to eat on Atkin's, not what the best diet is - that can be discussed in the weight loss support thread, I'm sure....
Dr. J said:
/walks into thread with huge chocolate chip bagel, looks around, walks away smiling/


ill so remember that you like choc chip bagels!!! i make a killer choc chip pancake ;)

i couldnt do atkins-- hopefully i can stick on south beach

so as to not totally derail this thread.. what do you guys think about dr atkins passing in less that... fit.. physical condition?
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KaNdEbUtTaHfLy said:

so as to not totally derail this thread.. what do you guys think about dr atkins passing in less that... fit.. physical condition?

The story I heard was that he was in fit condition - he played tennis everyday. He fell on some ice, and died from his injuries - he was overweight at the time of death because he had been hooked up to IVs of hard core drugs and he had retained tons of water......
For breakfast I like to make a crustless quiche. It's really easy, yummy, and makes enough for breakfast for a few days.

For a snack (I haven't tried this yet but I hear it's good) brush some melted butter on pork rinds, then sprinkle with cinnamon and splenda. Bake to taste.

And as for the whole "stupid" thing-- well I know a few people (myself included) that felt a little "unedumacated" for the first few days of induction. I'm sure it differs for each person, but there seems to be some grain of truth to the whole lack of carbs/ brain function effect.
I had Kielbasa (about 6 inches worth) and about 3 ounces of Sauerkraut for dinner...

SOOOO yummy and only about 5 or 6 net carbs!

(so I added a few sliced cucumbers :)

9 carbs for a nice dinner!
Just a little FYI - my husband has a bowl of cauliflower, broccoli, and brussel sprouts with cheese sauce EVERY DAY.

He's lost 20lb in 2 months :) I'm SO very proud of him.
I totally agree with the torture comments.

Also, yougene is right about muscle loss. Atkins is just a modern fad like all the fads that have existed.

The bets way to lose fat remains being cutting calories from fat, eating complex carbs and doing resistance and cardio training.
cutting fats w/o increasing protien is a great way to lose muscle mass, too. ;)
I'm considering starting Atkin's in the next week or so. I only intend staying on it for 2 months max and then slowly reintroducing carbs to a reasonable level.
I'm doing this in tandem with joining the gym and doing initially 3 hours cardio and 2 resistance a week.
I was wondering what losses I can expect.
Also... how about an Atkin's recipe thread? Anyone?
nowonmai said:

Also... how about an Atkin's recipe thread? Anyone?

Go to the library and pick up Dana Carpender's "500 Low-Carb Recipes" or her other book that's "15 Minute Low-Carb Recipes" - great books. Also, I have found a few good sources for recipes:

Atkin's Official Site - you can search recipes by phase, which is nice.

LowCarbFriends.com - this link is directly to their "recipe room" section. There's a lot of estrogen on the forum, so I avoid it, but the recipe room is helpful, as is the recipe forum.

Active Low-Carb Forums - more forums, yes, but check the Recipe forums for some great ideas and general information about LC cooking.

A homemade website - this one is really nice, as most of the recipes are easy, and she has marked the Induction-friendly recipes with *'s.

More recipes - yet another LC recipe list....

And one last thing - I have found DaVinci's sugar free flavored syrups to be invaluable. I use them in yogurt, shakes, muffins (yes, muffins) and other things - DaVinci Gourmet

Phew. That'll keep you busy for a bit ;)