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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Diphenhydramine - New Experience


Nov 6, 2009
Ok so I bought a bottle of 400 pills a week ago (25mg)
First night I took 200mg and was feeling good, a really nice stoned and relaxed feeling but I didn't hallucinate. The next night I took 300mg and still nothing,
Then I tried 300mg and dosed every hour with another 300mg.
I loved it. the hallucinations were incrrdible. I would have conversations with my family before realizing I was just talking to a chair and all sorts of weird shit.
I spent two hours trying to put a battery in my mouse and heard all these weird metallic noises and people talking to me, I thought I talked to people when I hadn't, I sent my cousin a facebook message telling him to be careful not to vomit on LSD and whenever I was thirsty I thought I was holding a drink bottle, I would put it up to my lips only to realise, no drink bottle!
I remember walking downstairs and I saw my dad in a chair inside my study. He turned around to talk to me and we had a conversation about how I was acting antisocial and then he just vanished.

I didn't understand why people said Diph was terrible until I woke up today and just realized I had forgotten the last four days of my life.

My memory is a blank slate, I can remember brief things happening but for four days just nothing. I didn't eat for those four days because I didn't realise I needed to, I was incredibly parched. I remembered that I had just been redosing whenever I was coming down and this in turn made me forget the last four days of my life. Weird as hell.

So I have some advice to anybody who wants to try diph. Only dose once a week and smoke weed with Diph. it takes away the nausea, reduces the uncomfortable body high and makes the experience a lot more pleasant.

All in all I would say I actually really like Diph but it's just something you have to be immensely careful about,.
Dude, diphenhydramine is INTENSE. I've used it a number of times, and know from experience that it can and WILL fuck you up beyond belief, especially if you take a high enough dose to hallucinate.

One time, I took 14 pills spread out over one school day, a total of 350mg. Most people wouldn't be totally out of it from this dose, but I was. I took the last four during the last period of the day, and by 6:00 I was hospitalized. My parents first noticed I was rambling on and on incoherently. During the next few hours, the following happened:

1. I had a conversation with nobody in the waiting room, completely humiliating myself and my mother.
2. I thought that thing they put on your finger to take your blood pressure was a piece of cheese and attempted to eat it.
3. In my fucked-up state, I told my mom I was hiding weed in my closet. (She busted me with it that weekend.)
4. I had a heart rate above 180. I was given Ativan intravenously to help with it. I tore the IV out in anger and stood in the middle of the room in my underpants. When they put the IV back in, I removed it once again.
5. I had involuntary movements every now and then which were like twitches, but much worse and harder to control. They scared the shit out of my mom.

In conclusion, I would advise anyone reading this to exercise extreme caution when using diphenhydramine. Do NOT take a large dose all at once your first time. Start at about 100-150mg, and work your way up. Diphenhydramine is a very strange and powerful drug and it has caused some very disturbing experiences for me. Do not underestimate it simply because it is over-the-counter. And once again, be VERY careful.

And OP, I enjoyed the post. Sorry to thread-jack, but I have never written the full details of my experience until now, and I believe it's a story some people need to hear before doing this drug.
I took 600mg of the stuff recently, and it blew my fucking mind into another realm full of creepy crawlers, and delusions that would terrify me for days. Be careful with this stuff, and definitely don't take it around people who don't approve of taking drugs; because, they will definitely find out you're on something; you cannot hide it. Your idea of taking small doses consistently is a very intelligent thing to do. It may allow you to comfortably sail into deeper waters without the paranoia that comes with going full speed dead ahead.

Were your hallucinations very convincing? They fooled me too many times to count. It's so hard to tell if they're real sometimes, and can be a really annoying experience if I'm not prepared for the worst. Also; how was your cotton mouth? My mouth gets really dry on the stuff, and it can become very hard to swallow stuff; including my drink and/or saliva.
Yeah man, DPH is absolutely infamous for its completely believable delusions.
Everyone who's on that shit believes what they see.
Bad memories...
Personally, I would rather chop my penis off with a rusty blade than use diphenhydramine recreationally.
Hey man, to each his own.
I personally find DPH too damn creepy and bizarre to have that much recreational potential, but if the OP likes it, then more power to him/her.
It's in no way fun whatsoever. That's for sure! I only took it for experimental purposes. I'd like to try it again though. For some reason I feel as though I didn't come anywhere close to its potential as a deliriant. It's definitely very similar to Datura; so if anyone is curious as to what Diphenhydramine and/or Dimenhydrinate feels like, but you'd rather not take it simply because it's chemical based; go ahead, and give Datura a shot. It's a plant/flower, and its effects are very similar.
Has anyone ever tried DPH either smoked or snorted?
I've looked all over the BA but all I can find is the oral - 86% and IV - obviously 100%.
If you have how was the experience?
It's in no way fun whatsoever. That's for sure! I only took it for experimental purposes. I'd like to try it again though. For some reason I feel as though I didn't come anywhere close to its potential as a deliriant. It's definitely very similar to Datura; so if anyone is curious as to what Diphenhydramine and/or Dimenhydrinate feels like, but you'd rather not take it simply because it's chemical based; go ahead, and give Datura a shot. It's a plant/flower, and its effects are very similar.

worst idea ever. DONT TAKE DATURA. if you want to be delirious, stay with dph/dmh.
Now, as an adult I would say neither diphenhydrinate/diphenhydramine or datura is worth trying more than once, but as a kid I used to abuse diphen on occasion.. Now the only time I take it is if I have trouble sleeping and even then I prefer doxylamine, melatonin, benzos, even alcohol and pot (I have trouble with insomnia).

But I can remember being young and stupid and going hmm benedryl... same with dxm. There are better drugs folks.can't you find some pot or mushrooms, or raid your parents liquor cabinets. Diphen will fuck you up but in my experience there's nothing fun or euphoric about it.
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Has anyone ever tried DPH either smoked or snorted?
I've looked all over the BA but all I can find is the oral - 86% and IV - obviously 100%.
If you have how was the experience?

Sure you can snort it. The burn is worse than 2c-e and whichever sinus you put it into will swell up so tight that you won't be able to breathe through it for hours. It's a great way to get high, not! Actually snorting diphenhydramine and also thorazine is pretty popular in prison. Both pretty much have the same effect, burning and crying, nostril closes up, victim passes out for a few hours. I've seen people trade commissary for it......fun times.
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It's been said that Dph sets an atmosphere at higher doses that is very dark, nightmarish, and noir-comic-like - shadowy, with dim, negative colours and crazy, manic looking beings that are all the scarier because they act the part so convincingly, they make you wonder if you're the crazy one...


...and of course at that point, you undoubtedly are.
Heh, I was addicted to diph for awhile in my opiate career. Wake up, eat 300mg with my DOC (IV heroin or tons of Hydrocodone) redose another 300mg midday with more opiates, then one last 3-400mg at night to sleep, usually mixed with ambien or more opiates. Never experienced problems until I got sober. Then if I were to take 900mg throughout the day with my suboxone, I'd hear people call my name, like literally beside my ear or in the kitchen. I thought I heard my mom call my name once, so I went downstairs, turned my dads lights on at 3am n realized they had been seperated for over a year. Felt bad waking him up.. Facepalmed it..
I don't understand why people enjoy taking dph/dimenihydrate. White spiders crawling on the skin, can barely remember the experience, feel mentally retarded for a couple days, no thanks.
i've took 450 mg of this one time and visuals was very crazy and real, rats, scorpions, worms, it was unpleasant but i was not scared.