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Opioids Dilaudid- sterile injection formula- home brew help


Apr 28, 2024
Im looking for help in safely creating a safer injectable formual than what Ive been doing. I have read through quite a few threads on here including that 32page + one right now on safe IV prep. I assume it does not matter whether you shoot it IM or IV when making it. I have never done IV (besides in the hospital) however I have gotten into IM dilaudid recently and would like to do everything possible to make this as safe as possible. I have a high tolerance so before anyone asks its pretty high. I took a IM shot w 8x8mg dillys this am and it was nothign much for me.
So if anyone can help direct me how best to do this i would greatly appreciate it. I will list what all I have below.
unlimited BA water (sterile water)
tons of 20g 3ml needle syringe combo, every size screw on tip to chang to anywhere between 25-30g tips.
1 cc 30g 5/16 diabetic pins.
5-10ml syringes.
Syringe filters: PTFE .22um/13mm syringe filters (100ct) & PES .22um 33mm hydrophillic filters (10) thsese ones look alot bigger like theyd be for bigger batches.
8mg IR Dilaudid pills (55 left and a cpl hundred more on the way).

I would like to make enough where I only need to make it once a day or once every cpl days. I don't know if that's possible though as I've seen people say the filters clog when you try to make too much at once?
I plan on shooting this IM. I have never done it IV though Im interested in trying if I could use less than when I do IM. Could one likely use a lot less going IV over IM? Would 2mg IV be a good starting place or is that too low with a tolerance like mine?

I was grinding the pills into powder and backloading them in a syringe before drawing BA water into it and letting it dissolve. I then put a filter on it and pushed it into a vial. I drew it out of the vial in a new syringe and IM'd it. I only made it for injecting right then so i never cared how much water i used. I dont know if more water will make it filter easier as its more diluted but I would like to create a formula so I know that 1ml solution = example 24mg or any other variable mg/ml dilaudid when I create this going forward. Does anyone have a reciept they can share to make a sterile injectable formula?
As always, I appreciate your time and direction very much.
Dude. You’re using a lot of tablets. I get you’ve got money and supplies. But your also flirting with I. V and there’s no coming back from that. Why not try a book instead? Maybe just one or just half?
Dude. You’re using a lot of tablets. I get you’ve got money and supplies. But your also flirting with I. V and there’s no coming back from that. Why not try a book instead? Maybe just one or just half?
Ha that’s funny. I meant try a boof! Put it in your butt. . Mix the chosen dose with water. Just one at a time. Get a one ml oral syringe draw it up. Lay on your side. Grease up the barrel. Gently insert. Quarter of an inch. Plunge. Rush. It’s nice.
Dude. You’re using a lot of tablets. I get you’ve got money and supplies. But your also flirting with I. V and there’s no coming back from that. Why not try a book instead? Maybe just one or just half?
thank you. I decided not to IV anything. Dilaudid just makes me lose all control. Any boundaries I set went out the window.

I apologize, was not trying to come across as arrogant or anyway that may have read.
Do not IM pills it can cause a abcess. Your best bet is to use sterile water and a micron filter
Thank you. I did that. I dont know wtf I was or was not thinking. Any rationale goes out the window w this addiction.

I do have a question about filters if you dont mind? Do you use the filter and then pitch it or does running sterile BA water through it after filtering produce any wortth while amnt? Was not sure if you get most of it your first run or if you need to flush it out afterwards?

Thank you again.