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Dirty?? What exactly does this mean?

Ya..... lost_boi............... i agree with yer safesex/buddah
totally different.......... buddahs messy as FUCK! but i had alot more fun on them!
both in my top 5 too :)
In my opinion "dirty" and "clean" are subjective opinions of how a pill is to someone. I normally ignore comments like that because what might be dirty or clean to one person could be totally different to another. If you have a bad experience you will call it dirty. Look for objective opinions. Which are pretty much impossible when it comes to describing a drug which sole purpose is to change your mood. Thats why multiple opinions help.
The answers have been stated above, but i'll give you an additional example that is perhaps more noticeable with LSD. A 'clean' trip would be a smooth onset/tail where it is a very gradual change where you aren't able to recall exactly when the drug started to effect you. It would be a very light body load that left you with no significant ill effects. A 'dirty' trip would be where the onset has a heavy body load, the adverse effects of the substance are more prominent than usual, and this may be more noticeable than usual during the come down.

As stated above this is partly due to set and setting which makes the use of the words more ambiguous.
MazDan: I also think the smilies are not a strong dose, but more of a quality dose..... I barely felt anything off one. But when i upped the dose, i could definatly feel the quality of the product.
while the word 'dirty' can certainly be used to describe pills which are mdma + XXX and they may make you feel weird in the head, have difficultly constructing sentences, diff walking, etc. In my experience with pill reports is that everyone likes to give the pill they had a good score. So if you see something which reads like "8/10 - A nice CLEAN dose of mdma, smooth, no real comedown, very chatty, lasted a few hours, no eye wobbles, etc" you need to interperet this as "3/10 - Really weak dose of mdma, at least i felt ok the next day, since i didn't really get the experience i payed for, what a bloody waste of 40bucks, i wish I had a good contact to get pills which actually work. At least it was mdma."

While you may also see this "8/10 - strong dose of mdma, DIRTY pill, Lots of eye wobbles, jaw clenches, fucked vision, loved up, 'smacky feeling', nasty comedown and headach next day"

That could either mean "9/10 - Fucken big dose of mdma, clasic mdma experience, recommended"
or maybe "8/10 - big dose of mdmda, however, possible mixed with speed, K, etc. Either way, Very Strong pill, recommended."

Just my 2cents
^^ I'd like to point out I've had pills which have lasted for like 4 or 5 hours, and been rediculously strong, to the point of me having issues coordinating walking etc, focussing troubles, jaw clenching, and had essentially no comedown the next day.

Perhaps its best not to talk about dirty in relation to the actual experience, but rather the aftermath? I've had really strong ones where I feel just fine the next day, and I've had rather weak ones where I've felt terrible the next day.

On a related topic, the As make me feel nauseous through til the next evening.
isnt that just a high dosage of MDMA ?

it all depends on the individuals physical reaction to the chemicals.

Many people i know have the same physical reactions to 'dirty' pills as they do it 'clean' pills.
Read between the lines... Clearly, this is another case of many people using one word to describe a complex array of feelings which arise from a largely uncontrolled drug experience in which doses, chemicals and other variables are often unknown. It's obvious to me that one word descriptions will NEVER be enough to gain useful information about a pill, so I always try to encourage people to be descriptive. Don't aim for the lowest common denominator, or assume that people know what you're talking about - try to say exactly what you mean, be clear and precise with the language you use. To say a pill is 'dirty' or 'smacky' or something equally obscure only gives the vaguest picture of what you're trying to explain.

To address the topic, "dirty?? what exactly does this mean?"... well it actually means the pill had some dirt on it, or was otherwise soiled... doesn't tell you much about the effect of the drugs inside the pill. Colloquially, people use 'dirty' as a lazy short-hand way to infer the opposite of a 'clean' MDMA experience, which has been outlined above. Even the term clean MDMA is a cop-out, when the feeling of the drug could be much more clearly explained if a user was willing to spend 2 minutes to reflect on the experience and compose a sentence that would accurately relate it to someone who 1) wasn't there and 2) hasn't had that pill before.

What do the terms "clean" or "dirty" add to a pillreport? Not much, besides an overall summary - these terms DO NOT stand alone, and they do not give enough information to be useful. Sure, tell us if the experience seemed (to you) to be clean or dirty overall, that's fine - but expand on it... otherwise you might as well not post the report.

BigTrancer :)