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coel how did i know you would be the first to respond to that lol...you know i mean no disrespect
Cause it's my duty as NJ's #1 homestate hater, to not allow any outsiders to hate on my territory, that's up to me. ;)
Cause it's my duty as NJ's #1 homestate hater, to not allow any outsiders to hate on my territory, that's up to me. ;)


"What can I say about that suit that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted."
Hey everyone...South Jerz here. I cop my H in N. Camden. I live in Mt. Laurel. Yeah, i'm one of those little white girls who drive up in a lil black car lookin scared and like i have no business bein up there...yet i actually do.I have some pretty good stories. Also some good advice on coppin' in Camden if anybody wants to here. Anyway this is my first post, figured i'd start it in the Jersey thread.
Hey everyone...South Jerz here. I cop my H in N. Camden. I live in Mt. Laurel. Yeah, i'm one of those little white girls who drive up in a lil black car lookin scared and like i have no business bein up there...yet i actually do.I have some pretty good stories. Also some good advice on coppin' in Camden if anybody wants to here. Anyway this is my first post, figured i'd start it in the Jersey thread.

Would love to hear some stories of 'little white girls who drive in the hood' 8)
Maybe a pic too. Haha. Welcome to bluelight. You are home here. I'm a young white dude from North Jersey myself. =D Any questions or anything, feel free to ask. Hehe.

I've noticed in the last few weeks bluelight, especially the heroin threads have got a pretty substantial influx of girls. Especially the 'little white girls' who venture in the hood. I think that's sexy in some weird way. I'm a sicko. :D
If anybody calls me a lil white girl ill knock em in the jaw lol. We dont all fit in that lil stereotype altek hmm u should kno better;)
yeah i've noticed the dealers find it sexy in a weird way too. i'm always catchin breaks, can always get extra bags if i ask nicely and smile, and i'm always asked for my number. i'm not bein cocky it's just something i've realized
cuz they think u will fuck them.... u can go on lettin em think that and they prob keep hookin u up even when u dont do nothing. As a female u get hooked up for sure but i let them know becz dudes will get the wrong idea and think its ok to act on it when u throw back the same vibes to them, so my self I let them know they SOL and thats all it is but they still cut the same deals they just act more respectful. word travels in the hood and when i lived there I was not about to have people associate me with that just cuz of talk. U flirt with a dealer whose actin like that then peple who see u or ask him about u, he tells them oh thats my lil snow bunny junkie bitch she prob take the dick if u offer her a couple bags. And then its out there abotu u when u didnt even do shit just becuz of the appearance of u being OK with the shit they talk. So when u live there u dot want that reputation
That shit happens to me all the time.... getting hit on by the dope dealers. I hate it. Just give me my shit n leave me alone!!! 8) Welcome, orchid. I'm another "little young white girl" who drives to the hood to cop heroin... lol. Welcome.
Actually what I used to do to (and it's a smart tactic for all you dudes with girlfriends that use), my girlfriend was a tiny tiny white chick, real cute and all.. so after she got comfortable, she would go in by herself and get better deals and shit. Like, I'm pretty good at talking to the boys in the hood and for the most part they like me, but when a little girl is with you or shes doing the buying (girls they normally don't see, like the crackhead hookers that are always there and stuff) then they definitely hook her up. And they fucking treat her like a god damn princess. She always gets what she wants, plus extra. And they always make sure she's safe. They would always walk her back to the car to make sure nothing happened to her like gentlemen. It was great. And she was nice so she was hooking up the junkie moms that lived in the projects for helping her if we went at like 3 AM and people were more inside. She used to be able to trade Ipods and electronics for bags of shit like nothing. They loved her. People were always like "why yyou gonna let your girl go in there alone" I was always in the car keeping an eye out, and I know they would take care of her if something happened. It was weird, but the d-boys have feelings too. That sounds weird but some of them were like damn lemme get in on that, but a lot of the older cats and actually business guys ALWAYS made sure she got what she needed, never got beat, got the good shit and got walked back to the car safely.
Definatly altek, it depends on how grimey the ppl u dealin with is all...I never got that as much tho, partly cuz while it might not be the "worst" of cities which is a stupid, never ending debate paterson IS a extremely grimey one, but also bcuz ppl did not tend to notice me as a outsider so they did not really think i need protection like that. Sure girls in the hood walk together and shit but it aint like a chick aint gonna walk to the store in the day time if they gotta get a loosie, and nobodys gonna say shit to them or try n protect them u feel me. they live there they kno wat to do its different than a white girl from the suburbs whose just there for dope who will stand out much more than even a white girl that lives there and know her way around, they might have more of a protection feeling towards the girl they feel dont kno the area or might need help navigatin the streets safely.

alot of ppl that i dealt with or was around the same areas of the ppl i dealt with knew me from seein me around the hood doin other shit, shoppin or chillin w/my girls or w/ever so they didnt see me as somebody that needed protection bcuz i was used to it and lived there so i guess they asumed i was aight on my own. Iunno, sometimes at night it woulda felt good to have backup but I never been jacked or fucked with *knock wood* and Ive walked to the bp on hamilton ave by myself at 3 in the morning on a saturday nite with mad dudes everywhere out there u feel me....I been doin this 6 years and have got shitty bags, etc but as far as straight up gettin jumped or jacked shit didnt happen to me, maybe also bcuz some ppl knew who i was "with" even if i was alone at the time, or they knew the ppl that they seen me with and so they didnt mess with me cuz they knew i was not a loner who didnt have peeps whod come back n fuck em up if somethin happened. i aint tryna say Im some bad ass bitch who dont need nobody havin my back or can fight off a grown ass dude. I just am sayin that in my experience u get much different treatment as somebody who lives or has lived in the place u copp at and is seen around there with ppl who live there, than u do as somebody whose obviously a outsider and might not know how to act so they want to make sure you aint scared or dont get fucked with becuz ur a good custie and they wana protect u, make sure u keep comin back and u wont if u aint comfortable so they look out for u , no doubt.
She said chinky do what you want
She said I'm gonna feed the dog
I said alright well I'm gonna roll this blunt
She came back with stretch pants and a ponytail, a t-shirt
A yo, Fam I got a tender-roni girl
We're sitting on the couch chattin
We're smoking blunts off the balcony
We're staring at Manhattan now
She started feeling on my chest
I started feeling on the breasts
And there's no need for me to stress the rest
A yo, I got myself a winner
We sparked a blunt before we ate
And a blunt after we ate dinner
She had a tattoo she only wanted joe to see
But first dim the lights and turn up the Jodeci
I'm like whatever shorty rock
We can swing it like that
Cause on the real this is where it's at.
i dont really care what people in the hood would have to say about me and my level of sluttieness or if i'd give up some pussy for free bags. since i live about fifteen minutes away and don't hang there. I'll let them think they can get some ass...I get free bags that way. And again, i don't live there, so the jealous bitches can keep on chirpin like the sound of starving pigeons in the street if it makes them feel a lil less threatened that their men out there trappin have a hard on for little junky white girl customers like me..

an example of some rare Camden hospitality to a girl like myself: I was copping some H and my car got stuck in the snow as i rounded a street corner. Two dealers came up and pushed my car til i got it out of the rut. They were pretty mad i didn't wanna buy their H though because i already have a spot i prefer. i was shocked i was able to pull away with out some kind of dangerous drama

oh PS ms. Lacey, finally decided to just ask for somebody's number on my favorite set. So now i can call ahead of time...just like you "veterans" hehe. Even tho i'm coming up on about 2 years using H off and on.
so how bout that snow, JERSEY?!
an example of some rare Camden hospitality to a girl like myself: I was copping some H and my car got stuck in the snow as i rounded a street corner. Two dealers came up and pushed my car til i got it out of the rut. They were pretty mad i didn't wanna buy their H though because i already have a spot i prefer. i was shocked i was able to pull away with out some kind of dangerous drama

oh PS ms. Lacey, finally decided to just ask for somebody's number on my favorite set. So now i can call ahead of time...just like you "veterans" hehe. Even tho i'm coming up on about 2 years using H off and on.
so how bout that snow, JERSEY?!

I always ask them for a number No matter what. I'm just like yo man got a number? yea cool. They are very cool about giving out their numbers once you buy once and show them your aight. I'm just like yea here's my num, lemme call you right now my name is "BLANK" (I use a nickname too). So yea, I call dudes I met months ago and I'm like yo its "BLANK" blah blah you around? ALWAYS GET A NUMBER off the dudes on the corners. ALWAYS. Because then you can ask them to meet you in a certain street or area, a little bit a ways from the jects or in a better part of the hood. Plus after a few times you can tell who's an asshole, who shit sucks/over charges and can just delete it and never fuck with them again. I get numbers EVERYTIME.

PLUS they can always give you heads up if it's hot or theres a sting or raid going on. Saved my ass many times.
thanks alteknj. Common knowledge, i just never really felt like even spending the extra second out there in the town i cop in, because it's crawling with task force activity. i just love this spot so much and it's been going well enough each time that i finally stopped a moment and finally took the number.

I want to get pissed at everybody who tells me shit i already know but at the same time i know every body is just eager to share everything they have learned from their own experiences and enjoy dulling out the advice. I know i am like that. It's kinda cute so thanks dudes and dudettes. But i am a DOPEHEAD. everything you tell me, I pretty much know. One thing i didn't know, was what to expect about copping during a snow storm. Everything else, i pretty much have from doing dope 2 years. But thanks again.
the reason he was sayin that is becuz if u a dopehead and u do know it already, u would have numbers yo. It aint like oh i know but i dont do it. if u kno, u would have them. It dont make sense to not have numbers , there aint no reason not to. it dont take 30 seconds even. u risk way more not havin a number than u do takin 10 extra seconds at the spot. if ur so worried abotu TNT then u should be gettin numbers from every dude u cop off so u can know not to go down there when its hot. Listen yo I aint tryna be a dick, but u say u know shit but the things u post directly goes against that. thats all. 2 years aint a long time to be doin this. in the big scheme of things. But by 6 months into it most ppl kno to get numbers.

Thats why everybody is sayin all this advice to u. Becuz u give the appearance of not knowin thru the things u post. It aint nothing personal about u in particular but theres lots of folks that comes on here and is new to the dope game and does the same thing, u will learn as u go along but everbody says the same thing i kno wat im doing, i kno i kno. Cold coppin is somethin u do when u extremely desperate, sick as fuck, and all 16 of the numbers u called are off, out of minutes, or aint got shit, or its too hot right now. Otherwise, its pretty much only wat beginners do. Or, people who live in the hood that are the junkies and baseheads that live down the block cuz they can just look down the street and see whose there and walk up. It aint a good look for a out of towner. So, Dopeheads that kno wat they are doin got numbers becuz they kno that cold coppin is the riskiest and most likely to get beat or locked up way of gettin dope. thats the only reason why ppl treating u like u dont kno cuz u actin like it , whether thats the wrong improession or not Im just sayin that is the idea ppl got .
Hey everyone...South Jerz here. I cop my H in N. Camden. I live in Mt. Laurel. Yeah, i'm one of those little white girls who drive up in a lil black car lookin scared and like i have no business bein up there...yet i actually do.I have some pretty good stories. Also some good advice on coppin' in Camden if anybody wants to here. Anyway this is my first post, figured i'd start it in the Jersey thread.

Holy Shit! JAKE 99 is going to be in heaven!
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