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Im still here and kicking sick as shit doe.. I refuse to do dope.. So im trying to find subs or anything else..

How ya all been?
Hey lilczey, Good to hear you're still kickin' it.
My friend recently bought about 50 8mg suboxone strips. He tried selling a couple of them to me, but my $$ went straight to dope instead. lol..

Anyways, I've been good. Camden has been really hot recently. To any jersey heads who cop in camden..
Do NOT walk on foot. Especially when metro is out, because when metro is out, they have groups of 2 officers on foot patrol, and there's about 10-15 groups actively walkin' about.
The best way to avoid them is to drive on the outskirts, and keep an eye out on which streets are being patrolled.
They're usually active from around 6pm-10pm. If you see a white police car (Dodge charger or SUV) Those are the metro boys, and those boys ONLY seek out the drug users.
This thread has really been inactive for quite some time.
What's with that?
Does nobody in NJ do dope anymore?
Of course we're doing dope... can't seem to stay away from dope in jersey... dealing with local idiots due to no transportation to go up to my normal spots with... but hey i gotta do what i gotta do!
This isn't even the dope thread, so idk why you would think the thread is dead because of less people doing dope when the NJ dope thread is here.

In other news...

Chris Christie better keep his diet in check so he may end up like our friend [and his fellow New Jerseyan] here. He had a weight loss surgery done around 4 months ago so he's been losing weight. Gandolfini on the other hand put on a lot of weight as his career went on. He was always fat, but nothing compared to how he was towards the end of the Sopranos.
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I'm convinced that every NJ member has sold their PC, is in jail, or nodding out everyday having a blast.
Hopefully it's the latter & not the former.
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