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Dilaudid,morphine from poppy tea?

Dec 8, 2019
My pain mgt doc called me cause he found dilaudid,morphine,kratom in my urine test, does pod tea show up as dilaudid on a test ,,,i drank pod tea the morning of the appointment and kratom the day before so morphine and kratom make total sense

This aint about trying to beat a urine test i really dont care about that its the dilaudid that has me scratching my head…
Hydromorphone is semi synthetic. Maybe a false positive from a different opiate in the pods? Just a guess
Hydromorphone seems like a possible outcome of morphine metabolism so it very well may form as a metabolite via dehydrogenation and reduction. If you consume enough morphine you can probably generate enough of it as a metabolite to trigger a positive result on a urine test.
Yup looks like it does occur:

You'd probably need to consume multiple hundreds of milligrams of morphine for it to be detectable though.
Its only a guess but i think a cup of my pod tea is about 150-200mg,
If oxy and morphine are close i shoot about 150mg oxy a day but i get way,way higher off my tea
To me oxymorp and oxy are really close if shooting, im drinking the tea though
Its only a guess but i think a cup of my pod tea is about 150-200mg,
If oxy and morphine are close i shoot about 150mg oxy a day but i get way,way higher off my tea
To me oxymorp and oxy are really close if shooting, im drinking the tea though

How many grams do you use for your pod tea? How are you preparing it? Podspresso?

Do you know what type of poppies? Recently I grew some poppies indoors that absolutely blow away any of the pods I used to buy online (and I was a daily user for a while so I've consumed hundreds of pounds worth of pods I've bought online). It is like hydroponic grown indoor weed versus mexican outdoor brick weed in potency difference (in terms of strength by weight, thus much lower doses are required with this stuff than I am used to). The stuff I grew tastes very different from the old pods I used to buy, it has a weird spice to it (imagine licking the floor of an Indian restaurant) that lingers in the mouth forever. The other day I was cutting some pods off the plant and licking the latex that came out of each stem and by the time I was done my tongue was burning so severely and for so long that I had to cover it with lidocaine cream to try to get it to stop.

What's crazy is, one would think that drinking a whole cup of that shit would burn when it finally comes out of you, but either it isn't excreted that way or I was too high to feel it coming out.
How many grams do you use for your pod tea? How are you preparing it? Podspresso?

Do you know what type of poppies? Recently I grew some poppies indoors that absolutely blow away any of the pods I used to buy online (and I was a daily user for a while so I've consumed hundreds of pounds worth of pods I've bought online). It is like hydroponic grown indoor weed versus mexican outdoor brick weed in potency difference (in terms of strength by weight, thus much lower doses are required with this stuff than I am used to). The stuff I grew tastes very different from the old pods I used to buy, it has a weird spice to it (imagine licking the floor of an Indian restaurant) that lingers in the mouth forever. The other day I was cutting some pods off the plant and licking the latex that came out of each stem and by the time I was done my tongue was burning so severely and for so long that I had to cover it with lidocaine cream to try to get it to stop.

What's crazy is, one would think that drinking a whole cup of that shit would burn when it finally comes out of you, but either it isn't excreted that way or I was too high to feel it coming out.
I split a pound into 4 so it’s about 4 ounces of pod in a batch when I cook it, as soon as I deseed it I crush them by hand and drop the plant matter In a blender then right to the stove top for two simmers than let sit over night ,strain the liquid out of it and do another wash/ simmer but the second is only about 4-6 hrs than strain off that liquid and combine both liquids and reduce it down from a total of about 3 liters of liquid till it’s about 12-16 ounces left which looks like brown motor oil looking color to it and that’s it..
Having it sit overnight is important because it increases its strength a lot,I made a batch in a couple hrs once using 4 ounces and it wasn’t as strong as if it’s left out overnight …

I never had fresh pods so I don’t know about the burning your talking about cause my finished product just taste like very strong tea ,a huge wave of nausea hits you in 10 minutes after drinking and from there the effects start to be felt,it holds me till the end of the second day.
Even though I really like pod tea especially with its long legs I still prefer the rush from shooting smack or the dilaudid I got after several surgeries I had in 2021,I love the rush.