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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Diphenidine / 82 mg) - 2nd time - Better than expected (but still weird)


Oct 21, 2009
Took Diphenidine for the 2nd time, this time 82 mg capped, orally. No tolerance in play. Followed by a little instant noodle soup. The following are edited transcriptions from my memorecorder that I often use. It was weird listening back to it: I sounded hazy (duh), sometimes repetitive and was severely struggeling with my sentences, as a matter of fact at the peak I paused between almost every single word, sounding like a bad imitation of Captain Kirk.​
Feeling almost nothing yet, the 'almost' most likely being psychosomatic.​
A strange warmth is developing in the body, mostly in the head.​
Actually feeling great. Mood is definitely lifted. Stimulation is also added to the mix.​
First yawn. Watching an episode of 'Through The Wormhole'. Interesting material about the M-theory, 11 dimensions and the Big Bang being a cyclic collission of parrallel dimension groups, or universes if you will, although I found some of the presenting/interviews a bit subpar. Nevertheless a nice platform for dissociatively diving off from!​
Lightly dissociated, lightly stoned, lightly manic, lightly stimulated. Intrigued by such topics as physics and astronomy. The Big Bang being a collission of sorts kept wandering through my mind and I'm making up theories of my own of it being an injection instead. In the state I'm in right now I'm wondering if this would be great to write on. I'm feeling fantastic and what a calmness! This material resembles 3-MeO-PCP more than it does Ketamine or MXE I think, but still has its own unique character.​
My head is literally buzzing and there is Greatness. Severely boosted by the music, no, the weird sounds of Cosmos Entropy.​
I'm definitely feeling fucking weird. Sweaty hands. Very dissociated. Weird as fuck. Not much feeling in my skin any longer, but not in the same way as with Ketamine or MXE. Different and hard to describe. Things are feeling cold, sterile, colourless. Do I actually belong here? My head is buzzing. An encyclopedic example of a buzzing head. The Cosmos Entropy sounds have such a huge influence on the trip. I can feel myself streaming in and out of me. Fucking freaky. And freakier. With these sounds I'm feeling as if I'm in the bizarrest of David Lynch films. Weirdness all around. Some of usual sounds sound unusual. Surrealisations. Extremely weird and extremely interesting. But why? I don't know. The music seems to make me part of an echo loop, whatever the hell that is. I'm not feeling in control anymore.​
Still very dissociated. Cosmos Entropy seems to be very synergistic with dissociatives. On another note, everything looks very grey to me, but that may also have to do with the fact that the lights in the living room are off and the shades are almost completely closed. Insights are lurking around the corner. Elusive. Things are overwhelming. Such a unique experience. I want to say so many things...​
Still dissociated for surity. The Cosmos Entropy sounds are pushing things into perspective. Really pushing. I'm slightly feeling like riding a rollercoaster in the cosmos. I'm contemplating that the experience would be very different in total silence. Sense of smell suddenly seems enhanced, incited. My fingers feel electrified. Monotonous, monochromatic, machinal infinity. So much influenced by certain sounds. I'm being driven around by sound and it brings me to the most peculiar places. Maybe I should stop the music to see what it's like to perceive the universe without its influence.​
I have put an end to the strange sounds. :) It's pretty dark now and everything is buzzing, not just my head but I can hear all kinds of electric household appliances, electric heavy stuff. Loudly buzzing.​
Now, just moments later, I find the silence interesting. I'm almost feeling manic. I'm probably feeling manic. And I need to urinate, so lets see how that goes, I've been lying on the couch the whole time. Yeah, locomotion is pretty wobbly (but not as upsidedownly as it can be when you've just come out of holing). Pee had a dissociative chemical smell to it. I'm feeling OK. No blackouts so far in this weirdness. Recording things probably helps, I must admit I wouldn't have remembered a 10th of this shit if I hadn't been recording.​
Apparently I felt the need to socialize, because I chatted for about 20 minutes with a friend who's also into RCs. I was still half out of it, somewhat incoherent, surprised that it was already 17:00. Typing felt very strange, letters looked very strange. But I was able to communicate reasonably well. At the end the other party seemed to have fallen into a 'chat hole' (his connection disappeared), so I went downstairs again.​
Coming down it seems, the peak is over. I put the tele back on.​
Feeling good, perfect actually, a lot clearer. Not too hungry yet, though. Still transpiring a lot (only hands and armpits).​
Just chatted a bit more. Coming down more.​
Feeling baseline approaching, but not quite yet. Just had dinner. Smoked my 1st bowl of Cannabis Indica.​
Not that stoned, still somewhat stimulated, so it's safe to say the Diphenidine isn't out of my system just yet. If I had to choose between recreational and therapeutic, I would label it therapeutic, but for some dissociative connaisseurs it could very well be recreational as well, it sure has some nice euphoria to it. I reckon my next time will be 100 mg.​
2nd bowl of Cannabis Indica.​
Still not at baseline, so the comedown part, where the peak fairly quickly stops, is pretty long and gradual. 3rd bowl of Cannabis Indica, followed by 2 mg Etizolam. I had some trouble falling asleep. This eventually happened at around 23:45. Slept well for about 7 or 8 hours in total.​